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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The Little Rascals..
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-27-2010 01:12

If you remember these Little Rascals, you are older than dirt!! 
They used to play in movie theatres in the 1940's and 1950's.

These pictures are great......

What ever happened to those people?

In case you forgot who is who.

Well, here it is...

The Our Gang Curse 

Alfalfa --

Carl Switzer was shot to death at age 31.

Chubby --

300-pound Norman Chaney died at age 22 following an operation.

Buckwheat --

William Thomas died at age 49 of a heart attack. (wow I never knew that buckwheat was a man!!)

Darla Hood --

The Our Gang leading lady contracted hepatitis and died at age 47.

Brisbane -- 

Kendall McCormas, known as Breezy Brisbane, committed suicide
at age 64.

Froggy -- William Robert Laughline was killed in a motor scooter accident at age 16.

Mickey Daniels --

He died of liver disease at 55.

Stymie --

Mathew Bear led a life of crime and drugs. He died of a stroke at age 56.

Scotty Beckett --

He died at age 38 following a brutal beating.

Wheezer --

Robert Hutchins was killed in an airplane accident at age 19.

Pete the Pup --

He was poisoned by an unknown assailant.

Butch --

Currently lives in California

And Spanky...

Robert Blake was accused of murdering his wife.

I did not know that was Robert Blake!

Did any of you? Wow.

'Please share with all your 'old' friends, I am sure they will love this'

Who knew??? :) :) :)

Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-27-2010 02:56
Yep, used to watch these when I was a youngster!  I had read this history before, prettty sad, aye?
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 01-28-2010 02:23
I didn't see his photo above, but Robert Blake played Mickey Gubitosi.
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