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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / I need help with moisture detection equipment
- - By 2008642 (*) Date 01-13-2010 01:14
I'm looking for some moisture detection equipment for detecting moisture in shield gas.  Does anyone have any advice or suggestions on what I need?  Any info would be appreciated.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 01-13-2010 07:47 Edited 01-13-2010 08:14

I don't know whether this helps you further, but I had received a newsletter just very recently dealing with such a method.

See also:

Although being a German company - but a quite successful in this field by the way - this may provide you with some first information to point you in the right direction.

EDIT: Would have liked also to attach the link to the datasheet of this machine:

Parent - By SWP (**) Date 01-13-2010 14:50
We have had good luck with the AMETEK 303B moisture monitor.  It is simple to use and reliable.  The readings is affected by sample flow rate, so you must use the recommended flow rate for the given type of gas for both calibration and production.  The AMETEK website is huge and confusing but this link should get you to the right place.
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 01-13-2010 17:30
Is it possible to have your gas supplier give you a copy of the analysis that they run (assuming they do)?  That should give you the moisture content.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / I need help with moisture detection equipment

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