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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Why does 2010 suck so bad!!
- - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 08-28-2010 22:30
2010 has been the worst year for a welder to make a living I've had in 15 years!! Why ist that?
Parent - By bruce69 (*) Date 08-28-2010 23:41
Don't feel bad, you're not alone.  I am an inspector and am going to have the worst year financially speaking since I entered the work force.  All construction is down.  There is very little private investment.  The company I work for is doing poorly (much of that is self-inflicted but that's another story).  If not for schools and military bases there would be almost nothing.  It is a race between me being laid-off or my company closing, I don't know which will come first.  Improving your situation is hard to do because so many people are out of work. Competition is fierce.  I've had a couple of interviews but the companies have everybody by the short-hairs so they give low-ball offers.  I heard a woman call in to a national talk show.  She was the head of the H.R. dep't at a large, well known company.  She said if you don't have letters following your name (MBA, Dr, PE, etc.) then you are at a real disadvantage in the job market because of all the competition.  You can thank the bastards on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. (regardless of party) for our lack of work.  Billionaires who think they need even more money committing what I consider financial treason if you ask me.  2010 can't end fast enough for me.
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 08-29-2010 13:06
Hey Johnny,
That may be true to some depending on their geographical area, although I find it hard to believe no work is available to get by until the economy picks up. It may not be welding, but work is work. If work is available, even at a lower income level that you are used to, it's still work. My company closed this May & I have been laid off since Thanksgiving week of '08 with some sporadic call-ins in '09 & this year, but the time off was a blessing in disguise. The repair arena jumped tremendously & I have been inundated with work since my layoff. Seems all the repair/service sectors had a significant increase since most were getting things fixed rather than replace to get them thru the year of uncertainty. I know it takes me 2 weeks to get an appointment to get my trucks repaired/inspected & my repair shop owner said his work doubled in the last year & had to hire (3) more mechanics.

I also noticed the Craigslist postings of weldors here in the Pittsburgh still has openings for weldors from pipe to shop work to structural. There is work out there.....somewhere. You need to determine your level of acceptance for work.....or starve. I simply say BS to anyone who says they can't find work.

- - By sqiggy (**) Date 08-29-2010 16:10
Funny how it works out!!!
This will be my best year yet. I have already surpassed the most I have ever made and still have 4 more months to go!!!
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-30-2010 19:40
I am with you Squiggy,
This year will be either my best or second best depending on how my last job ends up.
However, I have already made up my mind I am only going to work 6 months next year. My economic situation is such I only need a modest income. I am going to ride my bike, shoot my airguns, and go to every school function my granddaughter has. I am tired of the whining bastards that have rode the dole for 99 weeks whining they cant find a job. I am tired of paying for these same dingleberries that wait until the gravy gets thin then start whining about how they cant find work.
I have talked to my accountant and just my income tax this year will be over $70K. By cutting back my hours my taxes will drop to a little over $25K. If a whole bunch of us would do this and starve the beast, maybe they would start listening to us. Don't give me tax breaks, make money easier for me to borrow, just get the hell out of my life!
So I am slowing down. Let Hopey the Clown spread the wealth. I can always gear back up when things change. If not, a country boy can survive.
- - By awspartb (***) Date 08-29-2010 20:29
Obama is the reason.  How's that hope and change working out for you?
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 08-29-2010 21:22
The hope went with the change in my
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 08-29-2010 22:07
I feel bad for you If you actually believe that, of course politics influence everything but come on.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 08-30-2010 01:10
I'm a Union Boilermaker.  Our union was the FIRST to support Hope & Change in the Dem primary against Hillary.  The reason they gave for this?  The Clintons gave us NAFTA and BHO was going to correct all that and make clean coal a priority.  The facts?  BHO's EPA has shut down hundreds of proposed coal plants and refineries are closing also.  Not to mention the Gulf oil rig shut down that has cost tens of thousands of both union and non-union metal trades jobs.

Did you see where they want to ban LEAD in bullets and fishing sinkers via Obama's EPA?  They cancelled the bullets part on Friday (at least for now) but are still considering the fishing sinkers.  How's that working out for all the Sportsman for Obama crowd?

Politics?  You bet!  This guy is destroying our economy on purpose !  You have to destroy it before you can "fundamentaly change" it.  Welcome to Obama's AmeriKa!  You voted for the Hope and you sure got some change.  How's that working out for you?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-30-2010 04:04

President Obama has done everything during his term strictly following the Democrat party line.

Any democrat in the Whitehouse would have done the same.

Your getting warm but havent found the prize quite yet.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-30-2010 06:27
It is just not worth the effort Law

This guy is bottom ditch digging whiner if I ever saw one.   I would love to provide a ray of sunshine and real help....but this guy does not want an answer he wants to whine.
Parent - - By weaver (***) Date 08-30-2010 04:05
no disrespect, but I am working doing what I love to do. Unions are a dinosaur. It was not Obama who put the country in the toliet (economy) , I know this is going to start some crap and that is not my intention.  The guy before the current president kinda screwed everyone. Oh an by the way, i don't like or trust any body in politics, but I am smart enough to know That "one" guy is  not "killing america". respect and regards shannon
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-30-2010 05:44
Weaver you are absolutely correct that Obama did not put the country in the toilet.  You are also correct in the fact the unions are most cases a sick, suffering and violent death.   To assume this is all the result of a previous administrations policy's is not only misinformed it is just plain wrong.   A lot of the economical problems or "scary as hell investor involvement" is simply a result of greed...I can make 5% selling off this risky fund kinda thing.  Very little in the way of government regulation or lack thereof created this situation; however the Fed should have stepped in about 2003-2004 and put a hold on the mortgage lending going on (just the stuff the government was going to guarantee).  But the biggest impact to the manufacturing base in this country is a result of free trade agreements passed in the 90's.  The last administration let these stand and added to them to our woe.  We basically for the most part have an open border for both immigrants as well as imports....look up our Federal taxation on imported products.  The biggest economy in the world, the American economy has been based on manufacturing since WWII.   In the last 20 years we have enacted more policies to promote quick profit for retail and Company management based off the US consumer engine.  Problem is those policies are what increased those profits by moving manufacturing out of the economy that was the primary consumer engine.  Right now those polices are beginning (just now beginning to come full circle).   One of the Obama administrations major domestic policy blunders, is they are totally ignoring those mistakes.  Obama is more worried with making a big statement in foreign policy, something democratic administrations have typically failed with on a huge level.   I do not want to hear the BS about inherited economic woes, that is the song of an incompetent person.   Major economic moves/spending have been made by the Obama administration and they have had very very little effect.   Not all of that is their fault but....there lack of attention to the long term fundamental problems is very telling of the aptitude of this administration to handle the problem!!  I really truly don't give a S^^T about yesterday....impress me with what you ARE doing now!!

Wars are usually good boosters to manufacturing based economies.  However it is proven fact that long term "police actions" like our military is currently involved in are long term, detrimental to the economy.  Majorly in association with political indecision based on public opinion.   So that also complicates the situation:  Defense contractors are holding there breath on the latest policy, investors know it has to be paid for in the long run, ........     It will take a lot of smarts COMPLETELY dedicated to improving our welfare and way of life to solve this problem....your typical politician is as useless as a empty shell casing you just stepped on.     We need to elect true patriots, people willing to sacrifice and devote their lives to their countrymen.  Well.....elect your former military as a good starting point.    If you wish to get detailed with this that is fine with me.....people need to be more informed then they are and the current major media is a terrible resource for decision making.   We need more debate, we need people talking openly, we need to change this country and it's direction terribly bad at this point in time, there is not anything wrong with talking about it.  Weaver do not worry about starting S&&T, worry about sitting there doing nothing.

Parent - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 08-30-2010 15:03
I agree with you to a point, weaver. One person did not run this economy into the dirt, but a group of them did. I am not singling out rep or dem or any other party, but the current and last administrations, all members included, for bailing out their buddies on wall street. We've all heard "they're too big to fail." Since when has a private business been too big to fail?

What about Arizona and its border issues? They are doing what the federal government is SUPPOSED to be doing and won't. Not can't but WON'T. If a person is willing to take the risk to come to America and do it the right way, Welcome friend, now go follow the dream you dreamed. If you are here illegally, you and your anchor babies GTFO, and don't come back. If the illegals were not only banned, but kept out, our unemployment rate would go down, more money would be staying here, our economy would improve.

Iraq and Afganistan. How is it that the United States always seems to be the ones rebuilding other countries? To maintain their peace? I know this is an emotional and touchy subject for people, me included. But come on, isn't it about time we quit worrying about other countries and worry about our own?

Imports. I think about the Jeep commercial that was recently posted here. We took pride in what we made, and by and large most of us still do. If management worried more about the people they used to get where they are, I feel people would be more willing to produce. Unions are a big issue with shipping jobs overseas. However, I see both sides such as protecting workers from abuses and unnecessary bad working conditions. That being said, I am a card carrying union member. IAFF Local 179 Hutchinson, Kansas Firefighters. The way Kansas laws are written, we are more of a big boys and girls club than anything. Kansas doesn't have collective bargaining and binding arbitration for us. We cannot strike. We focus our energies towards helping the population we serve and protect. We do make an impressive showing at council meetings and have even swayed a few votes by just standing there.

I am kind of wandering off the track here, but my point is, there is a select few (we voted them into office) that are selling our country and its citizens out. It is time to take our country back, welcome our legal immigrants and rid ourselves of the illegals. Just my thoughts on a monday morning.

Parent - By RonG (****) Date 08-30-2010 16:24
awspartb, your a jerk, why bother us with your whining? Most of have work to do and don't care to listen to your whining.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Why does 2010 suck so bad!!

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