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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Any Special Welder Perf. Quals Req'd for ASME B31.3 ??
- - By tom cooper (**) Date 09-20-2009 15:29
For an upcoming ASME B31.3 piping project, classified as “High Pressure Fluid Service” , I am required to qualify two new separate weld procedures.  The alloys I am to use in production will both be SA-691 pipe; one will be for a  P-1 Group 2 material and separately the other will be a P-5A Group 1 material.

According to B31.3 (version 2002) paragraph K328.2.1,  I must use the exact same material for each PQR as in production and I am to have impact testing done in both cases.   I may not use plate for a pipe qualification.  My procedures will both be for SMAW.

So far, so good?

Now when it comes to all the welder performance qualifications, I am not sure what we need to do;
Will  the welders who have previously qualified for SMAW on any other P-1 material (plate or pipe) under ASME Section IX already be qualified for the B31.3 welds on P-1 Gr 2 pipe ? and on P-5A Gr 1pipe ? Or will they need some new quals to be done?   B31.3 really doesn't say much.

It seems to me that ASME Section IX QW-423.1 allows ANY welder performance test on  P-1 through P-11, P34, or P-41 though P-49 (irrespective of Group number) will be applicable to our forthcoming B31.3 “high pressure” production.   Is this true?

Advice gladly received and thankyou. 
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-21-2009 23:10
One additional requirements comes to mind. The welders have to be qualified by bend tests, RT is not an acceptable option.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 09-22-2009 11:30
Tom, I am workiing extensively with Chapter K and here's what latest edition say's (aside from what you've already mentioned):

K328.2.1 Qualification Requirements.
(e) Mechanical testing is required for all performance qualification tests.  (Agreeing with Al)
(f) Qualification on pipe or tubing shall also qualify for plate, but qualification on plate does not qualify for pipe or tubing. (You already mentioned)

K328.2.3 Performance Qualification by Others. Welding performance qualification by others is not permitted.

K328.2.4 Qualification Records. Paragraph 328.2.4 applies.

328.2.4 Qualification Records. The employer shall maintain a self-certified record, available to the owner (and the owner’s agent) and the Inspector, of the procedures used and the welders and welding operators employed, showing the date and results of procedure and performance qualifications, and the identification symbol assigned to each welder and welding operator.

I believe where ASME IX permits P1 to qualify for P1 - P11, etc., these rules still apply, I see nothing in Chapter K to change them.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Any Special Welder Perf. Quals Req'd for ASME B31.3 ??

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