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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104
- - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-16-2009 00:41
What does the current test entail for welding on pipe lines?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 12-16-2009 16:42
Still 12 on 12 butt 5G and 12 on 12 branch for multiple.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 12-16-2009 16:57
It just depends on what the gas company wants. There's a large variety of tests in use today on PL projects.
And it depends on what slot the welder will be in.
Right now you can commonly see these:

On a big bore job a lot are calling out a half a 42" or 36", some a bellhole some a 45.
Some want a 12" butt (sometimes a bellhole sometimes on a 45) plus a 12" branch.
Some want a whole weld on say 24" or so, either bellhole or on a 45.
Some gas companies want a butt weld on a 45, a branch, a LoHi sleeve on a 45.
Some want a butt & branch, one with cellulose rods and one with LoHi (can be either LoHi from bead to cap or 5P+ bead/HP & LoHi out).
Some use any of the combinations above plus they throw in a full pen repair test (either on the bottom or both top and bottom) using LoHi.
Some want any of the above plus a branch.
And I probably skipped a few.

They are really all over the place as far as the actual test to make the job. It may be a different test for welders going to the pipe gang or the firing line vs welders going to a fabrication or tie-in slot.
So you really can't nail it down to any single test because they all want something different.

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 01-21-2010 13:25
Looks like the oil/gas industry could use something like the Common Arc company like the boilermakers have. Been reading/learning about that for the last day or two and pretty interesting.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / API 1104

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