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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Question about Element 14 in AISC STD
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-15-2003 13:57
Element 14 envolves writing procedures to verify all equipment is in calibration. This part I think I have covered, but at the bottom of the page, it asks for a procedure to address "what to do if a gage is found out of calibration" and how we as a company will cope with it's absence while it's being sent out for calibration. At least some people here are interpeting that to say what I descibed. I'm not convinced it says we have to have a procedure on "how to cope without a piece of equipment while it's out being calibrated", I think it is asking that we say what we will do if a piece is found to be out of calibration and how we prevent inadvertent use where calibrated equipment is required.

Anyone else have a handle on this part of the new AISC standard that would like to share your ideas with me?
John Wright
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 08-15-2003 15:25
Hi John,
I think what they are looking for is a procedure that defines the following:
1. When a calibrated instrument is found to be out of cal, for whatever reason, all parts that have been verified with said instrument, back to the date of last calibration, have to be reinspected.
2. How you will deal with any parts still in your shop that have been found to be rejectable, that were accepted through the use of an out of cal instrument.
3. How you will deal with any parts that have been shipped to a customer that have found to be rejectable, that were accepted through the use of an out of cal instrument.
4. How you will go about preventing any further parts from being accepted until the out of cal instrument has been replaced/calibrated.
5. How you will document this nightmare.

In other words, the finding of instruments that are out of cal, especially by an auditor, opens up a big ol' nightmarish can of worms!

A good way to avoid this is to have another procedure for weekly and sometimes daily calibration verification checks on inspection instruments.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-15-2003 15:43
I don't like those "Can-o-Worms" syndroms. I would think it gives the auditor something to go "Fishing" with? Yeah, I better write the procedure then, I wouldn't want him to catch a big one.
John Wright :)
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-15-2003 22:05
I think your interpretation is correct.
I feel the best approach it the K.I.S.S. method. I like Tim's comment on checking calibration before using the instruments but I would stay clear of giving too much.

All I would do (will be doing) is to address calibration as you have done. Then I would address when cal checks are required and what to do with equipment that is out of calibration (adjust, repair, factory return, replace,etc,). Then I would write out how you will determine if there is any impact on your production pieces. I would include something where fitness-for-purpose is evaluated for acceptance or rejection. Of course, there needs to be some type of documentation.

I would not address how to cope without a particular piece of equipment. Calibrated skidmores can be rented or borrowed, volt-amp meters can be purchased quickly. I would not tie myself to those details.

We well know that nailer holes in a beam flange certainly do not need to be held to +/- 1/16" while field bolted splice plates often need to be within 1/32" to fit properly (unless match-drilled). With the new AISC program there is a tendency to make every procedure much more restrictive then it needs to be. Trouble is, in the structural steel business, each project can be vastly different than another project, as you well know. No two widgets are the same so it's hard to write a procedure that covers every possibility. All AISC wants everyone to do is to develop procedures that reflect what they will actually do to comply with the AISC Specifications.

Pretty simple, huh? (Yeah,right!)
Chet Guilford

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-18-2003 19:52
I was warned of writing too much in those procedures to where you back yourself into a corner, so I would like for them to be as generic as I can and still have the proper elements to pass for a written procedure. My day is pretty full most days and I wouldn't want to create any more work for myself or anyone else. I have papered myself to the point that's all I did was paper and very little inspecting, in the past. This is the part of my job I would like to hand off to somebody else. Shop time is money and I would like for shop time to be for production instead of filling out paper. Getting this balance is hard when you have to cover all these items with procedures and documentation to back up that you are in fact doing the procedure.
I'm going to be out with surgery tomorrow(8/18/03) and several weeks of recovery, so I'll have some time to sit at home and get some of these issues worked out on paper.
I'll try and sign on at home some and keep up with what's going on on the forum.
Have a good one!
John Wright
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-18-2003 20:40
Here's hoping your surgery and recovery go well for you! By all means, stay in touch if you feel up to it. If you are not able to, then everyone will understand.
Good luck,
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-20-2003 16:50
Many Thanks guys,
I'm at home and feel reasonably well. I appreciate you keeping me in your prayers as that means a lot. Great bunch of guys/gals here in the forum and look forward to reading your posts in my time off.
Take care,
John Wright
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 08-18-2003 22:28
Good luck with the surgery John...
Don't flirt with the Nurses too much, until you are well enough to back it up!

Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 08-19-2003 03:22
Be well John.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-19-2003 05:48
Hello JW!!!

You'll Definitely be in my prayers!!!!


SSBN727 Run Silent... Run Deep!!!
Parent - By ziggy (**) Date 08-22-2003 16:27
Say what you do.
Do what you say.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Question about Element 14 in AISC STD

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