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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NRC and ACCP Level ll
- - By basecamp2 (*) Date 08-24-2010 02:48
Any body know what we are supose to carry in our pockets now that the NRC no longer accepts ASNT/ACCP?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-24-2010 18:57
A pocket full of twenties?

Parent - By basecamp2 (*) Date 09-13-2010 23:16
no kidding. It cost me a lot of time trying to get a Full year of ASME l signed off for me. I lave working 3 to 6 week outtages, so rounding every one up wa a chore. I have to laugh at my self sometimes. I really can't spell any way, but when I get excited, spellcheck goes out the window.
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 08-24-2010 23:30
I was not aware they ever accepted it.  The licensees must meet the codes approved in 10CFR50.55a of the Code of Federal Regulations.  If it is not listed in the approved code editions, then the licensee has to submit a relief request to use an alternative to the code requirements.  So the chance of using it for nuclear is slim unless it is accepted by the codes or there is a compelling reason for a licensee to submit a relief request.
Parent - - By dlmann (**) Date 08-25-2010 02:56
What is the deal with the NRC and ACCP?  It's confusing because ACCP is in Section XI.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 08-25-2010 03:40
I'm not an NDE expert but my read on both ASNT and ACCP is they are simply reference documents and I would guess NRC then expects the employer / stamp holder to develop a full NDE Program that meets all of the CFR requirements.
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 08-25-2010 11:31
I don't know to much about ASME and how the NDE qualification system is but I keep hearing about the whole ACCP program is disolving.  There are a lot of problems with the system.  In an ASNT meeting a guy who was a VP or some comittee member that was involved in redoing the whole program.  Now it is set up as you need to go to a facility like EPRI to take the ACCP exam, but he was talking about having certified proctor going to whoever wants the ACCP and ASNT would send a random exam and test sample and the answers so the proctor would give the exam and determine if he passed.

I hear there are a lot of issues going on in ASNT and a lot of people are not happy with them.  I hope they get it figured out when all this power plant work starts that people can get certified to whatever the standards.
Parent - By basecamp2 (*) Date 08-26-2010 02:24
No kidding, I have a job doing remote inspections, have both RE & PE on the ACCP card. This company wants me and is willing to wait a few weeks. Now I have to get in touch with every AI and ASNT Level lll I have worked with. There must be an easyer way to go about this. I have taken site test for ANSI-N45-2-6 3 times and passed each time.Again one can't that that cert. to another job.
Parent - By basecamp2 (*) Date 08-26-2010 02:38
I recently work at Palo Verde in AZ. Preforming remote inspections on the reactor coolent pumps, The only test my employer required besides my CWI & ACCP Level was CP-189. Which I had taken 3 times and past. So what can I do to keep every one happy. Sounds like you would  know.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / NRC and ACCP Level ll

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