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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I Got on the list...
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-10-2010 11:40
I applied for the Boilermakers a few months ago and got put on the wait list for the apprentice program. I know some of you guys not so thrilled about the Unions but seems like they're willing to give me a shot which is more than I can say for the non-Union places, at least the ones I've been sending resumes and applying for. Think I managed to nail a pretty good position on the list though, made it at number two so hopefully the work will pick up and I can get on in there and get this rolling. I really hated to play all of my cards, but I guess being a disabled Vet does have it's benefits. Getting in this business though seems like you have to do what you have to do right? Don't like playing that card though, people I've worked with have no clue and even close friends don't know. Sure gonna miss doing my own thing but the somewhat steady pay would be nice and can still do my own thing when I get stuck on the wheel between work I suppose. Guess I just have to make sure what type of welding I can do so I don't put my career on the line. Looking on the net looks like some real interesting work, Boilermakers that is. Heck, maybe I'll have enough coin from that I can put that 51' together! Still a mechanic so would be a neat project I could do and maybe sell her off. Well, wish me luck!

Parent - By waccobird (****) Date 04-10-2010 12:36
Good Luck
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-10-2010 14:31


What can be wrong with having a solid wage, full family healthcare, retirement, annuities, a steadily increasing wage, and the best training in the world for the next few years.

Going directly to #2 on the list is no small thing... Don't let it go to your head   :)

Good Luck!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-10-2010 22:34
Thanks Lawrence, I've checked into pretty much most of the unions and Boilermakers or Pipeliner(798) were the one's I was most interested in. I've got about 30 more years of working so figure I need to get on something good. Also with all this technology and orbital welders and junk shooting welders in the feet I figured that I'd really like to see them get one of those machines in to weld on some of the stuff I've seen in the boilers, seemed like a job with some longevity. Don't worry about it going to my head. I'm about as humble as can be, just thank God I've been giving this opportunity and gonna do my best to be the best I can.
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 04-11-2010 05:33
Hate to tell ya Shawn, but they do have automatics that can fit in to weld on those tube sheets.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-11-2010 11:11
Darn, those things suck! LoL!!
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 04-11-2010 14:51
I wouldn't worry about them taking over the jobs though. The specialty companies like Wachs and WSI are the one running them and the tests you have to take for them are pretty hard, so it's not like somebody that can't weld is up there running those automatics.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 04-12-2010 21:06
I know some guys that went out to do pipeline and bustd the stick test so they trained them to run the automatics tried to get me to go but im not a big fan of wire and dont really wana pipeline anyway
Parent - - By tighand430 (***) Date 04-10-2010 15:27
Congratulations on getting on the list! The boilermakers have great bennies and the pay is pretty damn good too! Yall have alot better setup than the UA does as far as finding work and such. They have a thing called the "MOST" line that you can call and hear all the calls for welders from every lodge in the US. Plus, YOU can call those lodges about taking the call you're interested in where I have to have my BA do the calling for me. Work is going to pick up pretty soon. I know that they're saying Tennessee is going to be going hot and heavy for a while with two nukes being built (Watts Bar) and a silicon plant this spring. And as far as the working goes when you're on the out of work list, you can work anything as long as it's not boilermaker work. Another option would be to get a book from the UA so you could do process piping and pipeline while your out of work with the boilermakers. I work for some specialty companies where most of the hands have fitter and boiler books because it gives them more opportunities for work with the company. If you have any questions, ask and I'll help as much as I can. Good luck and congrats!!!!!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-10-2010 22:42
Thanks tighand. I liked the Boilermakers cause apprentice pay was better than the Pipefitters local. I know I've got to start at the bottom more or less but what they were paying a first year apprentice would not have worked with the family and all. Not living high on the hog by any means but new at $11/hour I would have had to have a second job to make ends meet but traveling to who knows where for work would have killed that. That sounds pretty cool about the "MOST" line. I'm not worried about traveling plus that would open up more doors, more experience and so on. I would not mind getting my book from the UA for the pipeline stuff when the opportunity knocked. I've seen on the local's website that they have some projects going on here in TN already and another one it May but nothing on the Calendar after May, maybe they just have not updated it yet. Thanks again

Parent - - By ruero (**) Date 04-11-2010 01:51
Congrats brother, you are one more taking the step to help the working man make what we are worth.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 04-12-2010 04:42 Edited 04-12-2010 04:55
Congrats on the upcoming Boilermakers gig. I know of a B/M shop in upstate NY that is second to none in craftsmanship and quality of product and employees (some are third generation). If you can get the jist of tube welding down with a mirror or two! There is no better feeling in the world, knowing that few can do this.
Boilermakers Hall has the best retirement set-up that I know of.
Just ran into a couple of the gang from the Montana Local on my current project from a few a years back. Fun buncha fellas to work with!

Any non union person that berates the union hands... "F" em!!!
Any union person that berates the non union hands... "F" em!!!

Any person that works and EARNS his pay check, gets my respect, period!
I've worked union and non...even walked a picket line for $4.00 a day. There are are excellent craftsmen on both sides.
Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 04-12-2010 15:11
From a fellow vet: Welcome Home!
- By H. Chang (*) Date 04-13-2010 01:12
Welcome to the boilermaker business
In shop, welding a butt joint of tube, manual GTAW 6G without backing is required
And semiautomatic welding of GMAW/FCAW processes, 6G with backing is also required
SAW for welding thick plate of drum or machine operating of multiple torches for membrane water wall
Abovementioned are the most popular welding processes used in boiler shop
You might need to learn how to interpret the RT film, to locate the defect, to remove it with a grinder or arc gouging
Learning of ASME Section IX and Section II, Part C is a plus
Knowing of ASME Section I, VIII, Div. 1 that will be great
At the field site, for confined space, it may require welding with mirror and handling the torch with both hands, this would be the best of the best.
Good luck
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I Got on the list...

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