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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1'06, TYK PJP's as per Figure 3.5
- By LL Date 01-16-2010 21:43

  After spending countless hours and pulling my hair out, please someone opine via code backed data regarding the following; AWS D1.1'06, TYK PJP's as per Figure 3.5
Knowing that "root face" is an essential variable as per Table 4.5, I am of the opinion that the "root face" is not applicabe regarding Figure 3.5, thus electing "n/a" on the Welding Procedure Specification is correct. Is this correct or should "0" (zero) be placed? Am I splitting hair here?

Thank you
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1'06, TYK PJP's as per Figure 3.5

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