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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 TC-U5-GF/ SAW Joint Bevel Angle Differance
- - By eekpod (****) Date 11-03-2009 18:57

What's the background on why some of the bevel angles are the same for different processes and some are different??

For example TC-U5-GF full pen w/ FCAW can only be 45 degrees, and SAW can only be 60 degrees, that's a big differance, why aren't I allowed to use 45 degrees with SAW?

But then TC-U4a-GF or SAW the bevel angles overlap each other for FCAW and SAW (30 or 45 degrees).

Why can't they all over lap so that basically any bevel angle can be used with any process?

Just wondering  Chris
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-03-2009 22:49
Larger included angle usually but not always equates to less residual stress in the joint afterwards, of course the geometry does differ when one uses a process with less heat input also. ;) What it comes down to is the behavior of each process, and how it relates to the amount of the heat input, and how large of a HAZ is made which one wants to minimize as much as possible...

Then of course, travel speed does change this also. So in effect, The primary reason is to minimize residual stresses as much as possible for each joint geometry as it relates to each of the various processes as well as insuring uniform fusion and penetration within the entire joint and this also is dependent on the process being used. ;)

Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 11-03-2009 22:56
I have been thinking about this all day, trying to word it.
But I just cold not phrase it in such a way as to not cause more confusion. LoL
But Henry did for you.
Thanks Again Henry I was starting to get discouraged.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-03-2009 23:10
In my opinion, be it so humble, the differences are due to the need for additional or less clearance to permit access of the "welding aparatus".

Welding with SMAW; clearance must be sufficient to permit the electrode to be positioned at the root at the proper angle to deposit the weld bead. The diameter of the rod influences the size of the opening provided by the groove. Comparing that (SMAW) to gas shielded FCAW, there must be sufficient clearance to permit the gas nozzle to be positioned close to the area where the weld is deposited (due consideration given for the electrode extension beyond the end of the gas nozzle) at the proper angle to allow the welder to deposit a good sound weld. I would expect the groove to be "larger" when using the FCAW-G simply because the "gun" requires more "room".

Best regards - Al
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 11-04-2009 11:31
I may have some members that are 4" thick that require full penetration welds per TC-U5.

I'm helping estimating determine how much filler wire to carry if we get this project.

If we use our everyday 1/16" or 3/32" FCAW per TC-U5-GF I can have a 45 degree bevel.

If we SAW it I have to use a 60 degree bevel per TC-U5-S.

To minimize the amount of passes, I was hoping I could use the 45 with SAW but it's not pre-qualified.  Then I checked some other joints and like I said earlier they do over lap in groove angles.

It does make sense to move some heat out away from the joint, I guess I was thinking I would do that with the pre-heat, it never occured to me that they would incorporate that into the welded joint.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 TC-U5-GF/ SAW Joint Bevel Angle Differance

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