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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bryon Lewis
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 05-07-2010 01:29 Edited 05-07-2010 19:14
I don't know you, However I would LOVE to meet with you ! Henry's post about retirment was not the place to say this. I want you to know something. I have heard you refer to Rednecks in many post and more than once. I can only take it that WE Fascinate you. I want to be the First to Invite you to a Party in your Honor. Its called a welcome to Texas Party. It will be held in East Texas. Just let me know what date you can make it and I will arrange the details. And dont bother Running off at the keyboard. Any  School Girl can do that ! In case you cant tell. You Piss me off and I would love nothing more than to Tell you how the World Goes Round .      Piss Ant !

I decided to be nice, But you get the point    I chose to edit this to keep myself out of trouble. I wouldn't want to offend a Sissy !
Parent - By preston davis (**) Date 05-07-2010 02:19
Amen Cactus!!!!
Parent - - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 05-07-2010 03:18
Parent - By rick harnish (***) Date 05-07-2010 03:57 Edited 05-07-2010 04:00
Yeah man! WTF is your ****ing malfunction? Respect was called for. If you couldnt give it, you should have kept your keyboard idle. Hope I happen to be around when you meet Cactus.
You crossed a line. Even a redneck can see that.
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-07-2010 13:39
He said scatter his ashes in New York harbor, "where I was born".  Did nobody catch that but me?

I'll be moving to Houston at the end of May.  Perhaps I'll stop by for a beer.  I only drink imports.
Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 05-07-2010 13:53
I did. And your point is????

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 05-07-2010 15:24 Edited 05-07-2010 15:41
Bryon, I am in Houston VERY often. Call me when you get there. I will be sure and get you an Import. With the Attitude you have, You will not make it in Texas very long. Much less Houston

Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-07-2010 17:15
No Heine though.  Stay away from green or clear bottles.  UV light breaks down alpha acids from the hops that gives beer its "skunk" flavor and aroma.  With that said I will drink Newcastle from time to time.  By the second beer my palate is accustomed to the slight skunkiness.  It's not as unpleasant as Corona by any means.  Corona, from what I hear, is purposfully exposed to UV on the bottling line to bring out those attributes.  Henceforth the addition of lime

I'll get ahold of you.  I'll buy the first round!!!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 05-07-2010 16:24

There are some folks here who appear to hate you with the heat of a thousand suns.

But if you were to post on this forum that you were terminally ill.... Not one of them would make a joke about it.

Those people you castigate are far better men than you.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-07-2010 17:17
I am terminally ill.  I'll die one day and there is nothing I can do about it.  So I would appreciate jokes about my death, preferably before that blessed event takes place so I can enjoy them too.  Death is the only part of life that matters because it's permanent unlike life.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 05-07-2010 16:34
I'm curious Bryon! What did you read out of me mentioning that sentence??? After all, I was born in New York City, and New York Harbor is part of New York... You're really reading too much into everything these days... Kind of reminds me of someone very stressed out and jealous B! ;)

Like I said in my post regarding my retirement, I'm dying at an accelerated pace, and must retire so that I can attempt to fulfill some of my last wishes which include some traveling to places I haven't ever been to, or haven't been to in quite some time... I never said that I was retiring from the forum B, although I think you wouldn't mind me doing so!!! :) :) :)

All I was trying to say was that I'm about to be embarking on my final journey which included some details regarding that journey, and that I would soon be too busy to participate on a regular basis since I will be busy packing and preparing for my move to this retirement home/hospice, so that I can live comfortably in an environment where I'm surrounded by folks who will be there to watch out for me and help me as I transition to living out the rest of my days in dignity. ;)

I hope you find what you're looking for in Houston, Texas B! I really do!!! Only I hope you're not going there to look for a fight, because you will find one there, and it may end up being your last one!!! So for the last time, this "senile old fart" as you like to affectionately call me, would like to offer you some sage advice young man... Here it is and it's really quite simple that anyone can do it, yet I have a very strong feeling you're going to have to get real good at this in a very short time...


Finally, do yourself a favor B! Get rid of that awful habit you have of reading too much into what people write in this forum, because it can really mess with your head - CAPECHE?

And stop being your own worst enemy, because it will wear you down faster than any disease or illness could!!! So congratulations on your own new move, and keep in touch because I always enjoy for some crazy reason or another to read your ever increasing psychosis twist and turn every time you respond or post more of your consistent
MALE BOVINE EXCREMENT!!! ;) Talk to you soon enough b! ;) And remember what I said before...

Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-07-2010 17:35
Contrary to all of our differences in opinion, I truly do like you.  You are a loud-mouth, tough, yet eloquent SOB.  We're no different in attitude, just in opinions.  All joking aside, I will miss out interactions.  From what I can gather from all of your posts is that you ARE very knowlegible about our industry and I have learned much not only from you but from many others here. 

The reason I have targeted you many times is because of our similarities.  Some will post "you're a dumb arse" to my posts.  While you on the other had.  Will elaborate your side, your opinion on ANYTHING and say it in an eloquent way, unlike all others.  And I appreciate that.  It's hard to find a meaningful arguement presented in an intelligent way in OUR industry.  Most people don't care about many subjects and surely are more emotional than pensive with any rebutall.  But you on the other had have a very refined, gentlemanly, yet sharp edge to your words that I don't find too often.

With that said, I would like to wish you good luck in your final journeys here on Earth and in the afterlife.  For what it's worth, like it or not, I will say a prayer and light a candle for you at Mass Sunday.

Good luck and may God carry you through the rest of your life.
Your enemy,
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-07-2010 16:02 Edited 05-07-2010 16:23
   You really have outdone yourself this time. My only advice is that you do not stop in Claremore on your way to Houston. I would hate to spoil Cactus's fun by leaving nothing for him or the rest of us Rednecks. They are going to have a whole lot of fun with you down in Houston BOY.

What a piece of work you are.

Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-07-2010 17:20
I'm flying.  I don't think I'm having a layover in Claremore.  I think its Dallas. 
I'll be having fun in Houston.  It's not as nice as Miami or Chicago but it's been a blast everytime I've been there.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 05-09-2010 03:29 Edited 05-09-2010 03:32
Houston in April - November Nice????
You truly are twisted or have never been to Houston during "Summer"
One understands refrigerated air.
What happened to Turn left and old Carl?
Parent - - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-10-2010 12:30
I love heat!!!
I'm looking for a new avatar.
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 05-10-2010 15:05
And Byron.... Girl rednecks are a whole lotta fun :)

Don't short yourself the chance of learning that lesson by sticking your foot in your mouth.

I'm sure the guys will back me up on that one!!!

Just a thought.

Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 05-10-2010 23:10
Its hot in hell.
In Houston it is the humidity. And mosquitoes. traffic, people, mayor, taxes
I am Tejano native and I would give Houston to Louisiana in a heartbeat. But they have not done anything to deserve that.
I don't wish Houston on anybody!
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 05-11-2010 00:10
Trade Houston for New Orleans...well maybe that's not any better.  :-)
- - By ruero (**) Date 05-07-2010 05:40
You know I read alot of this forum and don't say much but I couldn't hold out anymore Bryon you are the biggest a## I have ever seen on here.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 05-07-2010 11:12
Byron, you and I agree on "certain" political issues (not all of your opinions, that's for sure) so I've never really bashed you as many of the others have, but I have to say your posts in Henry's "retiring" thread were in very bad taste, no matter your feelings for him.  Sad to say, but I have lost any respect I previously held for you because of that.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Bryon Lewis

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