Hey Madibaa,
Here's some cladding material for 17-4 PH stainless...
http://www.conformaclad.com/upload/File/KMT-3333%20Cladding%20Formulas.pdfhttp://www.conformaclad.com/docs/Bulletins/TechBulletins/OF-003.pdfNow with respect to the process to use, well that depends on the application service conditions, etc. So you need to give us much more info than what you have given us so far, and I'm disappointed in you because, you should know by now that you must give us as many details involved as you can in order for us to assist you an a concise manner. ;)
When you give us such vague information and too little details of it as well, it just makes it more difficult for any of us to understand you specific need and after all, we're NOT mind readers... So tell us as much as possible regarding your project! ;)