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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AUT and D.1.1
- - By Per Date 10-22-2003 13:45
Is AUT an acceptable UT method per D.1.1?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-22-2003 14:39
Good Question. I'm not sure that AWS D1.1 even mentions AUT. I "breifly" looked in Annex K (alternative techniques) and it didn't jump out at me. Maybe someone else has an idea about this,
John Wright
Parent - By - Date 10-24-2003 07:52
Check out paragraphs 6.20.2 and K4. AUT is not allowed unless agreed to by the Engineer. I doubt that there is much of a market for AUT on structures built to D1.1, except for possibly tubular long. seams and girths and large shells. Most of the other product forms welded to D1.1 (girders, etc.) do not economically lend themselves to AUT.
Parent - By qcmcwi Date 12-09-2003 06:08
I have done a bit of A-UT, how would you perform the oscilations,
scanning movement A 10deg each side of 90. Sure it could be encoded but that sounds like a hassle.
But, it seems anything is possible if qualified by testing.....
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AUT and D.1.1

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