Yea things are tough for everybody, I have three jobs in the making and if one of them dont come thur I may be eating beans with no bread. On top of that my house got taken over with mold had to haul it out and build a 1100 square feet new house and now I owe my family and in laws 35kfor coming to my rescue, then wife left, cant say as I blam her, Found out I have hipitius c( liver dease) taking treatment and it is about to kill me been taking it for 5 months and got five more to go. Dogs old and cant get around anymore, oh he's got worms on top of that, cant bring my self to put him down, nor have the money to take him to vet, my mother is almost 80 and she needs help but you know out of everybody she is doing the best god bless her someone needs to because I damn sure aint in good sourts to be any help.
But we do the best we can and keep pluging at it and always remember that someone eles has it worse off than you and I, I know that sounds weird after rereading post, but hey. God Bless, Right? Oh almost forgot had two mini strokes back in January damn near killed me, quit smoking after 38 years real fun to be around after 10 months. Got to take 14 pills a day and give my self a shot from he!! once a week but that will be over with in 5 months and only have to take 3 or four a day after that. I guess thats enough.