Rocko, check on Craigslist, you can find the lincoln tombstone welders for $75-100. First, I'm no big experienced pipeliner or pipewelder but here are my thoughts. The "pipeline" is pretty much stick if your talking oil/gas. They use some other types of welding, clamp on mig and other sorts of things and most likely things I don't even have a clue about. Your gonna find your tig pipe welding in the steam, nuke, process piping, down in the shipyards. Some may be tig root and run out the rest with a 7018 or it may just be tig all the way out. Other places still run 6010 root with a 7018 hot/fill and cap, kinda like the job I'm doing now. I've seen some places doing pipe with mig, not automated but actually welder dude welding the pipe.
In my experience so far, learn to pipe weld with the stick, downhill, uphill then transition over to the tig. For me it was a lot easier to start doing the tig cause I had my body movements on how to get around the pipe already built in from the stick welding, just putting your offhand to work now and trying not to contaminate the tungsten. Plus you'll have an idea on what needs to be done, you'll have to figure out how to do it with the tig obviously. My cap and fill passes came easily with the tig, my root pass......well, still working on it having a time with that still, as I said, not big experienced just what I have found in my own situation.
On the welder side of it, with the Lincoln tombstone welder you can set yourself up a dry rig and then you'll have tig, not fancy but workable. Welder friend has one set up on his tombstone, got one for my miller in the shop. Around $200 maybe? Airgas has some good prices on torches and all the stuff you'll need to put one together. I have a cousin and his son is going through Boces right now for welding up in between Rochester and Buffalo. Seems like a pretty good program.
Good luck and keep on practicing, that's what it takes!