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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Can anybody interpret it?
- - By Nandesh Kumar (*) Date 01-06-2010 07:52
One of our client document says:

" For offshore pipelines, and for other pipelines where required by the project specification CTOD using SENT required."

But our project specification wont calls for CTOD. Now my question is, we are laying an offshore pipeline and is the said test required?

Best regards,
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 01-06-2010 10:26
Nandesh Kumar
Not enough information and I am not an interpreter.
But if the documents are saying when to do CTOD tests?
Then "For offshore pipelines" stands alone.
then it says and "for" other pipelines where required by the project specification CTOD using SENT required
these are two instances where CTOD tests are required, For offshore pipelines and when called for in the project specifications.
Crack Tip Opening Displacement is not something that I was familiar with until this post, Thanks for the question.
Just my opinion. Good Luck
Parent - By Nandesh Kumar (*) Date 01-06-2010 10:40
Thanks Marshall. My interpretation is also same.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-06-2010 10:56
First you have to know what the test are and how they relate. What your client is telling you is that if you utilize CTOD (Crack tip opening displacement) for determining your J integral or J-resistance curves for determining critical defect size I.E. ECA (Engeering Critical Assessment), then you must also use Sent (single edge notch tension) testing to provide accurate numbers rather than deriving your numbers from a simple bend test.

I am surprised your client is allowing the contractor to do that part, but stranger things have happened.

Parent - By Nanjing Date 01-06-2010 12:53
I think you are reading this the wrong way and the comma is causing missinterpretation. Offshore pipelines and others should be lumped together, not treated separately and CTODs are required only when project specifications require. If your project specifications do not call up these tests then they are not required surely. Remember CTOD's are very rarely called for in offshore pipelines.
Parent - By Nandesh Kumar (*) Date 01-06-2010 12:57
Sorry for the incomplete info.

The said test is required in order to qualify the WPS...

Best regards,
Parent - By ndeguy (*) Date 01-06-2010 13:03 Edited 01-06-2010 13:05
Nandesh - does your last post mean you now know the answer - yes it is required? If not, how about submitting a Technical Query to the design authority for the definitive answer.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Can anybody interpret it?

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