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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 1st of the year?
- - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 01-06-2010 23:05
I was just wondering if anyone has found anything yet?
Parent - - By oklawelder (*) Date 01-07-2010 02:15
same ole thing few more weeks starting to have my doubts on the future ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Parent - By lonestarwelder7 (**) Date 01-07-2010 16:27
Same here.
Parent - - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-07-2010 16:51
i'm still looking to hire some GTAW welders for an aerospace company.
got enough work for 1-2 more people.
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 01-08-2010 00:32
where is the work at?
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-08-2010 16:28
southern california, LA area
Parent - - By Rig Hand (***) Date 01-07-2010 23:37
Its only the 7th day of the year and the weather thrughout most of the contry is sh!ty. It'll take 'em a few weeks to get rolling. I think the only thing going right now is rehabs and misc. station work.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 01-07-2010 23:52
TJ Silver from enid oklahoma is doing some rehab work in North Dakoka(8 miles from Canada). He has hired 2 welders from oklahoma to go up there...The weather was great!!! Snow and 40 mph winds... Wind chill is somewhere between -46 and -55 degrees below zero. To those who want to go up there, His company name is Silver Arc Welding, Enid, Oklahoma.
Parent - - By 63 Max (***) Date 01-09-2010 13:20
I started on a compression station in PA on the 14th of Dec. It's part of the Marcella Shale Gas Deposit. I think it will be the big hit this year. They say by this time next year there will be 110,000 perminent jobs, this doesn't include all the companies building the compression stations and running the pipelines. Things are looking good for this year, at least better then 09.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-09-2010 14:23
Where in PA 63 Max?

Parent - By 63 Max (***) Date 01-09-2010 19:17 Edited 01-09-2010 19:26
I'm in the Uniontown area, right outside a little town called Smithfield.  The Marcello Shale is in the Northern Appalachians Mountain region. Western PA, WV, Southeast Ohio are the areas that are suppose to be booming from what I hear.
Parent - By 63 Max (***) Date 01-09-2010 19:28
Henry Looks like I'm working in your back yard, lol. Where do you live.  We are working on a Williams project, they purchased 51% of Atlas.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 1st of the year?

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