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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / new or used what do you expect
- - By KSellon (****) Date 08-11-2010 17:47 Edited 08-11-2010 17:53
After a purchase do you expect to have to change the oil, or tighten a bolt?

Here is why I ask. A completely rebuilt 68 w/ 1 yr parts warranty was welded with in my shop by 2 people. The first a non 798 hand for 2 hours, the second a Mr.Bowlware a 798 hand for 6 hours. I had both men check her from bow to stern as if it was their own. Neither found any problems and loved the machine. So I put it up for sale (6k).

The buyer is now in PA. The oil seal on the governor has failed and is leaking down the front engine mount (i will warrantiable issue). He is in a panic. 2 days later he calls saying it won't start so I ask him to check the wires at the alternator, his response "whats an alternator and what does it look like". I told him to go to an auto parts store, have them remove and check the alternator. If its faulty I will warranty it for you with a check. They replace the alternator and the next day it fails (diodes).

His response to this: call, cuss and yell and belittle everyone in sight.

Mechanical parts failure happens with NEW machines. Every 6 months like clock work. I had a welder build a pipe fence around my house, 3 months later some clips bust loose and a top rail weld cracked out-- did I call and yell, didi I get mad when he didn't want to warranty the work-- YOU BET YA!!! But I didn't yell piss or moan. I got it fixed.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-11-2010 18:14
if the customer dont know what a alternator is and dont know how to tighten bolts to stop the leak i would say he/she dont need the machine and should have not called and pissed and moaned about a machine they dont know how to fix. The alternator if new when put on should of had warranty if new a yr if rebuilt 90 days i could see a warranty issue with that but a leaking gasket i dont see 1 but thats just me sounds like they want something for nothing
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 08-11-2010 21:08
Kaye, I have bought many things in my lifetime both new and used and there have almost always been things that needed to be changed or repaired. New house, the contractor was on my speed dial for months. New welder was in the shop on three different occasions within the first 2 months. New truck...I don't want to get into a rant here but I will say I will never buy a vehicle from Jim Click Ford ever again! My last rifle had an issue with a spring in the bolt. Everything is outsourced any more. You don’t manufacture the alternator so you are not responsible for the quality control of that product. I am sure you only use quality parts but even reputable big name people have bad parts from time to time. On another note I think it is ridiculous that a grown man has not taken the time to learn how to do some simple mechanical repairs. I wonder if he calls AAA out to the ROW when he gets a flat on his truck??? Wish I was closer I would have fixed your fence for a beer and a smile:)
Parent - - By 63 Max (***) Date 08-12-2010 02:03
Kaye, Where in PA is he working. Maybe I could stop by and teach him some manners for you or if you dont want that maybe I could just show him a few things on his machine. It's really hard to believe a pipeliner doesnt know how to work on his own machine, lol
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 08-12-2010 05:26
I worked with guys in encinal that would take their machine to a repair shop and sit on their butts for 3 or 4 days waiting for it to be fixed it was always a simple fix but they didnt know how to fix it i always fixed mine in the feild. they would pick on me cause my stuff ws out dated truck machne all of it but i would tell them atleast i can fix my own and all my stuff is paid for hahaha i didnt have many friends on that job lol
Parent - By RUSSELL (**) Date 08-17-2010 14:13
Miss Kaye you can't fix stupid.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / new or used what do you expect

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