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- - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2010 14:55
Remember reading back when our country was young of the people we sent to Washington? We sent farmers, teachers, business owners, etc. Now we send professors, attorneys, and judges. Remember when we produced steel, clothing, electronics, cars? Now we produce consumers. Remember when we were kids and thought nothing of carrying our pocket knives to school with us everyday? Now a kid would be expelled for even having one in his locker...or in his car outside. Remember when we said Merry Christmas? Now it is Happy Holidays. Remember when we sent the Navy Seals in to take care of business so we could all be safe? Now we have the Seals in court for bloodying a terrorists nose when trying to resist. ladies and gentlemen...what has happened to us?
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-24-2010 15:59

I remember that altruistic representation was what I was taught, but looking back in history, it never happened in my life time! 

Furthermore, I do not see the Seal trial in the same light.  The Seal allegedly brutalized a bound prisoner, not someone he was trying to detain!  On it's face, this was a clear, felonious, violation of Naval Law, US Law, and International law and treaties.  He had been schooled on the rules of land warfare, and has no real excuse for any type or degree of brutality on a bound prisoner.  The court of public opinion should not govern in this case, the rule of law should. 

I also remember the saying..."Patriotisn is the last refuge of a scoundrel."  After "Abu Grahib", and some of the other recent war crimes trials, you would think that even the "Seals" would be more sensitive to the Image that the US wishes the world to see, and act accordingly.  I think attempting to stir up the court of public opinion in support of criminal mistreatment of prisoners of war, is a scurrilous tactic.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-25-2010 10:34
The way I heard it was they had yet to have the guy under full control. Most of the mass media have already held the court of public opinion and have already convicted them.
They can use the word alleged all they wish, but it doesn't change the nature of the trial.

You, nor I was there, neither of us can say what happened. Therefore it is by no means "attempting to stir up the court of public opinion in support of criminal mistreatment of prisoners of war" nor is it a "scurrilous tactic". They have already been convicted in the court of public opinion, therefore, if there is anything "scurrilous" happening, it is the sad dishonorable treatment of those SEALS. Last time I checked, the laws of the land had you innocent until proven guilty?
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-28-2010 19:00

I do agree with your tag line..."In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes an act of rebellion." - George Orwell ...

It is true that I have no first hand knowledge of any of these incidents.  I did witness incidents, in another war, some time ago.   I was even caught  up in a Kafkaesque legal quandry in one incident.

I have survived a very serious criminal inquiry related to this quandry, and know full well how serious some "seemingly small" incidents can be.

So, all my comments on the current issue are based on what I have seen and read in the media, which, in my opinion, is subject to the Orwellian tag line quoted above.

Joe Kane
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-25-2010 14:14
Brilliant post!!!
Parent - By darren (***) Date 01-26-2010 00:20
here here
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-28-2010 16:40
Mr. Kane,

The Abu Grahib scandal was more in line with college hazing. It was hardly in the same class as war crimes. The soldiers should not have done what they did but again, it was not in the same class as war crimes.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-28-2010 16:55 Edited 01-28-2010 16:57
Are you a veteran?

Imagine yourself captured by enemy forces and put in a POW camp... and then having the things happen to you that happened to those prisoners..

If and when you were returned to your unit, I doubt you would describe what happened to you as "in line with college hazing."

What a war crime is, can be defined in the various doccuments and conventions accepted by most nations... What happened at Abu-Grabe fits the criteria.

With all due respect.

Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-28-2010 17:07
Yes I am vet.  I do not defend what these soldiers did. Their acts were wrong but hardly in line with war crimes. If I remember correctly, nobody died, nobody was disfigured, maimed or mutilated.  They were humiliated and embarrased.


Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-28-2010 18:08

You are AT LEAST badly miss-informed.  Some of the pictures that I saw were clearly prima facie evidence of criminal torture.  In the military,all soldiers, sailors and airmen are given instruction or some sort of classes on their obligations to obey the rules of the Geneva Conventions and the rules of land warfare.

Non Medical "Electro-Shock" treatment, cannot be seen as anything but torture.  Herding a naked captive around the jail with biting dogs cannot be misconstrued as "crowd control".

When I went to these type classes on the rules for treatment of adversaries, the Law Officer told us the basic rule for comparison, when there was a question, was.. "Would I be allowed to treat a fellow American prisoner that way?".  If there was any doubt, that you would treat a fellow American soldier that way, you should not do it.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-28-2010 23:29
"At least"?  No I am not miss-informed (sic).  As I said in my other replies, the soldiers should not have engaged in these activities. I am aware of the instruction given on treatment of captives as I have recieved said instruction when I was in the US Army. I am not defending their actions. However, I cannot accept putting them in the same category as those that have indeed commited war crimes.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-29-2010 00:14
Well  522029

The conventions America has agreed to subscribe to consider those actions war crimes

The American Generals in authority over those offending solders, judged the actions war crimes

The governments of the prisoners/victims judged the actions war crimes

The American Government  (Both Bush and Obama administrations) judged those actions war crimes

You are pretty much alone in your opinion.
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-29-2010 03:33
No I am not alone in my opinion, in my opinion.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-29-2010 00:25

I understood the differentiation you were trying to make.  I was taught that one did not have to be some sort of mass murderer, rapist, or especially brutal tyrant to commit a "War Crime". 

I understand that a bloody nose is not the same thing as rape or murder, but,if you get sucked into the legal system, even for relatively minor assault charges, you still have to defend yourself as an accused criminal.  That means a "felon" title if convicted at Courts Martial.  That means Lawyer expenses, unless you trust the JAG lawyer they appoint for you.  In Viet Nam, it sometimes meant pretrial confinement in a hot modified Conex container!  Lt. Calley was allowed to serve pretrial confinement in on-base quarters!   (He was lucky.)

I also think that it is possible that pretrial publicity can be seen as a cruel way to treat a soldier or Seal, who says that he was just trying to do his job.  However, the UCMJ is still a system of legal charges, trial, prosecution and defense, and that shouldn't be deemed to be totally unfair, or any more unfair than other legal systems.

Joe Kane

Joe Kane
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-29-2010 03:31
To that I cannot argue.

Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 01-24-2010 17:08
The internet?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-24-2010 18:32
Well the revolution has begun in MA, find out who is running against your local commie and get involved, we can do this.
......give em
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-25-2010 14:21
Mike, you should either change your name to Joseph McCarty or actually read about Communism from Communist sources, not Fox news.  Not everybody that wants to fix this country is a "commie".  But I guess I'm truly getting bored of all the political BS.  EVERYONE, and I mean everyone in this country, Dems, Repub, the general populace are like rats on a sinking ship.  I don't really care what happens in 2012.  I'm going to sit back and watch this b*tch burn and laugh my a$$ off.

The only way to save this country is a radical approach.  But since progress is nullified by ignorance then I guess we are all sh*t out of luck.  We'll just have to see what crawls out of the ashes.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-25-2010 17:00
you say ................Not everybody that wants to fix this country is a "commie".
then u say ..................The only way to save this country is a radical approach

so  are radicals commies?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-25-2010 17:08
Not all radicals are Communist, but all Communists are radical.  And us Socialsts too.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-25-2010 17:31
good thing we do have fox the biggest and healthiest news station cuz if we didnt we would never hear about the little things

The Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a prominent Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids, Fox News has learned.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-25-2010 17:44
That shouldnt supprise anyone who can read. We gave mega millions to all sorts of buddies so far, hell even the PLO has a government supported office again.

Vote Often .
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-25-2010 17:58
Thats nothing new.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-25-2010 17:42
   "Watch this bi+ch burn" is a brilliant statement.  With your ass gone how will you sit? Did you plan to get up and go to work? Maybe you could go down and rebuild Haiti as I am sure some well meaning charity will feed and house you too. You will be closer to all of your murdering heros that way.
   Politics has nothing to do with your mindless babbling. You are bonkers.

What country did you pretend to be from again? You sure dont belong in the USA
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-25-2010 18:06
USA all the way.  Just my way not the way of the past.
Its not politcal, its economic. 
What I don't understand from the right is this:  You too would be eligible for progressive programs, Universal Healthcare, lower tax burden, etc.  Its not just for us Lefties and those left out of the American dream.  Its for everyone.  So why fight it. 

"The chains that bind you are not invisible nor is the ones that hold them." --Me
I would go to Haiti, but I've got my own stuff to deal with here.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-25-2010 21:56
OK Bry  try this… What do you think about Big O backing 3 canidates in states that he won and lost all 3.
Why is it MA elected a Rep?
What does it all mean?
Lets hear your take.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-25-2010 23:29
A lot I havent gotten out of this slowburning nightmare yet. I dont want to lower my tax burdon, I can live with it as it sits but not more. What I want is for everone to pay the same tax rate with no exemptions or exclusions. With that we would need about 10% of our current IRS staff to check who isnt paying. Everyone could pay tax on everything you buy if the rate was standard & we would get used to it. Progressive programs(free) dont do much for the people who have skills or are willing to do manual labor to put beans on the table. Most highly educated types can only do one or two somewhat usefull skills to make a living. Being able to adapt to changing conditions is what sets the bar for American workers. Cant find a job in chemical warfare switch to lawn maintenance. Hate sitting in an office? Shovel dirt.

Left if thats what you really are just means your thinking is so far from attainable goals that pissing and moaning is all thats left. We are not and will ever be One World not untill we are down to one person left alive. I dont need or want any handouts, open borders, special treatment or sympathy. Just let Americans do what they do better than anyone else in the world. Live and do biz in a free society. If you cant keep up with the rest of the class= drop out of school.

I and a lot of others are sick of paying for all of the will nots but will gladly help the can nots. One language one country. Dont want to learn the language? Dont move to the country. I would expect that the setback of children by non english speaking kids in middle school adversly affects all in score. My niece teaches in a St Paul middle school where over 30 dielects are spoken and notices are in 8 languages. What a waste of manpower.
Fit in and thrive.

Vote Often
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-26-2010 01:09 Edited 01-26-2010 12:22
Universal health care and lower tax burden do NOT go together.  I do commend you Byron. At least you admit you are a Socialist.


spelling corrected
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-26-2010 02:22 Edited 01-26-2010 02:27
Please do not take offense to this.

I believe you meant commend rather than comment in regards to Bryon. At first I was not sure if you meant comment or commit since he is nuttier than squirrel sh*t, but I see you are commending him rather than commenting about the need to commit him.

Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 01-26-2010 12:21
You are right on both points. My bad. I usually proof read my posts but I certainly missed this one.

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-26-2010 02:48
Lower tax burden on us, the working class.  Higher taxes taken from those that "won't miss it".
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-26-2010 03:31
Same percentage rate is fair.  Share and share alike isnt good enough?
Why penalize someone who has and spends more money? Jealous?
Someone owe you something you didnt earn? Penalize just to get even on the playing field is childlike.
Say 20% tax on all income with no exemptions and lets tax people with more children with higher rates so they can pay thier fair share.
When does the "wont miss it" mentality end? Tax the sick because they use up more of the medicine?

Why stop there, overtax the oversized ones for using more food. Whats the difference?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-26-2010 05:51
In some ways I agree with a flat tax for everyone.  That was one of Bob Doles things back in the day, although he was a Republican from the wrong side of Kansas.  Nope, I'm not jealous of anyone.  I pity many and sympathize with many more.
Our graduated tax system was created so those than can pay more do.  Just not enough because of the thousands of deductions that they have the money to actually use.  A flat tax would stop all of the loopholes that are abused by the rich.    But to tax people with more children is ridiculous at best.  The deductions are there so there will be more money to take care of the children.
"Taxing" the sick already takes place.  But its not the IRS, its the insurance companies.  They not only tax the sick, if they even cover their sickeness, but they defer their costs on everyone else.  If you work for a company that pays 100% of the insurance then you are lucky.  I've never seen it.   But the companies that I have worked for, due to financial reasons, passed more or the insurance premiums on to the workers to help doctor the books for the home office.  Less expense will equal out less revenue to some extent.

Damn, there are more millionaires on the Forum here than any other place on the Internet by the looks of it.  Progress will be for EVERYONE not just the Left and the Left-out.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-26-2010 14:40
Glad you thought that taxing bigger families was going too far. The whole one tax system would take power from all of the money grubbing DC types and that would never fly. The insurance debate will never be solved with one sweep of a presidents pen, cant happen. Companies should have a proffit if they are to stay in biz. The only way for insurance companies to cover sick is by making the collective subscribers share in the costs. How else can it work? Its like the union health and welfare system that uses excess money from the few who work year round helping to cover seasonal employees.  They government on the other hand has always been a looser and in all likelyhood shall remain to be. The reason that companies went overseas to get manufacturing done was government taxes, rules and intervention in the first place. Tax the crap out of all imports to make them cost the same as domestic mfgs. Who gives a damn about the forien countries who care less about the US.
Main point is no-one owes me anything. I can loose my home and all of my belongings but I can start over again. I have before. Would suck at 55 but at least I have confidence in my self.

   I am worth millions thats why I weld. I wont "watch it burn and laugh my ass off"

Progress would be getting out of debt, paying off the national debt clock and getting America working again. Not pissing away a year chasing some commie HEALTHsCARE, Jobs first and agenda last.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-27-2010 03:39
If the US had a flat income tax rate most of on this forum would have to pay a lot more per year than We do now. From My post on a diffeerent topic:

The wealthiest 1 percent of the population earn 19 per­cent of the income but pay 37 percent of the income tax. The top 10 percent pay 68 percent of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent—those below the median income level—now earn 13 percent of the income but pay just 3 percent of the taxes. These are proportions of the income tax alone and don’t include payroll taxes for Social Security and Medicare."

Do the math, the lowest 50% pay 3% of the taxes, so that means the wealthyest 50% of the people pay 97% of the taxes.
Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-27-2010 11:43
Aint it funny how numbers work. If I made $50,000 I would pay $ 2500 in federal taxes according to the IRS table on percentage of income paid. I wonder where the other $4000 grand goes? Table lie some. I know a guy who makes $50,000 pays little to no tax and gets a check for being in the poverty level that equals my supposed tax burdon. Not to dispute the govenment's truth in advertising but its crap and stench filled. My federal tax is over 10% of my taxable income. Always has been so does that mean people who make less than me pay no taxes?  If thats the case drop the income tax and make it a 20% sales tax. Hell we already have 17% fet tax on trucks , trailers and more . You buy  and you pay no exemptions. Isnt it something like 25% of taxes is collected from indiv tax returns with the majority of the taxes collected from biz? Damn those evil biz for making money. (funny aint it)
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 01-27-2010 16:17
Big insurance is the next IRS. They have so many rules and regulations just like the IRS, there's no way to begin to understand them. It's not just health insurance either.

Case in Point: Our oldest daughter battled leukemia twice, from 1st grade through most of 8th grade. The first time around, she could have chemo through an IV and spend 3-4 days in the pediatric intensive care unit in Wichita, covered by insurance. Not covered: parent meals, fuel back and forth from Hutchinson (120 mile roundtrip), lodging if grandparents came to see her, wear and tear on vehicles, etc. OR, a pill form of the same drug, an office visit to the oncologist which included a three hour treatment and, if there were no problems, home right after that. Cost of the pill $620.00 plus a couple bags of normal saline IV fluid and office visit. About a half tank of gas for this trip. NOT COVERED. Why? It was an experimental treatment. 14-15K for a hospital stay, or less than $700.00 for a half day adventure. Go figure.

Next case: Workers comp insurance on a sole proprieter. In Kansas, you are exempt from W/C, unless you have out-of-the-family employees. The state won't allow you to take it out on yourself or your family members who work for you. State Insurance commissioner's office will tell you that. I worked as a sub on a church project. I was the only one representing Parsons Custom Welding there (my wife is the only other employee and she does the books). I had a W/C premium withheld from my check. I was not on his payroll as an employee and carry my own general liability. Asked him about it and was told, "If our insurance carrier audits us and finds we didn't have coverage for you, we get in trouble and our rates increase." I explained to him I was exempt from W/C and was not his employee. Didn't do any good. Talked to my insurance carrier and was told the same thing, they gotta have it on you. He went on to say " I have seen court cases where general contractors had to pay for a sub contractors injuries on a job site." Spent several hours over a couple weeks arguing this with him, and made it clear I was sure he was full of nonsense. Called the State Insurance Commissioner's office, same song third verse. I asked where I could get this in writing, referred to legal department, referred to someone else, and referred again. Finally got an answer to my question, "The state insurance commissioner takes a silent role in this issue. It's not really a written law, but a business practice."

There's many more healthcare and insurance topics I could rant on but won't. There does need to be a revolution by the people of this country to get government, insurance, the IRS, illegal immigrants, terrorists, etc. back under control. No, I am not a fanatic, yes I am a patriotic american who believes enough is enough. We are at war with both foreign and domestic terrorists, as some in this country refuse to admit or acknowledge. It's time to act like it. There are no buttercup excuses for our troops doing what it takes to defend this nation. We should be defending them as fiercely as they are defending us. "We're sorry he hit you while trying to stop you from attacking our country." Those that believe a terrorist has the same rights as the rest of us, can take their pretty pink panties and get the F**K out of my country. I am not directing this at any person in particular, just sick of the pussyfooting around that seems to be happening more and more in our country. My rants and $.02  about the current state of affairs, which is worth what you paid to get it.

Parent - By uphill (***) Date 01-27-2010 21:34
About the only big insurance bill I ever got involved with was my Dads when he got 45 radiation treatments for cancer that killed him 13 days after the last treatment. It was over $250K and the hospital was sending huge bills to my Mom for unpaid parts and pieces of it. In the end after good advice from a former claims adjuster it was settled for $385.00. Far cry from the $15K or so they started out with. Main point is what in the hell would you do that to any 85 year old man for with absolutely no chance of a future? He had good insurance so they milked it out to maximum payout.  Sort of off subject but they never even paid the ambulance ride to have him moved  to a hospice provider.

We have enemies who are American citizens and some are elected.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 01-26-2010 04:09
Bryon, I really don’t think the rich will give you any of their cash... Time to face the hard reality of life... You gotta get a job!!! I realize that you are misguided and IMO insane but I can tell you for absolute certainty that it really does work, you actually get a paycheck when you work for someone and apply yourself!
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-26-2010 05:24
I'm not asking for any god damn money.  Apparantly I'm not getting through to anyone or they have no comprehension of the obvious.  The highest tax bracket now "pays" what around 40%.  I put pays in quotes for a reason.  There are many ways to put money in places where that rate will drop.  If you don't have excess money, you get reamed.

Here's a scenario:  Joe Blow has a $20MM house in the Hamptons, $4MM loft in Manhattan and a vacation home in Boca.  All of which are mortgaged, why not the intrest is deductable.  He has $10MM in stocks and pulls in $5MM salary + bonuses.  He already pays taxes but in all reality if a higher percentage extra is taken he won't miss it and it would help out with others tax burden.  That is the basis for a graduated tax system.  If 100s of millions more can be taken from those that already have it then those, the working class, can keep a little extra every Friday.  I would assume that would be everyone in these forums although most don't act like it.
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-26-2010 12:20
To quote someone from this forum whose name presently escapes me:   " I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you".

Taxing the "rich" to give to the poor is the same old tired democrat way of buying votes from those who can't understand economics.

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 01-26-2010 15:04
Everybody gets taxed, right.  Rich, poor and otherwise.  Everyone gets taxed and the money is used for all sorts of sh*t, including social programs, ie "giving it to the poor".  Democrats understand economics well.  If something needs to be done then it has to be paid for, correct.  Where does the government get money, from taxes.  Who is living comfortable enough that can pay more?  The rich.  So tax it.

The is Rebublican economics here:  We need a wall up to save America from the invading Mexicans, how will we pay for it?  Cut social programs of course.  We will raise military spending, cut social programs and give tax breaks to the rich.  Now we look live saviours to the non-rich Republican voters and we will get our jobs back.
Parent - - By uphill (***) Date 01-26-2010 17:25
Dems dont know how economics work they just have creative accounting skills and the biased media to cover thier ars. Its all someone elses fault when a bad idea goes sour? Cant they just own up to wasting a year on third rate problems? Jobs and security are more important than Insurance reform. If you had a decent paying job with even marginal company assisted insurance you could afford to pay some out of pocket money for supplimental coverage, No?  Help the poor and unemployable yes but giving to the poor just to even the playing field is moronic. You end up with generations of families on assistance with no job skills or desires for a better life. Money does not fix all wrongs niether will socialism.
Over the last decade the Dems and Rep have had a spending war at the expense of America. They have both made catastofic errors in legislation and judjment. We the sheeple are as much at fault for the heads in the sand mentality we have been brainwashed into. We are told what, when, why and how to live, eat and behave by elected officials who think they are way more intelegent than all of us with none of the rules applying to them. Fanny, Freddy, Bailouts and skimulus come to mind.  Hell the Big "O" cant even call a suicide bomber a terrorist, he calls him a college student.

Its hard to see the world as it really is when anger and discontent cloud our vision. Somewhere in between lies and the truth is the solution. Hiding like a cockroach behind closed doors surely cant make the system work can it?  I can only speak for me and the misses but we are conservative and independant voters. No-one owns me and I owe my explanation of my beliefs and actions to only one.

Creative writing isnt one of my strong points.
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-26-2010 21:52
this is how they want us 2 think
Attachment: think-poster.jpg (0B)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-26-2010 22:52
I've got that poster!!! :) :) :)

I've had it for at least seven years now! ;)

I always get a chuckle when I read it just before I go out the door where I live. ;)

There are no coincidences here Mike! ;)

Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-26-2010 23:13
whats funny now is Big O should just photo shop his head onto a scott brown ad, cuz now him and every other Vote Whore is spinning themselves like him.

Oh and now there is no healthcare rush
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-27-2010 00:40 Edited 01-27-2010 00:43
Yeah, and NOW they're going to focus on the so-called "Middle Class" Who have been decimated to being barely above the poverty level ever since they injected so much UNNECESSARY FAT into the Banks who ungratefully showed their customers just how much they appreciated their customers generosity by raising their interest rates on their credit cards and foreclosing even folks with good credit (I'm talking about people who had good paying jobs with good credit and PAID THEIR BILLS ON TIME!!!), and various other maneuvers showing the taxpayers who bailed their hides just how much they highly they thought of us as their saviors... The same can be said of the investment houses... And let's not forget AIG along with the lesser known Insurance conglomerates and their own gambling addictions from playing with derivatives!

These clowns all screwed up BIG TIME by making some really BAD business decisions that make the bad business decisions by regular folks really pale in comparison... So what does our elected representatives decide to do??? Instead of punishing them just like the individuals who lived beyond their own means were by these same folks who we bailed out after they realized that they messed up BIG TIME (Yes! I know I'm repeating myself! )???

They reward these schmucks for basically making "Dumb & Dumber" look like "Smart & Smarter!!!" :( :( :( Which is just the opposite of what these so-called representatives demonstrated in protecting the rest of us by making darn sure that these EXPLETIVES would not take advantage of the situation and pass on their losses of their own making to their customers who just happened to be the very same taxpayers who's government was given the authorization by the taxpayers & voters the same, to BAIL THEM OUT!!! :( :( :(

THESE EXPLETIVES OWE ALL OF US BIG TIME!!! BUT WHAT DO THEY DO TO ALL OF US INSTEAD??? THEY PUT A FRIGGIN CORPORATE TAX ON ALL OF US IN THE FORM OF HIGHER INTEREST RATES, AND FREEZE CREDIT ON BUSINESSES SO THAT WE NO LONGER COULD INVEST IN OUR OWN BUSINESSES TO KEEP THE ECONOMY AFLOAT!!! Many folks lost their jobs, couldn't pay their bill any longer, filed for bankruptcy, foreclosed on their homes... In other words, a vicious cycle ensued where some folks really didn't deserve to get caught in the economic black hole which developed and sucked many unfortunate folks in along with the "FRIGGIN VACUUM-HEADS" whom by living way beyond their means, and who obviously saw the signs on the walls, decided that they didn't care about RESPONSIBILITY, OR ACCOUNTABILITY ANY LONGER AND THREW CAUTION INTO THE PROVERBIAL WIND!!! :( :( :(


Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-27-2010 14:13
Like I said, I cannot understand the principle FOR YOU.
You don't have a clue.


Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-27-2010 18:24
What are you talking about Griff?
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 01-28-2010 16:48
I was referring to  Bryon  not understanding the principles of economics.

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