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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what is AWS D 1.5???
- - By Chris2626 (***) Date 06-19-2010 09:13
I've seen a job posted in my area I'd like to apply for and they say they want someone to be certified in AWS D 1.5 within a year. I've tried looking through the forum at old post but nothing goes into detail about this. Do you all know of a link I can read more about this code??

Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 06-19-2010 10:24
AWS D1.5 is a code for bridges.
Less prequalified proceedures and processes.
A lot more qualifying has to be done.
Weldor qualification is about the same, it is more restrictive of the test in that only hand cleaning tools can be used and the test weld cannot be moved from start to finish.
Good Luck
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 06-19-2010 10:41
Parent - - By ziggy (**) Date 06-24-2010 00:21

Just curious, but is the job you are looking at a production or inspection job?

The reason I ask is your comment about they want someone to be certified in D1.5 within a year.

If it is for a welding position, certification happens much faster than that.

If it is for inspection work, then the NDT method they are desiring may the the "within a year" statement.

Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 06-24-2010 09:53
it was a job for the Army Corp of Engineers but had to do my resume on the army resume builder BS anyway couldn't get the dang thing to work so that job is out the window. It was a welding position.

Things are getting really scary lately, there isn't anything but dang shipyard work and soon won't even be that if they can't drill anymore in the Gulf
Parent - - By HgTX (***) Date 06-24-2010 17:15
You shouldn't let a computer get between you and a job.  Maybe you just need to update your web browser.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-24-2010 18:49
Hey Chris don't give up on that....the pay was not bad..BUT I think the bennies on that job would be really good.  I seen it and thought about it for a bit.  IF you absolutely cannot apply via computer....then take a day off and head down there and do it in person!!  GOVT work buddy, you usually don't have to work too much and you are overcompensated for it.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 06-24-2010 19:49 Edited 06-24-2010 19:52
Hell no I'm not giving up, for as pain in the rear it was to try and send my resume I hope others had the same problem and they repost it lol.
I really waited to long though supposely the add was ending at midnight anyway, i wish I would have found it sooner though. I tried looking for some kinda email address to send it but didn't see one. No biggy the way I see it a job that dam hard to apply for they must not need people that bad or it wasn't that great. I'll find something else. I got till about March or so of next year for where i'm at for there contract to be finished and when it's done I think everyone will be outta work. I just can't see them getting anymore contracts.

Tommy where I'm at now I think if it wasn't for being a government contract I think the pay would be around 11 an hour. There's job out there you just gotta be super patient and really search'em out. I see so many dam welder/fitter jobs. Almost wish I could go to a small shop and learn everything there is about fitting
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-24-2010 19:57
I got a line on a defense contract job that would probably be right up your alley is a company with a good reputation, I will send you a pm.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-25-2010 00:39
Might be easier to go to the Public Library. They keep them up to date and usually virus free.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what is AWS D 1.5???

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