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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Local 798 workers
- - By nfl Date 11-12-2009 21:07
What is your yearly schedule like? Do you work 12 months a year, or 9-10 months a year? Just want to know how you spare your free time and get a living? Work another part-time job, I suppose?
Parent - - By nfl Date 11-13-2009 02:53
Anybody else, who isn't in the Local 798, knows?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-22-2009 13:42
I'm not in the 798 but ran into a fella at the lws the other day sportin' the 798 plate on his rig. Real nice guy, talked with him for about 30 minutes then figured I'd shut up and let him get going. He said he worked 5 months this year, been a slow one. I think he said something about being on the "wheel". Don't want to elaborate any more than that, not sure what all they want out there. Not sure if they have the same policy as the Marines, what goes on in the house stays in the house...gonna keep everything in the house on this one. Hopefully that little tidbit is what your looking for though.
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 11-22-2009 15:16
I talked to a guy last weekend at a party that was a 798 although this was like 4 years ago it sounded like he was out of work and been outta work a while now. When there is work it sounded like a pretty dam good union though. He said he went out there trained for 11 month at there training facility and they got him a job and he went out bought a truck and all and did very well until he crushed his leg by some pipe.
Parent - By nfl Date 12-05-2009 00:34
So I've heard 5 months in a terrible year? That's not so bad after all!
Parent - - By mopar52 (*) Date 11-23-2009 23:32
well there is over 1000 welders on the wheel at the moment........
Parent - - By nfl Date 11-24-2009 00:28
I thought that was over with in mid-April?
Parent - - By mopar52 (*) Date 11-24-2009 17:38
it was for a little bit, but its back up there again
Parent - - By sjkelly328 (**) Date 11-24-2009 20:25
i talked to a buddy of mine he put his name on today he is 1153
Parent - - By mopar52 (*) Date 11-24-2009 23:00
its getting bad, im at 158 but im sure glad im not at the bottom, but in the other hand also ive been waiting long enough that i won't have enough gas money to even get to the job when i get to the top.
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-25-2009 00:32
Im at 571 so it will be awhile!!!
Parent - - By bullsnbets (**) Date 11-26-2009 16:01
I was at 558 at the end of August. As of this morning I was 325. I'm hoping it's a pretty good spot for the Southern work that's kickin off first of the year. Wouldn't mind "summerin'" in Florida.....
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 11-29-2009 19:47
Remember fellas, you can still work some of the building trade jobs an not loose your spot on the wheel. I just got home from a shutdown in WI out of Local 400 an we had about 6 798 hands up there with us. I know our side of things don't pay near what the pipelines do but it's better than unemployment an still union work. I'm just hopin that this comin year is as good as they're sayin it will be with the Ruby project expectin to go along with a possibility of Enbridge finishin up the crude line from Pontiac to Patoka in IL. Plus, that XL project will be bad-ass if the UA can get Trans-Canada to sign an agreement to give us all the line & station work.
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-30-2009 00:57
Thats what I am trying to do. I went and took the UA 21 and UA 22 building trades cert weld tests and passed both of them. They told me that you didnt have to have them on all jobs but some of the jobs required them and it would help on all jobs. I figured I couldnt go wrong by having the certs.
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 11-30-2009 04:06
The certs themselves are kinda useless but helpful. The reason the certs are good to have is that if a hall is lookin for stainless welders, the 41 cert will get your foot in the door for a dispatch. I've only had about 5 jobs where they took the certs on face value, but they still shot the first 5 production welds on 3 of those jobs. Other than that, you're gonna be tested at every job you go on. The more certs you have, the better your chances are of gettin a call so do all that you can. The other certs I'd recommend you take are the 63, 61, and 25. The 63 is carbon tig/stick on a 2" .675 coupon. Most contractors are giving this as a gate test nowdays. The 63 is the same thing but is stainless tig/stick. The 25 is carbon tig all the way out on a 2" XXS that qualifies you up to .875" or so. The more you got, the better your chances.
Parent - - By okwelder82 (***) Date 11-30-2009 04:34
Yeah there are some others I would like to take. That is the reason I took them so it would help me get the call to go to work. I know I will still be tested on every job, thats typical.
Parent - - By DONKEY PUNCH Date 12-01-2009 03:38
seems like to me cacto is jealous of you ok82 i bet he goes around telling people at the coffee shop hes a pipeliner . but in reality he just a pipewhiner. i bet he sends you private messages saying he wants you to show him how to weld .
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 03-22-2010 18:05
bump for donkey's first post
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-30-2009 02:43
Hey OKIEDOKIE thats 571 on the Helpers wheel right ?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Local 798 workers

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