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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / FCAW Welder qualification
- - By Scott House Date 09-15-2009 00:15
What is the best type of self shielding multi-pass wire to use on a 3G & 4G 3/8" plate bend test with backing.. I'm kind of hoping to find something smaller than .068 for equipment reasons.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 09-15-2009 21:38
I think .045 would work well for multi pass.
I would do 1 root pass, 2 fill passes, and a 3 pass cap, all stringers.
Parent - - By Scott House Date 09-16-2009 07:46
That's the diameter wire I'm wanting, but I was inquiring more about the type, i.e.: E71T-8 or E71T-7. I think from what I've researched that E71T-8 would hold up better in a bend test, but I haven't been able to find it in .045. E71T-11 has been tried, but I just found out it's listed as a vert.down wire wire where as I'm needing vert. up. Any thoughts?
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-16-2009 12:15 Edited 09-16-2009 12:25

Yesterday I spoke with our local Lincoln rep to inquire about a good out of position wire and he suggested NR 232 .068 set at 100 ipm and 22V. I have a roll and did not like it but today(weather permitting) I will give it another chance. Maybe I was holding my head wrong. I don't know about the bend results.

Almost all of my recent FCAW experience was 1G NS 3M Lincoln wire. If you or anybody ever need a flat/horizontal wire I don't think you can get a better wire than this. Great deposition, appearance, slag removal and UT acceptance rate...depends on operator too :)

I'm trying .068 NR 233 today also.

Sorry I can't help with bend results but perhaps you can call your local weld supplier and ask for your Lincoln rep and/or others and they might have a good suggestion. Or contact them directly, I bet they will be more than happy to assist you.
Parent - - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 09-16-2009 14:29
Hey Scott,

Try the Innershield Lincoln NR 212   .045  E71TG-G DC (DCEN)

Parent - - By Scott House Date 09-17-2009 02:18
My only problem with the NR 212 is that even though it's listed as a vert. up or vert. down wire, Lincoln's own website says in it's description of the wire that it's not recommended for vertical up. I wish they could make up their mind. However, other than that comment, it seems to meet my requirements. I'm mainly testing Iron Workers who tend to only use self shielding wire in the field for structural applications. I'm just trying to keep the parameters of the test as similar as possible. I'm probably being too fickle. Thanks for the help everybody.
Parent - - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 09-17-2009 11:01

I have already done my in house bends with the NR212...  VERT UP ON 3/8" CARBON STEEL PLATE...
Mine was for open-butt no backing...  If you are using a backing plate you should have no problem...

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-17-2009 18:07
I would suggest letting the welder supply his own electrode to avoid the problem of; "That's not the electrode I'm used to using, it runs differently from what I normally use."

I haven't supplied electrode or welding machines for nearly twenty years. It eliminates soooo many headaches and I don't have to listen to the whining, crying, and excuses why they didn't pass the test. About the only thing I insist on is that the E7018 be in an unopened can. Other than that, they can use a welder with four cylinder engine, firing on two cylinders if they want to. It's their money, they can spend it as they see fit. If they fail the test, they have no one to blame but themselves.

I don't even provide a place for them to test. They make the arrangements and I show up to witness the test. They can weld their test plates in their kitchen, basement, garage, shop, or under the old Oak tree in the back of the house in 10 degree weather with the wind howling if they want to.

What welding procedure are you going to use?

"Welding procedure? I don't need no stinkin welding procedure!"

"Yes you do." They provide the parameters and I write a prequalified WPS on the spot for them to follow.

"Do you have a chipping hammer?

"Chipping hammer?  I don't need no stinkin chipping hammer, this is multipass electrode!" (Yes, it did happen that way and no, he didn't pass.)

"OK buddy, where the money so we can start this side show!"

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 09-19-2009 01:00
That's too funny 803056!! I'm glad to see I am not the only one who has dealt with those types of test takers. I used to prep both pipe and plate tests for people off the street to test with at our school.(tyring to be a nice guy and save them some time) No more! After about the tenth guy to blow a root and blame the fit up I now say over there is your coupons, you set it up.  The best one though was a guy that came wearing a three piece suit and loafers for his weld test. I swear I'm not making this up. He said "My boss told me to be here at 8:00 for some kind of test"
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-19-2009 03:15
Did he have three number two pencils with pink erasers on the end?

Nothing surprises me when it comes to test time. A few welders are truly professional and a few others are total Bozos. Fortunately the majority of the welder I encounter take pride in their work and try to do their best under some very trying situations.

Most of the problems I encounter are management problems, i.e., they don't provide the information needed by the welder or the direction required by the welder. Somehow, the welder works around the problem and does the best he can with what he has to work with.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 09-19-2009 12:06
No bumblers or wannabees over here fellas.. Just trying to help out a fellow tradesman...

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-20-2009 03:18
Hello Trlblzr302;

My response wasn't directed to you in particular, but to any "testing agency" attempting to provide the welder with the "best" electrode.

There is nothing wrong with one welder recommending a particular electrode, brand or welder, etc. to another welder, but for a testing agency, it is a losers battle.

It looks like you have a nice webpage under construction.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 09-20-2009 14:57
Okay Al,

Understood, and appreciate the feedback... Have a safe one....

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / FCAW Welder qualification

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