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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Which inline filter to use?
- - By NMWELDING (**) Date 02-09-2010 05:05
I have a Lincoln Classic 3 gas welder,and I was wondering which inline gasoline filter would work best. I`m not sure what filter was on there when I bought the welder{ I didn`t pay attention as to what filter was on there when I bought it,I thought any filter would work fine}. When I bought it,it ran great,and after a couple of years I changed the fuel filter,I just figured it was about time to change it. Well when I went out on a job working on a drilling rig,the welder would run for a while and then it would quit. I then went to start it and it would not start right away,but would after about a minute. Then it would run for 3 or 4 minutes and then quit again. I would try and start it ,same old thing,wait for about a minute,then it would start and run again for about 3 or 4 minutes. As you can guess this gets embarrasing as well as it doesn`t look good,to have someone come out to work on a drilling rig where downtime is very costly,and the rig needs to be up and running yesterday. I drained out all the gas from the tank and carb,figuring maybe I had bad gas.But no same problem. Then I thought I had an obstruction in my gas line,took it off checked it out,it was fine. I eventually took off my fuel filter and it ran great,just like it should. When I got back home I put the filter back on same problem. So then I went and bought another filter and put it on,and had the same problem again. Took it off ran great while welding,put it on same problem. The filters I was using were Wix filters.I don`t know what was on originally,but with the original filter it ran fine. If I would have known it was goint to run this way with new Wix filters,I would have checked the old filter closely to find out the brand before throwing it out. Also when the welder was running with the filter on, the gas didn`t even seem to flow into the filter well. It wasn`t even 1/4 full,I thought the gas should have flowed more freely and possibly filled the filter at least 3/4 full when running.When I bought it I asked for an inline gasoline filter that fastened to a 1/4 inch line. Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-09-2010 16:04
Not to insult your intelligence but did you have the filter on right. ws the flow arrow pointing to the carb. At least thats what it dounds like to me.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 02-09-2010 20:17
Another inline filter is a good idea most times but if the sediment bowl screen isn't keeping enough out you usually got rust, gum & varnish needs cleaned out of the tank too.  If inline filter is plugging clean the tank and get a new sediment bowl or at least a new screen and gasket for it.  Some of them had a small metal  Fram G-22 filter screws into a elbow on side of the carb and used a hose on other end but not every place will have that one in stock so most of those got tossed for a universal inline filter.  Just get one to fit your hose or line that is easy to find local for replacement and carry a spare one along.  Like Shad said make sure the arrow on filter is right for the flow.  Make sure the vent on gas cap is clear too or get a new vented cap.
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 02-09-2010 23:24
I forgot to mention yesterday that the gas flow out the line was  a full flow meanining no restrictions when I had the filter off and let it run into a container. I also checked to make sure there was no plugging or contaminants in the tank. Yea I did have it on the right way,but sometimes simple things like this I tend to overlook.Thanks for mentioning it though. I just thought there was maybe a problem with the filter or maybe the wrong type. Right now I`m running it without a filter and it runs great. I also thought it was odd that when the welder was running not much gas was in the filter,I kind of thought it should have been near full. I also put on a new gasline,I thought maybe what was on there was not gas resistant and maybe swelling shut.I have backup welders so it`s now that critical,but I still want to figure it out.Thanks for all input.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-10-2010 12:00
ive had the same problem w a new filter and the filter never fills all the way up with fuel usually half but i had th dieing problem nd found if i leave the fuel line loose on the carb end of the filer it runs ok dont ask me why it just does
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 02-13-2010 15:19 Edited 02-13-2010 15:22
inline fuel filter in plastic housing for tmd27 and perkins Wix 33263. Kubota 33389. on the hose 1/4" G1..

Are you using any additives, is the fuel gelling???

Oh wait you said gas TM27 GAs engine-- Their is a solenoid in the belly of your carb-- clean it it may be gummy and partially clogged. So its already letting less fuel into the carb and when you put a filter (restriction) on it the failure increases
- - By metalmelter Date 02-10-2010 01:04
seen this and just had to chime in. 97 classic 1 did the regular tune up , oil plugs filters and everything i could think of.  next morning fired off machine ran fine for about two hours then it coughs a few times and dies go back to truck fire it up again runs fine for a few minutes coughs and dies check to make sure filter is on right check to make sure on fuel all is good so i pull the new filter installed the evening before use a hose splice to hook it back up machine fires on first try runs good the rest of the day. i ended going to the hardware store and bought an inline filter for a lawn mower no more fuel problems
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 02-10-2010 20:24 Edited 02-10-2010 20:27
I had Kaye rebuild my carb and she sent it back with a Fram inline filter that screwed into the carb. The inline filter is very small like maybe what you may use on a lawnmower almost but it does the job. I'm not sure of the part number of it if you're interested I could check this weekend. Just send me a PM and remind me.

Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 02-11-2010 02:20
Thanks guys, I think I`ll pickup a lawnmower gas filter and give it a try. As I said earlier, I would have made sure I knew what the old one was before I threw it out if I knew I was going to have this much problem with it. Thanks again all.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 02-11-2010 19:19
Some filters filter down to much such as 5 microns and such. Good filters but over kill for our machines, suck it on thru and keep welding. LOL
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 02-13-2010 15:23
metal filter Fram G22A.
Parent - By NMWELDING (**) Date 02-16-2010 01:34
Thanks Kay,I`ll try that fram filter.The one I used was a Wix 33001,and the gas just didn`t seem to flow good through it. The filter that was on there when I bought the welder was opaque and I don`t know what brand it was. The Wix is transparent,and I could see the fuel wasn`t flowing very good through it. Thanks again.
- By ryan gaspard (**) Date 02-11-2010 02:53
i had the same problem,went to wal-mart bought a lawn mower filter for $2.89 and have not had a problem since i have a spare on my truck,never know when you will need it or a buddy of yours.
- By Robert48 (**) Date 02-22-2010 16:38
Mine is doing the same thing. It will stop and you look at the filter and bone dry. If you take the fuel line off the carb it will start flowing again and run for about thirty min before it stops again.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Which inline filter to use?

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