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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Suckback in root pass
- - By Skip (*) Date 09-20-2003 00:15
Just a quick question. Welding to ASME B31.1 code for power piping, specifically welding in new feed water lines in a power plant.
Pipe is A106 grB 12" and 4" heavy wall pipe with "J" groove prep (4" regular 37 1/2 degree bevel) 5/32" root opening.
Welding procedure is tig root with 1/8" 70S-2 wire, stick 7018 A-1 fill and cap.
Welding to this code how much suck back am I allowed?
Parent - By insp76 (**) Date 09-20-2003 02:22
Skip, lack of penetration is not allowed, although this code states that:136.4.5(A.5) root concavity when there is an abrupt change in density, as indicated in the radiograph. Which means if a suck back or a lower spot in a root bead does not show up darker than the parent metal on the RT it is acceptable. With a visual test this is a judgement call by the inspector, visual criteria doesn`t allow any incomplete penetration. Unlike B31.3, B31.1 is unforgiving even on a water line. It`s like they say weld them all the same and "make`em all shoot".... Good Luck and Have a good one!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Suckback in root pass

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