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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / finding a job
- - By young CWI Date 11-03-2009 01:54
Hi, im not sure if this should be posted here or not. This is my first post. Im 27 and just became a CWI and im trying to find work. My question is how do i go about it when companies want years working and usually a ndt cert of some sort. Any advise would be great.  Thanks
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 11-03-2009 02:02
What did you do before you tested for the CWI and what company do you work for now if anyone?  What industries have you worked in or are interested in? What job sites or websites have you visited looking for work lately? Where do you currently live and are you willing to travel?
Start with answering those questions and we may get you to a solution. 
Parent - - By young CWI Date 11-03-2009 02:16
Thanks for the reply. i have welded for about 8 years all of them in shops. my last welding job was building trains. i moved in to quality over a year ago but that company shut down so the company i work for now does not do any welding. I just wanted to stay in inspecting so i took the job. I paid for myself to take the CWI exam. Im not sure what i want to get into because i have not done a wide variety of things. I live in upstate NY so I have looked for companies around here and just some websites online. I would not mind traveling i just cant move right now because my wife is finishing school for her masters but traveling is fine.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 11-03-2009 04:32
Well, I can only really speak from experience in the petroleum industry however I believe some principles carry over to all industries.  I believe that right now more than the last few years companies are looking for and holding out for people with more experience because they can get them to come over and can get them for less than a few years back.  Your solution to this is to increase your certifications/qualifications if you can not increase your experience.  A magnetic particle or liquid dye penetrant certification would dress up your resume as would Ultrasonics.  Look into Hellier or search for companies offering NDE/NDT training in your area.  These additional certifications will enhance your CWI in most industries.  You do have experience because you have been welding for 8 years and I would assume your company saw something in you to move you to a quality control position.  You hold an AWS CWI certification which shows you have at least a minimum amount of education and experience to properly inspect and evaluate welds to a given standard.  You show that you have drive, determination and a desire to improve yourself by paying for your CWI on your own. 
I do not work on the East Coast so I cant help you there.  However I can think of some people on this forum that do and might be able to steer you in a good direction.  Have you considered looking for a decent welding job and trying to slip into a QC position from within?  Bottom line is the more certs you have the better your chances are at landing that job.  NDE certs can be had for $700 to $1000+ per class and may help get your foot in that door.
Mistras is headquartered in Princeton Junction NJ and performs work all over the country.
Wanna travel....Here ya go
Havent explored these guys too much...maybe youll find something...
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 11-03-2009 11:01
young CWI
Welcome to the worlds best welding forum I have found.
As to being sure of the correct location of your post, actually I would have posted a couple of other places since you are not discussing training.
There is the topic of inspection which I take you are wanting to find a job doing.
But Rander has given some good info, and it is the norm for hirers of inspectors get all they can for their buck so they are requiring the ndt certs more and more.
If you don't want to work in the same shop everyday then you could hire on with an inspection firm. There you can probably pay your dues and pick up additional certs with experience.
Good Luck
Parent - - By young CWI Date 11-03-2009 17:10
Thanks for the info, I do have my MT and PT certs but no OTJ Training. I plan on going for a UT cert when i get the money after i pay off the CWI exam. But i cant get the hands on I need. well i will keep trying. Thanks again.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 11-09-2009 16:10

Hers a couple recent postings for a CWI position in New York.  Give em a call and perhaps after you sit down and talk they will decide you are the man for the job.  It cant hurt to call. 
Parent - - By Len Andersen (***) Date 11-25-2009 18:02
Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Was there a while ago. Started CWI'ing 1993. What I would tell my brother or sister in your situation is
1. call AWS for employers of CWI's and send the ones they supply a resume with a cover letter saying ready to travel and full / part time / spot work. I believe long time ago they knew the big players with construction related.
2. E-mail local district directors with resume and cover letter. Most AWS section meeting there is one or more CWI.
3. Do not send e-mails with spelling errors looking for work this is largely dependent on writing reports!
Hope this is helpful.
                                Len Andersen

www.lenandersen / 212-839-6599 / 4042 FAX / 914-237-7689
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 11-30-2009 20:52
Young CWI   Where do you live in upstate NY? I had a company in Schenectady call me the other day looking for a CWI. I didn't know of any for him. The company is called QA/QC on State Street in Schenectady.
Parent - - By young CWI Date 12-01-2009 01:42
jsdwelder, thanks for the reply. I live 45 min from there. Use to work down that way. I will try to find them and send my resume to them.
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-01-2009 17:24
Did you work at Super Steel? My son was a welder there. It's a shame they couldn't make it work.
Parent - - By young CWI Date 12-01-2009 22:10
Yes I did. What is your sons name? I dont think they couldnt make it work they just didnt want to make it work. I do wish i still worked there because i wouldnt have this problem of finding a CWI job. I started there welding then moved in to quality.
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-02-2009 01:06
His name is Andy Daubert. He ended up getting a really good job the day after he got laid off. I wish you the best in your job search. I work at Modern Welding School. We helped get Super Steel in the area in 1995 and it is too bad they never lived up to what they said they would be. We put alot of welders in there. As I'm sure you found out, they never had been managed properly. Stop in and see me sometime and introduce yourself. My name is Jeff. Another place in our area to try is Able Testing. They are in Duanseburg. I know they look for CWI's from time to time.
Parent - - By young CWI Date 12-02-2009 01:26
I thought thats who your son was. He talked about you a few times. Im glad to hear that he found a good job. I was going to go fishing with him some time but it just never happen. When are you at Modern? And i have  heard of Able. I also talked to Jeff at Entec and he said its a little slow right now for him. You are right, the management was horrible at Supper Steel. They had plenty of work just the wrong group of people running the place. My name is Mike, when you see Andy tell im i said hi. He will remember me i was inspecting on nights.
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-02-2009 12:48
I'm here Mon-Thur 7:00 to 4:30
Parent - - By young CWI Date 12-02-2009 22:19
i was we have section meetings around this area? And if we do when and where?
Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 12-03-2009 12:14
I believe they are the first Tuesday of each month at the Mill resturaunt off of Rt 7 by the airport.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / finding a job

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