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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Department of Homeland Security came to our shop (locked)
- - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-11-2010 02:00
We are in Sothern California and the Department of Homeland Security came to our shop today.  Three of them pulled out badges and told the dudes in the office that they want to see real papers not coppys for every shop guy. They aint seen nobodt in the shop yet.  Then ICE called and talked to some office dude but nobody nos what he said on the phone.  What are they gonna do to us?  Is Arizona starting all this bad crap? Aint we got no rights or nothing?
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 06-11-2010 02:12
They are not going to do anything as long as everyone is legal. They did the same thing to a Restruant here in my town about a year ago
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 06-11-2010 03:30
You have rights as long as you are here legally. If not then your are breaking the law and entitled to nothing but a ride in a southern direction. Arizona has it right and more states need to follow. PERIOD.
Parent - - By factionfab (**) Date 06-11-2010 04:21
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 06-11-2010 19:24
Parent - By jffluxcore (**) Date 06-13-2010 23:49
You got that wrigth.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 06-11-2010 03:48
HELLTACO? What are you about? Try pulling on the other leg while you're down there.

If you really are what you're trying to put across, be informed,,,,,,, you do have a right......

The right to go back to where ever you came from! Provideing you havent broken any other laws.
Parent - By factionfab (**) Date 06-11-2010 04:22
God bless Arizona.
Parent - By Iron Head 49 (***) Date 06-11-2010 09:59
If I were you, I would be more afraid of the spelling and grammar police!
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-11-2010 10:53
Sure you gots reights and lefts to.
Real papers on what?
Aside, I am calling bunk on this post. Get a news article to refer to?
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-11-2010 11:15
Ummm........ Wow, never mind.
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 06-11-2010 11:18
Arizona did not "start" anything!!!
Where in this statement were your rights violated??

Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 06-11-2010 12:54
Everybody needs to relax.  Helltaco is a just a fool trying to get a rise out of people just like his past posts.  Spend some time talking with hispanics before you try to impersonate them next time.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 06-11-2010 20:41
Yup; don't feed the TROLLS!!
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 06-11-2010 20:44
but,but,but troll hunting is sooo much fun! lol
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-11-2010 13:18
aahhhh zeeee vibora cascabel shows up again !
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 06-11-2010 20:30
Helltaco, do you consider upholding and abiding by the law of our great country "bad crap"? If so, you've got some decisions to make.

Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 06-11-2010 20:40
why don't you man up and reply to the posts from others on this thread that you started....unlike what you have done in the past.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-11-2010 22:48
Because he is a sissy boy
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-12-2010 00:04
Why you call names?  30 guys aint got jobs now cuse some people think they can owne a country. ICE aint gonna rest us they just said we cant work here no more on monday. My people work reel hard and weld reel good to make this country better. Now lots of guys cant make there house payment and got to get welfare and stuff like that. there gonna be reel sory when they got to pay lots more money to get welding now.  YOu guys no where they got jobs for good welders?  We can move there.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 06-12-2010 03:28
Yea, Try Mexico, Their gonna need lots of houses for the illegals Arizona sends back, with Houses you need Grocery stores, Hospitals etc. you should get your foot in the door now before those jobs fill up!!!
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-12-2010 14:54
In Mexico they are heros for comming here if they go back they are shame.  They will go to California or Texas or Ohio or ather state that wants them for there hard work.  If all my people left our new country you would be very sory to do the work we do. It would be all messed up for you
Parent - By kkfabricator (**) Date 06-13-2010 23:56
nobody wants them here unless they do it legally. if they can't figure out how to do that than they have no place here and are taking jobs from those who actually belong here. I am tired of watching all of these illegals have jobs, and all of the AMERICANS out of work and then listening to the illegals ***** about how they are not being treated fair. if they want to be treated like they belong, than they should stay in their own country.
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-12-2010 05:51
I hope you can weld better than how you use your grammer and your spelling sucks as well. Is that how they teach it south of the border?
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-12-2010 15:00
I no lots a welding reel good. I went all the way to 5 grade in Mexico and high school here.  The school here is bad they let you pass for nothing. In Mexico you have to no lots to pass.
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-12-2010 21:47
They sure the hell didn't teach you how to spell!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-12-2010 12:27 Edited 06-12-2010 12:31
"Now lots of guys cant make there house payment and got to get welfare and stuff like that."

They are here illegally and since they can not legally work here they are going to use our welfare system ILLEGALLY!!!

Get legal or GET OUT!!!!

Pay more for welders you say? You mean pay what they are worth rather than the peanuts that the illegal immigrants will work for?

By the way, are you still employed? If not I would have to assume you are an illegal immigrant as well, and if that is the case you had better not ever fill in your profile information or post your true identity and location because you WILL get reported to INS.

Parent - - By FixaLinc (****) Date 06-12-2010 13:40
You have the right to become a LEGAL citizen and also have the right to LEAVE !  This is the USA NOT mexico or some other country you want it to be DUH !
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-12-2010 15:09
All of my people what come here and  the ones what aint here yet want to be citizens but they are told no.  I no lots of girls what have babys what are citizen and they are not so they cant work to feed there family and dont get enouf wellfar and stuff that is not right to treet them that way.
Parent - By tnhnt (***) Date 06-12-2010 21:52
If you are born in the United States and your parents are in the United States illegally, I to think you should be an illegal alien as well.
- - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 06-12-2010 15:05
I have two comments
1. "ICE aint gonna rest us they just said we cant work here no more on monday. " This is one of the reasons there is going to be some real change in Washington in Nov. My tax dollars go to pay someones salary and they won't do there job. Whomever is overseeing this group needs to be fired. The ICE people in the field are only doing what someone is telling them to do so I don't put all the blame on them. If my boss found out that I was not doing my job then guess what? I would be fired.

2. I understand why people want to come here, because there is prosperity here. But it has to be done legally. I am Irish. My family came to America 5 generations back and did it legally. We have goverment people that do not want to uphold our laws and that needs to change.  I think if they started holding businesses accountable this problem would go away.

Come Nov. you are going to be able to speak out by voting. Please do so.

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 06-12-2010 15:47
Jim Hughes

If your family has been here for five generations, why are you calling yourself "Irish"?!?!?!?!?  Even calling yourself "Irish-American" or any other hyphenated "......"- American is not realistic, and somewhat insulting.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 06-12-2010 22:41
Parent - - By 63 Max (***) Date 06-12-2010 17:05
Yes everone make sure you vote in Nov and also in Nov 2012 and please don't Re-Nig.   :)
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 06-12-2010 20:56
Amen brother, I'll be there head of the line.
- - By sillyslik (**) Date 06-12-2010 22:35 Edited 06-12-2010 22:38
hello all! i love a good stink! well if you google mexico's immigration policies!if i were to enter mexico legally and gain citizenship rite off the top, i cannot own land, hold a public office,among other things very scrutinized. basically a second class citizen. then mexico will not respect me and print sign and literature in my native dialect,nor provide me with english speaking service reps.and i do not qualify for public assistance! so i think we should adopt mexican immigration policy , and round all your butts up and send ya back ! so there!
Parent - - By HELLTACO (*) Date 06-12-2010 23:04
Thats the way the USA treats us so now you no how it feels.  You think the USA just gives us this stuff but we got to hide and lie and pay for it.  You stoll this country from us and we are taking it back.  Our Presadent is smarter than yours and will win this for our people so just calm down and do the right thing.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-13-2010 00:45
"Our Presadent is smarter than yours and will win this for our people so just calm down and do the right thing"

I can't say I don't disagree with you on that one, but a jackazz compared to a jackazz is still......a jackazz.

If your here illegally then skip back across the border and try again, this time legally. If they say no, then that means we're dumping to much money on rounding up and supporting illegal's to let an honest guy in to have a try. You have to hide and lie to pay for it.....that's because, your ILLEGAL!!! What do you mean this country was yours? Are you Navajo? Apache? Comanche? Kiowa? Lakota? Or any other Native American? If not then this was not your country it was their country.

I'm an American Vet and it took me around 3 years to get my wife into this country legally thru all the hoops and loops INS could throw at us. We had paperwork, spent money ran in circles and finally made it happen. She had a visa, then green card and she has to carry it with her at all times in case she is asked for proof. She don't b_tch and complain, she carries the darn card because that is what is legal. When I am in her country I have to carry my paperwork in case I am asked for my visa, if not I get thrown in jail. So to listen to you pizz and moan about how hard your UNTAXED, NON SOCIAL SECURITY PAYING BUTT HAS IT JUST PIZZES ME OFF. Funny thing is the country is not bending over backwards to change all the signs, government paperwork to her native language to help her out, amazingly she had to learn English!!! Just as I would have to do if I moved to her native country.

Don't know what you got in Mexico but some 300 million Americans lined up at the border playin' Wack-A-Mole back across the river might be fun. You say you work hard? I don't think you do. Why? Because it seems you are taking the chicken sh_t way out. You hop the border into a place that is already thriving, working well and sustaining itself. You don't pay taxes, you don't pay Social Security, you plop out an anchor baby which should be kicked back across the border with it's mother. Sounds like a lazy azz to me, working hard would be turning my country into the envy of the world. Building it from the ground up, making it a better place instead of trying to take over someplace else.

30 guys out of work? House payments? Worried? They were here illegally? I could give a sh_t less. Maybe 30 hard working American Welders will have jobs next week so they can keep their houses. Be it a white American Welder, Black American Welder, Hispanic American Welder or a Mexican Welder with legal papers that says he can work here, pay taxes and enjoy life. If your legal, that's great, no problem and I'd work with you if you could not speak English. But to think I'm supposed to bend over backwards and kiss your azz because you don't abla and your here illegally?? Does this even make sense to you?? Probably not, might as well be arguing with the dog outside.

Oh, by "do the right thing" do you mean go to the store and buy more ammunition?? In case you have not heard, American citizens are probably armed better than some countries. Just thought you might want to know that.
Parent - By sillyslik (**) Date 06-13-2010 01:14
amen and pass the ammo! lmao!
Parent - By 63 Max (***) Date 06-13-2010 01:28
I can't say I don't disagree with you on that one, but a jackazz compared to a jackazz is still......a jackazz. :) :) :) :) :)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-13-2010 03:06
I got some news for you.
Everyone of European Decent stole this continent from it's original inhabitants. It didn't belong to the U.S., Mexico, or Canada. So save that crap of 'you stoll this country'.
As for taking it back, good luck. Calderon is a bigger idiot than bush and not much better off than Fox. Fox at least didn't get 26,000 of his countryman killed by openly declaring war on the ones who hold the real power in Mexico.

I have no problem with immigrants, "legal" ones. People who come here illegally get treated better than any other country except maybe Canada. My wife is a legal immigrant, what makes you better than any other "legal" immigrant to think you can now complain about the laws you've willfully broken when so many have come here legally?

Instead of illegally going to America, why don't you and your 'reel good welders' stay in your home country and do something about it's economy. Have you ever considered the fact that Mexico could take it's proper place on the world stage if they simply got a handle on it's corruption? Running away from trouble and hardship is the cowards way out.

I have several friends who are Mexican national's who feel the same way. Don't blame the U.S. for the trash in your front yard, get out there and pick that trash up and turn your country around.
Parent - By dakook Date 06-13-2010 07:20
I believe Mr. Helltaco is nothing more than an agent provocateur. Trying to stir up ****.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-13-2010 14:05
When the President of Mexico was recently in our Great United States of America I was hoping and praying that while he and our totally anti-USA president would ask the illegals and all others from Mexico to boycott because of AZ new law. 

If you don't like it so much then PLEASE go to your own home in Mexico.  If you consider this your HOME then act like it, PROTECT it, work for it's success, keep your finances here, pay your lawful taxes like the rest of us.

There is a place in all our hearts for the nations we came from, even when some left under political pressure.  But once you are here, leave the old baggage behind.  You have come to a new country with new promises, with a new future, with hope, with security, with opportunity.  Become an American.  FREE, Hard Working, Protecting our God given rights and liberties.

Those who are so critical need to TRULY consider what they came away from and why.  You either want to be a US citizen with all it's benefits or you need to go home after a brief visit. 

It doesn't really matter who took what from whom. When they did it. ETC.  We are what we are with laws now in place protecting what is here.  If you think you can take it from us, GO FOR IT!!  You better wait until you have taken most of the guns away from us through stupid unconstitutional legislation.  Because this people WILL fight to keep it.  REMEMBER the ALAMO??!!

Have a Great Day in the Land of the FREE,  Brent
Parent - - By richgar06 (**) Date 06-13-2010 07:55
is this guy serious..
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-13-2010 15:14
Where is this place of employment. We could put the call out and get 30 LEGAL TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS to work tomorrow. Take your last paycheck and get back home where all is so good and your president is SOOOO much smarter. Then you wont have to lie, cheat and can take those valuable skills back HOME to enhance the prosperity of your own family and neighborhood and country.

BTW if you speak Spanish, then you are a European descendant. So who are you to say who stole what?
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 06-13-2010 19:00
No he is not.
But here is a solution to illegal mexican immigration and the coruption in Mexico.
First shut the border down and post a soldier every 100 yards.
Each immigrant sneaking across the border is to the loaded on a bus and sent to the desert in Nevada.
Once there they will be trained how to use a bolt action 30/06 rifle. This training will be for 7 days.
After 7 days they will be taken back to the border, given a rifle, 1000 rounds of ammunition and rations for 14 days. A picture of them will be taken and they will be pointed toward Mexico City with a map of government offices. They will know what to do.
Any found crossing back into the United States will be executed on the spot.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-14-2010 03:38
Hey Dipsh!t!!!

Here's a letter I sent our President Obama regarding this situation and it goes like this:

"Dear Mr. President:

I'm planning to move my family and extended family into Mexico  for my health, and I would like to ask you to assist me.

We're planning to simply walk across the border from the U.S. Into Mexico , and we'll need your help to make a few arrangements.

We plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws.

I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Calderon, that I'm on my way over?

Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. Please print all Mexican government forms in English.

4. I want my grandkids to be taught Spanish by English-speaking (bi-lingual) teachers.

5. Tell their schools they need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my grandkids to see the American flag on one of the flag poles at their school.

7. Please plan to feed my grandkids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do plan to get a car and drive in  Mexico but I don't plan to purchase car insurance, and I probably won't make any special effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from their president to leave me alone, please be sure that every patrol car has at least one English-speaking officer.

11. I plan to fly the U.S. Flag from my house top, put U. S. Flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, or have any labor or tax laws enforced on any business I may start.

13. Please have the president tell all the Mexican people to be extremely nice and never say critical things about me or my family, or about the strain we might place on their economy.

14. I want to receive free food stamps.

15. Naturally, I'll expect free rent subsidies.

16. I'll need Income tax credits so although I don't pay Mexican Taxes, I'll receive money from the government.

17. Please arrange it so that the Mexican Gov't pays $4,500 to help me buy a new car.

18. Oh yes, I almost forgot, please enroll me free into the Mexican Social Security program so that I'll get a monthly income in retirement.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all his people who walk over to the  U.S.  From  Mexico . I am sure that President Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for your kind help. You're the man!!!"

So until your President Calderon accepts my own wishes in order to emigrate into Mexico, you're Sh!t out of luck Come Mierda (Sh!t Eater)!!! :) :) :)

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Department of Homeland Security came to our shop (locked)

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