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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stinger light?
- - By factionfab (**) Date 02-14-2010 17:03
(DC outlet off of stinger) What is the best set up for a stinger light?  Any opinions?
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-15-2010 03:16
You will be operating off the open circut voltage of the machine about 90 V give or take for You SA200 guys. A 120 volt bulb will be rather dim at this voltage, but I guess if it is dark enough it mght help.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-15-2010 03:55 Edited 02-15-2010 04:00
Hello factionfab, don't know if this might be what you are referring to, but there were a couple of manufacturers of stinger powered outlets that I had seen in the past. These particular units could apparently be clamped onto by the stinger, had a pigtail ground to provide the other side of the circuit, and would provide power to operate grinders, drills, and likely lights too. Don't know if they utilized some sort of transformers or other electronics to provide AC power or whether they were strictly DC. Are these what you are asking about? Best regards, Allan   Just found this, it might be what you are talking about.
Parent - - By factionfab (**) Date 02-15-2010 15:32
Thanks allen,  ill be 1400' deep in a tunnel with no available ac power so I'm just trying to weigh my options on how to run a small light and perhaps a grinder.
Parent - By factionfab (**) Date 02-15-2010 15:39
They need to produce this invention it would sure save a lot of extention cord for me.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-15-2010 19:02
Hello again factionfab, I do know that they produce these. Some time ago I was looking through one of the product review supplements that comes with the AWS Journal, it had one of these in it, I just can't remember the name or manufacturer of it. I believe I saw it again when it was included in a quick-reply card pack that used to be sent out by AWS as well, from time to time. Keep looking and possibly contact your LWS to see if they can track one of these down for you. If all else fails, consider going with one of the DeWalt systems, they have a rechargeable 18V grinder and lights as well that might work for your situation. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By scrappywelds (***) Date 02-16-2010 02:17
I think  mine was called STINGER with sa scorpion on it. It didn't work with all tools, unless it was on an A/C machine, really it hardly ever worked. I'd go with the 18v option or a generator on propane.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-16-2010 03:54
That is an interesting device. I think with modern inverter technology a similar unit could be made with a stable output voltage [this one would not be].
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 02-19-2010 02:11
Hey austin I have seen guys just use a small piece of heavy extension cord braided and taped into their whip with the ground side so that htey can connect it on to the pipe with a magnetic ground or something similiar but make sure you are running a DC grinder.

So I hear mikey is not coming to join you on this one.
Parent - - By factionfab (**) Date 02-19-2010 04:29
ya it works ok but im fitting and need a little more juice.   and i dont blame mike for not coming, this job is a mess. 1800' of 96in  with stalls every five feet makes it hard to move.  but i shouldnt complain at least im working for a change.  what you been up to?
Parent - - By pipehead (***) Date 02-19-2010 04:39
Whatever I can get! If I don't find something else I may going to phx. Kevin called me last week and asked if I'd go so we'll see. But there is some gas line work coming up right around home and got some word on some 60" today so we'll see.
Parent - By factionfab (**) Date 02-20-2010 23:06
good luck
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Stinger light?

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