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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding shirts
- - By johnny carney iii (*) Date 04-08-2010 01:00
i know this may sound dumb but im tryin to find a good welding shirt anybody got any ideas or comments?
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 04-08-2010 01:36
Lapco is the best in my opinion. Welding supplies around the U.S carry these shirts. I like the heavy material and long tails. They starch up really nice. This topic has been discussed many times on aws. search the words welding will see alot of comments on lapco. I pay around $26.00 per shirt.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 04-08-2010 01:41
If you want some made in USA get Mountain Cloth.  The others aren't made here anymore.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 04-08-2010 03:35
I thought Rasco made a good Denim, 10 oz
Parent - By oklawelder (*) Date 04-08-2010 16:48
i would'nt own another Rasco shirt i bought 6 of them . Brand new straight from the box to the cleaners to get starched when i went to pick them up 2 of the shirts the sleeves were pinned on them , they ripped off in the washing machine ! I bought them through weld wear and they replaced them with Lapcos and threw in some extra items to sweeten the deal . The pockets on Rasco's are big enough to put a sandwich in so i guess you would'nt need a lunch box ! Arms are real big and loose , they catch alot of BB's and burn to easy . They need to redesign their shirts in my opion
- - By johnny carney iii (*) Date 04-08-2010 13:05
yea i wear lapcos now i like the thinner lapco and i wear the wrangler shirts hadnt tried the rasco yet i want im gona check in bout the mountain cloth shirts anybody from louisiana that know of a good welding supply store? im lookin for a good one
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-08-2010 16:43
I second the Mountain Cloth suggested by FixaLinc. Best shirt I've had as far as comfort, light weight yet durable. The Lapco's, made in Asia somewhere as indicted by the label's on mine where I can pay the same price for the Mountain Cloth and be putting my money into an American's hands and food on his/her table. These shirts are nice enough you could starch one up and where it out to dinner. Take starch well and not like putting on a piece of what happens to the Lapco's. Call out there and talk to Jennifer. I called out there once and got her Dad on the phone by accident. Think him and I talked for 30 minutes. Great folks, excellent shirts.
- - By yojimbo (***) Date 04-08-2010 16:23
LOUSIANA????  And son you tell me you aint heard of Tom Waters?????  Get your pencil sharpened up and take down this here phone number-1-800-460-6827.  There now, you just call them up and have them send you the The Welder Catalogue.  It's got every damn fancy shirt, kerchief, coverall, goat kicking pull on, leathers, welding hood and them super cool rose tinted cable pipeliners specs you cant find anywhere else all in one easy to use, mail order set up you gonna find anywere.  Place your order on the phone and they ship it out pronto from Grand Isle to Timbuktu.  The shipping can be a little pricey if ya need it the next day, but if you're stuck in some forgotten little wasteland where the welding supply company went out of business and they're still waiting for a Walmart to fall outta the sky after the next tornado passes through, well by god Tom Waters is the folks to call.  Tell em I saud hey.
Parent - - By johnny carney iii (*) Date 04-08-2010 17:10
nope never heard of tom waters but i got my catalog coming now
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 04-08-2010 17:39
They have a online catalog too.  Many swear by the glasses they sell.  Just search Tom Waters on this forum and find lots of good posted about them.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-08-2010 20:01
  Thanks for the info. I did not see the rose tinted glasses anywhere on the website though. Maybe just in the catalog?

- - By yojimbo (***) Date 04-08-2010 23:09
jrw159- Ahdunno about the website, just using the old paperback catalogue they sent a few year ago, but they have sort of a special optical division that handles Pipeliners Glasses.  The catalogue shows you the dimensions the optical guys need to know to size the specs and it was all handled over the phone slick as you could ask for.  Might try looking around for a link on their site, should say something along the lines of Optical or Optics, or just give them a call and those folks will get you set up right away.  Got my own within days- had been wearing original Gold Filled cabled wire rims for decades cause they built them to withstand WWII invasion capacity and were strong beyond reasonable expectation- 15 years of construction before I had to replace them- but my source for antique eyeglass frames dried up.  I was dubious about trying Waters frames cause at the price- $75 0r $100- they sounded too cheap and I'd been burned by some cheap gold plated knock offs before I found the ones I wear now.  Been going on 3 years with these with 1 cable temple replacement and I can't complain a bit.  I'm careless with glasses and they take more than their fair share of abuse getting banged around carried in my shirt pocket instead of being put away proper and getting scorched all day long from hot sparks while they're in the aforementioned pocket.  I've had 2 or 3 pair of lenses replaced in that time but the frames have held up and would do a sight better if I wasn't such a dummy about it. I only need mine for distance, so they come off when I'm ready to flip down and get it and as such sometimes take abuse they aren't designed for.  They sell the frames seperate from the lenses which is the way I like to go because I want the prescription filled by a Doc who'll get it just right.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2010 05:05
Hi Yojimbo!

Do you wear side shields on those frames? And are the lens & frames ANSI Z87 safety grade compliant with clearly visible writing or marking on both the frame as well as the lens verifying their compliance?

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-12-2010 11:33
  I just wanted to mention that I called and ordered my catalog on 4/8/2010 and it arrived 4/11/2010. Pretty quick delivery time IMHO. They do advertise the different colors in the catalog.  

- - By yojimbo (***) Date 04-09-2010 15:41
Good question.  It's come up before and brought me up short when an eager safety engineer practically fell over himself handing out side shields and saw the narrow cables on those wire rims.  He sputtered something about how those were never going to be acceptable or workable holding the shields in place. Of course, he was right so before he had an anyuerism and ruined his day I slid on a pair of shaded safety glasses over my specs and told him I was covered.  He seemed to calm down, and from then on that's pretty much the way I handled it.  The wire rims won't hold side shields and that's a problem and no, to my knowledge neither the frames themselves or the lenses I have put in them are ANSI stamped but I have yet to run into a safety inspector who wouldn't accept the arrangement I describe above.  I also keep a pair of stamped, prescription, side shielded set in the truck as back up or when I'm working in a dimly lit area I'm unfamiliar with where dark safety's over my regular specs are too visually limiting.  Could always just do the same with clear safety's but it's just a question of carrying too many gadgets and I like to keep things simple as I can.  Generally I find safety glasses over regular specs is compliant, to wit:  Airgas carries a line of safety glasses under their Radnor trademark that are knockoffs from another manufacturer whose name I can't remember, but the glasses are large, comfortable and fit over my wire rims easily and are completely compliant.  The best thing is, Airgas sells them for $2.00 a pair!!!!! I know.  Like free, right?  I buy them by the 1/2 dozen and wear them everywhere I need sunglasses.  BTW- my wire rims are not rose color tinted.  I'm just not that cool, and I take my whiskey straight.  Henry, on a different topic completely:  I've followed the forum for a few years now and have read many of your postings on a variety of subjects. I have a job I am bidding soon that will require a straightforward V beveled joint configuration on 3/8" plate with a backup strip using dual shield wire to D1.1 criteria.  I have some questions regarding quantities of consumables, and acceptable root openings for fit up and maybe a couple more I can't think of at the moment.  I was thinking to post the questions on the forum but I am wondering if I could prevail upon your generous nature to answer these directly or at least confirm my quantity estimates which I derive from the tables and indexes found in the Lincoln Handbook of Arc welding.  Don't know if you do phone consultations but if you had a few free minutes and wanted to take this matter up, my contacts are: 253 569 6583  Pac. Coast Time and email
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-14-2010 13:13
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but I've been going through some really intense personal chaos without getting into the specific details. so that's why I haven't gotten back to you as of late and I apologize for that. ;)

What is a good time to call you since I'm going by Eastern Standard Time here Yojimbo???

- - By 02pwrstroke Date 04-09-2010 23:01
i have no problems with side shields on my pipeliners, i use the soft rubber ones from air gas that slide on, no screws, works just fine. as far as z87 i haven't seen nothing in tom waters catolog or website saying they are certified, i am usually more persistent than safety usually they give up before i do.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-10-2010 02:55
Hi 02powerstroke!

Well, if you're operating the same way Yojimbo is by using a pair of ANSI Z87 rated safety glasses over them, then you're good to go IMHO... If not, then you're playing Russian roulette with your most valuable attribute when it comes to welding... Your eyes, and you only have one pair of them, and they haven't been duplicated at a level of sophisticated technology so that they can become replaceable yet!

Although, there have been some recent developments and advances in technology that in the very near future make the notion of being able to replace sight to a limited degree become a reality... But limited to the degree where one will not regain enough of their eyesight enough to be able to return to welding and would be a very expensive proposition to say the least!!! ;) ;) :)

So don't take any sort of a risk when it comes to protecting your eyes because during my career, I have seen too many tragic events where welders and a few really good ones at that, lose their eyesight because they didn't value their eyesight enough to protect them at all costs... Remember Safety FIRST!!! ;)

- By Francisford (**) Date 04-15-2010 09:11
I guess I am just a cheap ****ing bastard and i also love to live "green".  I go by the thrift store and get nice heavy shirts.  I try to get some of those ugly wranger sirts but I deal with some of the other brands that they sell for 2 bucks. As long as they are 100%  cotton they will starch up nicly and dont flame as easy.  For the pants I try to stay stocked up on my cammies that the seabees give me.  Heck I have stashed up about 15 from the deployment that I am on now.  Did I say I was a cheap ****er?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / welding shirts

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