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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Oklahoma state pipe cert?
- - By pipehead (***) Date 12-03-2009 23:38
talked to a company in okla about a job today.....and i need a steam card I believe? can anyone tell me more about this?
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 12-04-2009 00:13
6G pipe test, 6 inch sch 80 on a 45
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 12-04-2009 00:22
5p....7018 fill and cap? all uphill? and where or who do i contact about a test?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-04-2009 08:56
all 6g tests are on a 45 angle

I would imagine its uphill pipehead, if it is a pressurized pipe cert...if its a 6010/lo-hy out that's a cakewalk for you.

Call a vo-tech around Tulsa and they could probably set you up with the test I would bet.
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 12-04-2009 14:25
cool not much to it must be a asme code?
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 12-05-2009 00:39
root can be down hill, standard testing tested me and i think it 260 bucks
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 12-05-2009 03:51
Cool thanks... i found the website today about the application and with the testing firms
Parent - - By preston davis (**) Date 12-05-2009 04:05
ask for john marks to test you, hes an older guy pretty cool, the younger guy is a prick
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 12-05-2009 13:27 Edited 12-05-2009 13:47
There are several testing facilities and individuals around the state.

The price will vary.  When I tested,  the local Vo-Tech intstructor had several guys who wanted to test and he allowed anyone, student or not, who wanted to take the test to come to the Vo-Tech.  The individual who administered the test came to the Vo-Tech for the testing event.  The cost was $75.00;  $25.00 to the state and $50.00 to the tester.

The tester said if he gave only one person the test it would be $300.00

Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 12-05-2009 13:40 Edited 12-05-2009 15:25
Remember,  the Ok. State Welder Certification card  (don't know where the "steam card" tag got started), does not actually replace any API, ASME, or AWS certifications.  Most of the time (at least in Ok.), you have to have the Ok card before you are allowed to take a jobsite test.

Some companies will accept the Ok. card and not administer their own test.

The info others have given about the 6g test normally being 6" sch. 80 on a 45 angle is correct. You have the option of 6010 root & hot pass and 7018 fill and cap  or   6010 throughout.  There may be other combinations of which I am not aware.


Just to clarify my comment about the "steam card" tag.  The certification card states specifically   "NOT VALID FOR BOILERS/PRESSURE VESSELS".

The only way one can be certified for boilers or pressure vessels is to be certified under an ASME certified shop.  Not on ones own.

Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 12-05-2009 14:24
Tanks griff that helped alot also do you know anything about what preston said about being able to downhill your 5p??? because I have never heard of that when it's a 7018 fill and cap situation?
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 12-05-2009 15:22 Edited 12-05-2009 15:29
It has been about 9 years since I took my test.  At that time, I had to pass on the first shot due to my job.  Being more comfortable with 5P+ downhill, that is what I used and passed the first time. Your "certification sheet" will state the rod, position, travel, pipe size and schedule. The certification card itself shows only the position, certification #, and in some instances the process.

At this time, I am comfortable with  uphill or downhill, 5P or 7018 but have no need to certify again.

The inspector/tester will do a visual appearance inspection and you will cut and prepare four one inch wide test strips; one from each quadrant.  Two will be face bends and two will be root bends.


What part of Ok is your prospective job?

Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 12-06-2009 00:51
It sounds like it will be all over okla. but it's for a pipeline company in the panhandle.. I have worked around that area before and never had to have it...but those companies were based out of tx
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 12-06-2009 16:05
This is only a guess but there are probable loopholes of which I have never heard.

Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 12-06-2009 16:56
I have never heard of anyone who failed the test. To me this is just a way for OK to generate some $$$ from welders. You can do a DH test or a DH bead/HP with LH fill/cap. If someone has failed this test it will be news to me as most of the people who will take this test are professional pipe welders and it is just a butt weld. And the test does not quialfy you to weld for anyone. If you go to a pipeline company or a plant construction company you still have to do the 1104 or Sec IX test to qualify for that project.
Parent - By pipehead (***) Date 12-06-2009 18:10
yeah I hear ya I already the butt and branch done for the company
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 12-06-2009 18:34
I have seen several wannabes fail the test.  As for the rest of your post, you are correct.  I had already stated the Ok card only gets you the in the door to take the company's test.

Parent - By stickwelder (*) Date 12-08-2009 04:35

Most of the info given is correct. Look up the oklahoma dept. of labor website and you can get more details.
The state card is now required for structural work as well. You could test on 3", 6",or plate-any number of ways, multiple codes.
Your card would simply list the process:SMAW, FCAW etc. and position tested:3g, 6g etc.
The qualificaiton paper itself is the only document listing specifics-wall thickness, ranges qualified. The typical information provided on a qual. paper.
Your employer may have requirements-wall thickness,progression etc. It would be safer to check with the employer for specific requirements they may have other than just "6g". That "6g" state card is a bit generic. They may require you to retest anyways, maybe not-depends on the employer. Your card can have multiple processes and positions listed on it. I have students who have qualified with multiple processes and they add them to their card for no add'l charge. Griff is right, just gets you a shot at the companys test-usually.
There is also a list of appoved testing facilities on that site. I have one in Guthrie, but there are probably others closer to you.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Oklahoma state pipe cert?

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