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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Filler metal/flux expiration?
- - By supermoto (***) Date 06-18-2010 17:44
I was wondering where do you find out if filler metals(FCAW) and SAW flux have expiration times when opened?  I would like to know if you can tell me where it is in AISC manual.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-18-2010 17:52
Depends on the type of work....."most" of the seismic provisions have exposure limits on FCAW wires and SAW fluxes, otherwise, I doubt that you will find anything in the AISC manual.
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 06-18-2010 17:55
Well everything in our shop is a H8 filler and we do a lot of SLRS work and we have a AISC audit next tuesday/wednesday and I am trying help by making sure nothing is expired.
Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 06-21-2010 15:16
AISC Specification 360-05, Section A3 para 5 references AWS A5.1 thru A5.32 for filler metal and flux for welding.

AISC Specification 341-05 Siesmic Provisions, Appendix W covers welding but is primarily concerned with just welding and I don't see any reference to filler metals or flux.  Section W6.2 addresses filler metal packaging but the rest just seems to be welding performance requirements.  Appendix X also covers welding.  X1 references AWS A5.01, ABS (American Bureau of Shipping), Lloyds Register of Shipping, ASME, US Dept. of Defense, or a quality assurance program acceptasble to the engineer of record.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 06-21-2010 15:57
Lets make sure we clarify our terms. We talking atmospheric exposure limits or 'expiration' as I assume you intend?
To my knowledge there is no expiration on fluxes as long as they are cared for properly.
- By supermoto (***) Date 06-21-2010 18:05
That is what I thought, but I just wanted to get someone elses eyes.

- By eekpod (****) Date 06-21-2010 18:26
The manufacturer lists a maximum exposure time once the container is opened.  For example, my 60# spools of FCAW have 7days after the bag is opened.  I have spoken to them and they told me it's actually good for longer, but due to differenent enviromental conditions and locations the average is 7 days.

Now this is different than an unopened container.  In general if its unopened there is no time limit, and long as its not damaged or the seal isn't broken.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Filler metal/flux expiration?

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