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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Phillips safety
- - By ironheadguy Date 03-11-2010 02:05
Hello to all;new to the forums;and only welding 5 months or so in a school enviroent.I have been through a slew of hoods,and lenses.I had an instructor who had the "cool weld" lens,and it was great,but I can't see spending 300$ on a 2x4 inch peice of glass;all my searching led me to Phillips Safety.let me tell you,these lenses are the best lenses I have used in my short time;and every time a guy in the shop uses my hood;they want one.2.50$ per lens.....just wanted to get the word out,these lenses are about as clear as it gets in my opinion.....anyone else use them?
Parent - - By gto_welder (*) Date 03-11-2010 02:48
i have a couple of them but they were not 2.50   i have some regular glass ones that cost me $5.00 each and some gold lens ones that cost me $20.00 each. i like the lens as well. they have a blue tint to them. where did you get your for $2.50?
Parent - By ironheadguy Date 03-11-2010 22:52
I got mine directly off the Phillips safety website.I also got a few of the gold ones,but I prefer the regular 'athermal' lenses.last time I checked they were that cheap,but still worth every bit of 5$.....
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Phillips safety

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