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Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-07-2009 22:56

"yes sharia law is very dangerous, but it is not islam or muslim as most people refer to it."

This statement is just bad history.

I suppose your statement refers to the "crusades"

Islam spread violently through the mideast and turkey (asia) after the 5th century..  In those nations where the Christian gospel was spreading peacefully people were left with a convert or die option... Almost never were the Christian "taxes" prescribed in the Koran obeyed... The taxation itself being a form of oppression. The response of the crusades through Spain, Portugal and further into the mid-east to violent islamic expansion is right there in just about any history book.. It is simply ignored.

Islam has never chosen "love as a long term solution to world peace"    never.  There is only one Gospel of peace.

And again... Most of the islamic nations are absolutly participating in Shaira... You have only to look at a map of islamic populations and their governments.
Parent - By darren (***) Date 12-08-2009 01:33
i dont disagree that the fundemental zealots have interpreted the quron for their own agenda and that in plain words we are screwed. i am saying that just like there are a lot of "christians" that behave nothing like jesus's teachings, there are many "muslims" that do not follow the prophet muhummed's teaching's.
as both professed peace and obedience to god's will as their doctrine.
let me state for the record that i agree that we as a world are facing a huge monster and that is radical fundemental religios despots and zealots and the seemingly largest group that can be identified are flying under the banner of islam and many islamic teachers agree that a very large contingent of those that proport to be muslim are in fact nothing of the kind, but joining a team that is the opposite of what they feel has oppressed them and that would be the judeo/christian countries.
none of it makes any sense to meor many muslims.
again whether sharia is law is a correct interpretation of islam or not it is very dangerous and there will be much war before its removal from earth as a form of oppression.
i dont have the answers to it, i just know many muslims who are just as afraid of it as members of other faiths.
for me saying that islam is responsible for the problem is wrong, people are the problem.
the bible,  bhagavad gita, and the guru granth sab, speak of peace, yet their followers often resort to violence as well.
i dont think the statement is bad history it is idealistic and not actuallistic from the sense that the quron and sharia law have always been found in the same place, but they are indeed seperate, the quron teaches peace and sharia law is a form of hate, oppression and masogynist garbage.
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