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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Defective Grinder disks
- - By sparksandslag (**) Date 06-06-2010 04:16
Some time back, Tractor Supply had their 4 1/2" grinder disks on sale, so I bought 10 of the little dumplins.  Stuck them on my truck and forgot about them until I used up the ones I already had.  Pulled out one of the TSC disks the other day, mounted it up on my grinder, fired it up and the darn thing acted like it was going to fly apart.  It was vibrating something awful.  So, I shut it down, checked everything out (disk was centered on the spindle, nut was tight, etc.)  Fire it back up, and same thing.  Took that disk off and put a Norton disk on and---smooth as silk.  My question is, is this something anyone else has run into with TSC disks (or other brands for that matter) and has anyone had one explode from being out of balance.  By the way, I gave that disk the Float test, and it  failed!!!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 06-06-2010 04:45
Did it apear to run true, no wobble or ecentricity? Is there a posibility that it might have gotten wet in storage and was waterlogged on one side?
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 06-06-2010 10:22
The cheaper ones are not as well made and will not be as balanced. If the materials and process was ok the disc will balance out with wear during use.
But those cheaper disc's wear out grinders quick.
You get what you pay for usually.
Just my ΒΆΒΆ's
Parent - - By UApypewelder Date 06-06-2010 16:22
In my experience with grinding disks you get what you pay for. It's also my experience that Norton is the best disks I've ever used and most companies I've worked for, use them exclusively, but I have worked on some jobs where the contractor bought the cheapest crap they could find. But I also have to say a Norton disk is the only one I've ever saw explode but, it was not the quality of the disk that was at fault, again that is my opinion but, I saw the grinder that the disk was mounted on dropped on the ground from about 4-5 feet off the ground so I would definately say it was being dropped and probably cracked that caused the disk to explode not poor quality. A sorry a** helper dropped it and I saw it, he looked around and I acted like I didn't see it and kept working on my weld, I took for granted that the stupid a** helper surely had enough sense to take the wheel off tell the welder it had been dropped throw the wheel away and replace it with a new one, this is so basic safety it's taught from high school shop class. I was wrong, and not 5 min. later the welder had to give the helper a lesson on how to properly grind a root pass in line pipe. Well before I could holler and tell the welder to change the wheel it had been dropped, because obviously if the helper had to be shown how to grind a root he just might not have enough sense to change a grinding wheel that had been dropped but, sure enough before I could warn the other welder the grinding wheel exploded in his face tearing open a gash from the corner of his eye to the oppisite corner of his mouth barely missing his eye but really messing up his nose. Needless to say I felt awfull, of course I told the foreman what I had saw happen and the helper at fault was promptly fired as he should have been. I felt like I should have been fired with Him, but the foreman said no it was not my fault, but I sure felt like it was, and I made a vow to myself from then on I don't care if a co-worker thinks I'm a nosey busy body or if the helper would have thought I was a snitch or if I think someone has enough sense to do something, if it is safety related and can cause someone to get hurt or damage equipment I will not hesitate to tell whoever needs to be told, in this case I think lookin back it should have been the other welder. So he could have taken care of the grinder and determined how to approach the helper about his fault in the deal. Anyway I'm getting off topic but, it is my experience that nomatter what kind of equipment you decide to buy, if it can cause a potential accident if not manufactured properly or poor quality is an issue if you are in doubt about the equipment being fit for service DON'T USE IT, take it back to the store and tell them hey somethings wrong here. My 2 coppers.
Parent - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 06-06-2010 19:07
I had some Prefeerd 1/8" wheels that were putting out some vibrations.  But what really sucked was they would get all used up on one 8" weld.  This was the case with the whole box until i got some new ones from another box.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-06-2010 22:50
All the welding supplies I've seen at TSC are china made JUNK !  Anymore questions ?
Parent - - By sparksandslag (**) Date 06-07-2010 04:41
Thanks for the feedback, guys.  I tried another of the TSC POS disks, and guess what?---same song, second verse.  As to the possibility of being wet--nada.  They were in a dry box.  As to whether or not it was running true--I don't know, because when the grinder tried to walk out of my hands, I shut it down PDQ.  I've seen what a radial arm saw blade does when it explodes, and it aint pretty!  Anything spinning that fast needs to run smooooth.  I didn't get this old by being stupid, so the rest of the disks are going to be consigned to duties along the line of either trot line weights or low and slow clay pigeons--anything to keep some poor schumck from getting hold of one and possibly injuring or killing himself.  (NOTE TO SELF---Stay the @#$% away from TSC!!!)
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-08-2010 00:03
When it seems to good to be true it usually is.   You get what you pay for on products from the land of almost right.   Only china wheels I ever used or saw that didn't wobble or worked half way decent were some a guy was selling on here a while he was giving out samples but I lost his contact info when other computer died.  I tried some they worked but didn't last half as long as Sait or others.  Lots of Norton isn't made here now and the others may not be either.  TSC didn't come here till 3 years ago and I learned right quick they are like walmart & harbor freight going to get what you pay for and most of what they sell is not made here which means it killing off jobs and the economy here.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-09-2010 14:28
"china made JUNK !"

That pretty much says all you need to know. Not to mention that the good ones at the supply house are not much more expensive than TSC anyhow. Bought one 7" wheel at Lowe's once, went to my guy at the WS and same Sait wheel had to be 1/2 the price of the Dewalt at Lowes. Never bought grinder wheels, clean up wheels or wire wheels from anywhere else but the WS since then.
Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-09-2010 19:28
Sait actually has Italian origins but part of United Abrasives.  It's more of a quality issue no matter where it is made but you can just about figure something from the land of almost right is junk.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-10-2010 10:58
A buddy of mine and I have come up with some compromises in the Buy American deal. We try to buy American but if it is made in Canada or Mexico we figure at least it is on the same continent. The brake pads for my truck were made in England, I can deal with that, at least it's not China.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-10-2010 15:53
Yeah I trusted stuff somewhat from Mexico at first but you don't know what all is allowed there either.  CH use to have the best electrical solenoids and products around and are still better than some but quality on all their stuff went down after it came from below the border.  A guy (legal citizen not a hiding coward wetback) from Mexico works at welding shop in town still goes down there holidays to visit his relatives and been in factories down there with them at work and said there is stuff in boxes from taiwan, china, land of wong or others and they just put it together there and then mark it made in Mexico or America or maybe even put a USA label on it so no telling what goes on in all the other factories too.  That kind of stuff has been going on in factories in the USA too for a while.  I wouldn't care so much if they weren't taking away from lots of good jobs here and made a quality product that is the key word "quality" many companies don't know the definition of that word now and don't care about customer satisfaction they just figure where else can you get it and you'll buy another one from them.  It's all about greed for money today and nothing else seems like.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Defective Grinder disks

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