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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline welding
- - By johnny carney iii (*) Date 04-06-2010 17:32
i have been welding for a while  now and been around it all my life my dad is a welder. jus got my own rig truck and welding everyday for myself. but im wantin to go pipeline been practicin some. i jus wana know wat the proper procedure is for pipeline welding and what is acceptable and wat aint acceptable. any and all help is greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-06-2010 22:36
Lots of guys wanting to get on the pipeline but what I have heard is not so many guys actually working them. Lots of folks down and when it picks up you'll have to compete for position with guys that have been pounding rod on the pipeline for years. I'm no pipeline welder, welded some small gas line here local but understand what your talking about and have been looking for the opportunity to get out on it myself. The most widely suggested thing from the seasoned guys on here, become a welders helper. Getting in on a pipeline project means passing the test, probably doing a branch and laying it out. Personally, I lack the "field experience" and terminology of the pipeline and would suspect that there is a certain amount a contractor is gonna want their welders to know and if you manage to get on one and screw some sh-t up and do it enough you'll have a reputation mama's ajax won't take off. I could weld a piece of pipe, x-ray and so on, have the confidence and have done it many times before but if they asked me to lay out a branch or some other crazy configuration.....ahhhh, what?? Could probably figure it out but screwing up a piece of 24" or something might not go over to well.

By no means trying to discourage you. I've been looking at it, searching for over a year now and just know I can't jump out on something and pretend my way through it or lie my way into it. I guess living someplace where there are more pipeline company's would be a plus. I can tell you this, it won't be easy getting on and I know I have read on here many times, "there's more to it than buying a rig and a welder". Another thing is the "who you know" factor. This would be a definite plus. I could have a job next week doing boilers and stuff if I moved back home and had my Uncle grease the wheel sort of speak where he is at, but prefer to do this on my own. When I think about getting into/on a pipeline my mind sometimes wanders and I start thinking that getting on with these folks is how it must have been many many years ago trying to be a Free Mason, the whole secret society thing and all that. Don't know if I actually helped any or not but just what I have picked up over the last year. Good luck!

Parent - - By johnny carney iii (*) Date 04-06-2010 23:52
thanks shawn yea we have a lot of pipeline work goin on around everywhere u look u see a welder. ive been a welder's helper for a while jus now  started welding full time for myself i know the fundamentals of pipeline weldin i jus wanted some advice and tips ya know i have the connections with contractors but nobody wants to hire i guess from my lack of experience or idk thanks again for ur help
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-07-2010 11:34
At least you have some experience on the line, you're miles ahead of me then! LoL! That experience thing, that's the killer!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline welding

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