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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / helical weld
- By n4v4rr0 (*) Date 08-13-2010 19:10
hi, all
for a welding procedure or welding operator qualification on pipe, how is considered the helical weld, seam weld or girth weld?

best regards
- - By iesca (**) Date 08-13-2010 20:42

Seam weld. See API Spec 5L.

Parent - - By n4v4rr0 (*) Date 08-13-2010 21:07
thanks for you reply, the question arose because the pipe is for a foundation pile.

best regards
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-13-2010 23:59
I would suggest you look at the appropriate specification for the spiral-welded pipe you are using.

If the pipe you are using isn't manufactured to API 5L, it (API 5L) has nothing to do with your pipe.

The appropriate specification will contain the pertinent information or it will refer you to the appropriate specification.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By n4v4rr0 (*) Date 08-14-2010 01:32
the pipe will be fabricated under a national standard NMX-B-198-1999 that is based in ASTM A252-88 "Standard Specification for Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe Piles" with SAW process. in the document there is not enough information or reference about welding code or specification. the purchase order only refers that the pipe shall be fabricated under the standard above.

Best regards

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-14-2010 18:37
Did you look through the specification, e.g., ASTM A252-88? Just after the scope should be listed reference specifications and standards. If it isn't found in ASTM A252, one of the reference standards should reference a welding standard. If I were to guess, I would expect to find a reference to ASME Section IX for the qualification of the WPS and welders/welding operators. I would expect to find some reference that would include terms and definition for sprial welded pipe. The manner in which the welding operator and the procedure is qualified iaw Section IX should be independent of the type of weld, i.e., seam or girt.

Grant you that I an not intimately involved with sprial welded pipe, but the ASTM standards and the extensive reference documents listed will usually yield the type of information you are looking for. It is usually a matter of digging through all the standards to mine the information you are looking for. That is no easy task considering the number of references that also reference other standards that reference other standards. The costs involved to purchase all the standards can be substantial.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / helical weld

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