I thought I CNN reported this morning that Big O will not attend the climate summit .Now is see that he is any1 got any info on that? So if he does go what are these people going to talk about?
They cant continue with this climate BS without reliable data.....can they? They must have relied on the data to at one point to warrant these climate summits Its like attending a CAR meeting because of a request but finding out the request isn’t real, well I guess that I would have the meeting, but the subject would be how to deal with the false report and suspend any action taken because of the false report. See cuz IMO isn’t that more like a religion than it is science, after all Doesn’t one need to prove out calculate , and predict something for it to be considered science? We cant possibly want to spend more money on this Pipe dream. Any how what do you all Think about this?
"O" has to be in the spotlight so the agenda of distributing Americas money can be realized. The more the hype the less we will look. The whole save the whales eat a beaver campain has more to do with proper financial alignment than really caring about the planet at least for the greedy politicions involved. Old Bore will be an instant Billionare if Pealousey gets the Crap and Fade thing going. After all he did read a script about a dreamed upped senerio, wow kind of like "O" and the teleprompter,
When the majority of the worlds scientists dont believe in it or cant see enough validity in the studies to rally behind this cash cow + Its Crap. I like seeing the little birdies sing as much as the next but buying carbon Credits wont affect nature at all. Unless you are the one handling the money anyway.
They lied their Arse off to take our money and our freedoms and now we found out? Whoops.... did I say that out loud... bad me. Looks like I dont get my peace prize this year...
Any 1 hear that a satellite glitch underestimated polar ice masses and now they find there is as much ice as there was in 1972 when the mapping began? I have not had a change to reasearch yet....But i will. Oh and the falling polar bear global warming comercial
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxvt_KY2LZM in (1959) there were about 2,000 to 2,500 polar bears Looks like they have increased from to 20-25,000 in 2005. Wow thats amazing......maybe thats whay the started droping em out jets.
http://www.newsobserver.com/business/story/221241.html Or how they will be forced to shut them down because it is too expensive to upfit them with scrubbers This recent article is from my state NC, so long coal plants. Hello higher energy bills.
But the latest revelations on "climate gate" will not stop the summits agenda...to control the world under the guise of global warming.
Haven't seen much TV lately but haven't seen anything about the false science and the "cooked books" pertaining to global warming on the news. I think they are ignoring it.....can't let the facts get in the way of science huh?
They have the 60 votes thanks to the fraud here in Minnesota and old Frankinweenie. Wow who would have thought that a state with Will Steegers buddy at the helm would have been the downfall of the American way? I thought Wellstoned was loony.
Our sysytem is now at the point of corruption that the Left has been screeming they need to fix.....but its them thats doing it. thats an old comie trick. so sad so very very sad.
2003 article Our most reliable sources of temperature data show no global warming trend. Satellite readings of temperatures in the lower troposphere (an area scientists predict would immediately reflect any global warming) show no warming since readings began 23 years ago. These readings are accurate to within 0.01ºC, and are consistent with data from weather balloons. Only land-based temperature stations show a warming trend, and these stations do not cover the entire globe, are often contaminated by heat generated by nearby urban development, and are subject to human error.
BTW remember the 57 states Big O campaigned in during his campaign
were these the states?
Organization of the Islamic Conference 57 states.
Remember the 57 states Big O visited……… Was this what he was really talking about? The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) It groups 57 member states.