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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / CT scans
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 12-15-2009 21:28
any 1 have good basic knowledge of how these work??

I ask because they claim radiation exsposure as much as 100 X rays from one scan.

Id love to wear a badge in there.
Parent - - By rlitman (***) Date 12-15-2009 21:47
That's because one scan is basically 100 or so x rays.
Its a digital x-ray scanner, which scans thin sections in slices, from many angles, to produce a 3-d image.  In one CT scan, you get MANY x-rays taken, with a computer used to put them all together into a single set of images for a doctor's interpretation.  The multiple shots can reveal things that a single x-ray won't, but yeah, the radiation dose can be pretty high.

MRI thankfully is a completely different technology that doesn't use ionizing radiation, even though the machines look similar.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 12-15-2009 22:01
That could be a problem.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 12-15-2009 23:23
MRIs make me nervous.  I've had a few and I always look around the room for any loose metal objects:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-16-2009 01:24
You have no magnetism bryon! So don't worry! Bwahahahaha HAHAHA!!! :) :) :)
Your pal,
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 12-16-2009 02:31 Edited 12-16-2009 02:41
Once again fu*k you, Henry.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-16-2009 03:00
My, my, such and eloquent response. Good show of that 'education'.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-16-2009 03:56
Where's your sense of humor bryon??? It's okay to laugh at one self Bryon! ;) I do it every morning when I look at myself in the mirror... Don't tell me you're afraid of mirrors now bryon, are you???

Parent - - By low_hydrogen (**) Date 12-16-2009 01:50
When I had my MRI they warned me that there could be some discomfort?  Due to my tattoo, said some ink has metal in it and can heat up as the MRI trys to pull the metal out of my skin?  lol 

Might be quicker to lay in there to get metal debri out of you eye!!  Of course that would be a $1200 eye exam  unless you have insurance than it $2200?
Paid cash one time cause I didn't have ins they knocked $1000 off the bill....No wonder no one can afford insurance.

Have a friend that's a doctor he said they over bill insurance companies because insurance companies can decide how much they are going to pay for a procedure.
Just a vicious circle insurance takes 30% away from doctors and hospitals, And doctors and hospitals charge more to insurance companies than they do a cash customer to make up for the loss they exspect to take but still claim their "loss" on their taxes.  In the end us consumers take the real hit in the wallet

just my 2 cents 
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 12-16-2009 02:30
I heard the one about the tattoos also.  So I asked the tech about it.  She said its no big deal.  The reason I posted that video is that I heard of someone being killed inside an MRI machine because some dip sh*t left an Oxygen tank in the room.  It flew into the device killing the patient.  I thought it was BS until I saw the video.
As far as the insurance companies go.....nevermind.  :-)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-16-2009 02:48
You got that right Brother!

In fact, every welder who's ever got something in their eye at one time or another throughout their career needs to take an eye exam before they go take an MRI of themselves for whatever reason, and it's a good thing you reminded me about that because it makes all the difference in the world for us welders!!!

I mean could you imagine being inside one of those giant magnets and all of a sudden your eye just explodes on you because you had avoided a mandatory eye exam only to find out that not only did you lose the eye because of ignorance, but you also had something deep inside your eye for quite sometime like some sort of parasite only it was dead, and because you wouldn't take the preliminary eye exam, you all of a sudden ruin your life as you know it in the process???

All of us welders need to always tell the health care providers who work on us regardless of the location that we are welders and if you have never had an MRI before, that YOU MUST GET AN EYE EXAM BEFOREHAND AND REMOVE ANYTHING THAT MAY JUST BE INSIDE YOUR EYE BEFORE YOU GO AND GET THAT MRI DONE - CAPECHE???


Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 12-16-2009 03:24
How about MT powder?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 12-16-2009 02:44
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 12-16-2009 03:15
So how come I don't glow in the dark??? I've had more CT scans than most folks in here except for probably Dave Boyer who's probably had quite a few himself...

I saw the report on CNN and ABC and all of the other nightly news programs and the only reason why I think all of us are more prone to illness nowadays is because of the crap we do not filter out of the water, and the absolute poisons the corporations put in processed foods, but then again I'm no Doctor so I couldn't argue with someone who is unless I was able to share the same data that Doctor had!!! :) :) :)

One thing is for certain, we are alll living longer lives than we ever did before, so most if not all of this stuff these so called geniuses come out with from time to time claiming that this or that will kill you or more thna likely be the cause for one having cancer of some sort is speculative at best, and far from being totally absolute...

In fact regardless of how many CT scans I've had, I'm actually starting to kick the crap out of the current form of cancer I've been battling as of late!!! :) :) :)
In fact my Oncologist is telling me that he thinks if everything goes well, that by February he can claim that my cancer has gone into remission if I continue to receive and show such great results from both the chemo therapy and Radiation therapy as well!!! :) :) :)

I firmly believe that one can beat just about any illness through early detection by being very interactive with your primary care physician, immediately thereafter receiving proper treatment for the malady and going out of the box if necessary just in case conventional treatment doesn't show any results, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible by not abusing yourself with ingesting obviously well known toxins, eating only the most healthy foods, and exercising as much as one possibly can as well as removing as much daily life stress as one can, and miantaining a spiritual connection with God which is the "Glue" if you will - in order to be able to reinforce one's commitment to recovering from illness and maintaining one's health in both the body as well as the mind!

Some people may think that that's a lot of "mumbo jumbo", but until they ever get sick and realize that there is something to following these principles in order to live a decent life, they will always remain ignorant to the importance of taking care of yourself both in the body and mind by being spiritually aware that your actions are open to support and assistance from a power greater than yourself which I choose to call GOD! ;) Those who refuse to accept that usually end up dying a horrible death! :)Or they end up terribly alone even though they live amongst their relatives, friends and the masses... Why??? Because they're in denial!!! Denial of what??? Denial of GOD's Grace - PERIOD!!! :)

Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 12-16-2009 03:22
I have Cluster headaches so ive had my share of MRIs, and when they took a shot from a certian angle once I would see a ring of light with my eyes closed as it ran a scan.
I asked if any1 ever mentioned this but the tech never herd of it.
My guess is ....MT powder....i think i did an inspection that day but not sure.
Any1 ever have that happen.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-16-2009 03:39 Edited 12-16-2009 03:41
I have had a lot of CT scans, that is how they track the growth of My lung tumors and check for tumors that might form elswhere. I get MRI's to track the tumor in My liver, as it doesn't show up well on the CT scan.

I would die sooner from not keeping up on these tumors than I would from the ill effects of the tests.

I have been living with stage 4 colon cancer for over 5 1/2 years now, so We must be doing something right.

Early detection is the key, Had I been on top this cancer in it's early stages, I might have been cured years ago.


Any of You with a family history of colon cancer or pollyps need to be checked at a much earlier age [I prpbably had pollyps at age 40, had they been removed then I would not have gotten cancer].

I always get the eye X ray before an MRI, better safe than sorry. **Oh, do You work with metal? Always have and still do.**
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / CT scans

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