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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what they want for how much nowadays
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-31-2010 22:00
Just did a conference call interview with the President of Ops, Team leader and Cell manager for a "company".  They have been looking for a "welder" for over a year.   HMM they need a guy to be HIGHLY proficient in manual GTAW on exotics, Experience with E-beam, be very capable with aircraft assembly, have some fabrication skills, be a highly proficient machinist both manual and CNC and be productive and capable of making significant contributions (with a track record of it) working on production/efficiency teams.    All for the huge starting wage of $19 an hour + decent bennies in a very remote rural area.  The biggest kicker to me is they are open to letting the right someone pursue CWI/NDT education, have to work for that spot against established employees but....I have never been scared of working harder and being smarter. 

I suppose I should be grateful for the consideration at all in this economy.  The job is 200 miles away, homes are not selling here unless you will take a 20-30% hit on the selling price.  Contracting in aircraft is down, best offer I had was $27 an hour flat, counting $8 on the table all the hours you want.  Have to tighten that belt considerably and be very willing to make a lot of sacrifice to work for someone else right now. 

No real point here other then to vent a little bit....
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-31-2010 23:59
We're all taking a big hit right now Tommy.  You are definitely preaching to the choir.

My steels going up, insurance went up, other expenses have gone up, but they want you to work a WHOLE BUNCH cheaper.  Go figure.

In the inspections, our codes and references have made some upward movement in the past couple of years as well as some of the tools needed.  They also want us to work cheaper. 

I think it will be a while before it comes back around.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 09-01-2010 00:48
I'm shocked they didn't require PLC electronics, EDM wire machining and/or a Bachelors in Metalurgey for $19/hr.  Then they toss you the welding hood and tell you to run out in the shop and build it.  Welcome to Obama's America!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-01-2010 02:21
They want it all for a little.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 09-01-2010 17:53
I have been a heavy equipment mechanic and worked for someone else almost my whole life, ive always been involved in fabrication and welding in regards to equipment.  Im a top notch hydraulic/ elect. troubleshooter when i comes to big tractors.
I have done a fair amount of structural welding done to code (building and instaling ski lifts), I have also welded on a few small pipe jobs(snowmaking installations)
I have a family so traveling is out for me, as i know alot of money can be made if your willing to hit the road, and properly experienced and equipped of course.
I have wanted to work as a welder and get away from the mechanic buiss for awhile now, but the prob is all the welder jobs i see are very low compared to what i make now, so i guess ill  just keep slinging wrenches and welding
Parent - - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 09-01-2010 21:29
Right now no one is doling out because of a lot of uncertainty as to the future of (fill in the blank).  Hang on, man! MRO is going to get huge, especially once these airlines start having to get more trips out of their aging fleets.  There's always military, too.  With your skills it's only a matter of time.
Parent - By commonarc (**) Date 09-01-2010 22:49
Keep your spirits up.  Nobody is willing to hire now due to the unknown as in forced employer health care costs, cap & trade and the BIG one when it comes to welding trades?  CARD CHECK.

All the small non-union outfits are going to be shocked when/if a union goon squad shows up at the job site taking a vote to unionize right there and then.  The more employees you have, the bigger the target on your back. I'm sure you already know this.  These are scary people and I'm no fan of the politics they preach. FWIW.
- - By C6.7weldrig (**) Date 09-01-2010 02:00
No wonder they have been looking for a welder for over a year... that is pathetic!! Wow....

I wouldn't even get out of bed for those kind of wages.

Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 09-01-2010 09:55
C6.7 I would have to agree but it comes a time you may have to take that crappy pay, because seems like the last two weeks I have seen some hourly jobs that should be paying about 25 an hour or even more and there paying like 14-16.50 an hour. Gonna have to start cutting alot of stuff in the house to keep going you know, I know rthe nest job I will have won't be making what I'm making now it will be much much less and have even thought about going back to school and learning some other things.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-04-2010 17:12
Well the same people called back to warn me I have made the short list and they will call back next week to arrange on site interviews and testing.  I am only 200 miles away but they seem insistent on arranging for travel expenses and hotel for me, kinda silly.   Maybe if they are being that particular (sure seems like it), I can negotiate a better pay rate.  I do not have too much of a problem with the job except I have a huge mortgage and the job is to far to drive.  It would suck living out of a camper for the next year or however long it takes to sell my house.  Gotta do what you gotta do I reckon.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 09-04-2010 17:23
Tommy, I know it sucks but man you really need to get on something because I just don't know this whole economy just s*cks and scares the sh*t outta me everyday. Really glad i haven't bought a ton of stuff and have all kinds of bills. I got friends who have bought campers new flat screens and man there barely making it I don't know how the hell they do it. Like what I like to call living the rockstar life style. I try to live very simple if I can especially in times like these. Ok yeah I'm cheap and a tight wad lol

I'm gonna look into this one other job I applied for a while back and see if I can get on with them but I don't know man, lifes a b*tch.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-05-2010 17:29
Well, for all they want $19 does not sound great, actually sounds like it should be a salary job instead. If it's $19 to start I'm wondering in my pea brain what the potential is for a guy who knows his stuff and puts in an honest days work then offers ideas and things of that nature to benefit the company. Might be something where you get in at $19 and after a week or two they approach you and say, "we're not happy paying you $19/hour, your worth more" and all of the sudden, instant raise. I've had that happen several times in my career as a mechanic and once so far as a welder. Welder bump was $4/hour and mechanic job I had was also $4/hour....instant raise. Spent 90 days as a Cadillac mechanic, never worked on them before. Started at $16/hour after 90 days they bumped me to nearly $19/hour. Sometimes I wonder if it's just a number they throw out there to get people in, just the caliber of folks and if they find a guy that can do the job but he's just enough to fill the position he'll slowly work up his hourly rate over yearly raises and so on. But, if they find a guy that is an exceptional caliber and well worth keeping.....this make sense?

I can understand the 200 mile round trip, most I've done is 75 miles each way and it was ok as long as we worked 7:30-4 but when we started pullin' 12's, 4-4 or 4-6 that got a bit on the rough side!! I've talked to a few guys that live out past me that drive at least 100 miles each way. They share ride or buy a super econo box and drive the wheels off of I did, 94 Saturn I have was getting new tires every year! Got over 300k on that little car and it pretty much just sits around now, barely used anymore. Bad part about living out of a camper would be no per diem to cover your costs so you'll be sucking that money away from your household income. Good luck!

Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 09-05-2010 13:29
Hey guys,
No matter how much everyone cries about no work & they can't make it on lower wages, the simple reality is these people PUT THEMSELVES into their situation thru poor financial management, spendthrifts, credit card junkies, living way beyond their means, & never gave a thought to each tomorrows' uncertainty. The signs were quite visible 5 yrs ago & only a few took heed. I hear the crying every day & I don't feel sorry for any of them at all. Sound cruel or harsh? It's not.... it's reality. It's because I grew up with parents who never squandered anything, lived on a strict budget, had a nestegg for unexpected occurrances, & taught us respect for money. Pap always said that money is simply a tool..... learn to use the tool the correct way & it works flawlessly. I've lived that method my entire career & it has never failed me thru layoffs, company downsizing/closings, & now that I am retired, I live a very comfortable life. I still work at my shop since my last company closed this past May & the work is steady & fruitful.

You may have to one day get out of bed for those wages whether you like it or not if you want/need to survive. Crappy isn't it? Remember.... you made your bed.... sleep in it.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-05-2010 14:12
Parent - - By flamin (**) Date 09-05-2010 18:11
Not to stir the pot, but consider the situation from an employers stand point, they get resumes from people claiming that they know how to do everything under the sun, and that they are the best at what they do (fair enough). Then when the employer hires them and puts them to work making the big bucks, and realize that the guy can't even set up his own welding puts everyone in an awkward situation. Generally when we hire personnel, we'll pay what we feel is a good starting wage for the position,  once we see the actual capabilities of the person, and they prove that they are the real deal, then we gladly give the guy a pay raise. When we interview potential employees, we let them know up front that we'll give them a fair opportunity to redeem themselves, which is usually enough incentive for them to do well. But I will agree, that starting wages can be tough to accept for a person with good experience. It's cut throat out there.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-05-2010 20:36
Flamin you have a good point...from what I understand they have been thru several people trying to fill this position.  I seen a few guys come thru my last job that just could not make the certs even tho some of them had this "wealth" of experience in that particular area.  BS your  way into a job, getting in over your head, just makes everyone involved miserable and I cannot see the end result ever turning out for the good.  39k is actually really good pay for the area for shop welding....I just think it is low for the experience and skills they want.  We will see how it goes.

Shawn I have had those big leaps in pay in very small companies before...biggest I ever got in a very large company was 10%, that was huge.  The job is actually 200 miles one way, driving just is out of the question.  I am going to the interview because it may really turn out to be a great company and opportunity...they want to check me out, I want to check them out.   I do not have everything they want and we discussed it at length, but they still want to talk to me.  They really want someone who can be super-flexable and handle responsibility, work like that is a lot more enjoyable to me then say your normal production job. The part I have trouble with is making a commitment when I still have several opportunities pending.....a bird in the hand....  I reckon.  I am fortunate right now that I can take the time to find the right job when they are hard to find.

Anyway just wish me luck
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-06-2010 02:15
Tommy, I doubt anybody has all that they are asking for, and You are probably one of only a few who come close. It may be good pay for the area, but it does sound low for all the skills they want.

I am wishing You the best of luck, however things turn out.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / what they want for how much nowadays

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