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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Backing "rope"
- - By petty4345 (**) Date 01-12-2010 12:52
About 20 years ago, I remember playing around with some of this backing that someone came into our shop with to do some comparison testing.
I think it was about 3/8" diameter and may have been fiber glass. Does anyone know a supplier for something like this?
Ceramics, copper, other backers are not a good solution on this one for us and I just want to give this a shot again.
Working to ASME and will address code requirments during qualification if the experiment works out.
Base material A-240 304 GMAW spray process. All parameters can be changed as needed to make this work. PQR has not been done for this application.
Any one heard of this stuff or know where to get it?
Thanks in advance.
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 01-12-2010 13:21
Do you mean like this?
Good Luck
Parent - By petty4345 (**) Date 01-12-2010 15:11
Thanks for the reply waccobird.
The product I am remembering I guess I could best explain it as the seal material that you would see on a wood stove door.
It was round rope and had no pull strength what so ever. It would just break if you pulled on it.
I saw an experiment done in our shop long ago and it worked very well with "some" processes.
Parent - - By mtlmster (**) Date 01-12-2010 15:07
Petty4345:  The best thing I have found for backing stainless is Solar Flux, Type B!  I love the stuff and it has gotten me through some difficult jobs that I could not have done without it!

I admit there are some applications where it would not be feasable, but, overall it works quite well.

If you want to try it without having to buy a full pound, just for testing, I can send you an ounce or two and you can decide for yourself.

A one pound can cost $39.95 + shipping, or I found it on another website where it was $35.00+shipping.  Problem is shipping ran the cost up to $43.00+, per lb.

Currently, I can sell Solar Flux for $39.95 free shipping.  I don't think you can find it for less anywhere else!

To save on words and typing, the website gives the details on how to use and cleanup.

Hope this helps.

Parent - - By Johnyutah (**) Date 01-12-2010 15:31
I think you want ceramic wool rope we have used this for burn chambers on a fab project we had. If i am right any refractory supplier or maybe even a fire place outfit would have something. This would come in various diameters up to 2" or thats what I have seen.
Parent - - By Taintedhalo (*) Date 01-12-2010 16:21
We use a flat wooven fiber backing some times it is a flat rope with aluminum tape on it. Here is the web site of some. Works well for tig.
Parent - - By petty4345 (**) Date 01-12-2010 16:36
Thanks for all the info.
Not exactly what I remember. Maybe the experiment was not successful or the product was not marketable. This was someone that was doing R&D in our plant, some weld specialist that was also writting a book. It was long ago.
I will try the products that you dug up for me.
Thanks again
Parent - - By Bob Garner (***) Date 01-12-2010 18:56
I think you were looking at an asbestos product.  That's why it is no more?
Parent - - By petty4345 (**) Date 01-13-2010 11:47
Sure hope that's not what it was.
Parent - By Metarinka (****) Date 01-13-2010 20:55
most likely was asbestos. Bummer they clamped down on it so much, it wasn't hazardous in all conditions and made some very good welding products. Still got a nice pair of asbestos lined gloves, don't want to burn em up cause it would be impossible to find ever again.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Backing "rope"

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