So is your ACCP certification through the CWI/ACCP agreement or did get formal training and log experience enough to aquire ASNT ACCP level II VT certs? Either way, it seems you would be providing these credentials to the inspection contractor rather than the nuc plant itself. And, if you have verifiable experience logged in remote visual etc, why not just present that to the inspection contractor and let them do the verification?
I mean, if the ACCP program is such a sham why participate in it at all, when you can get certifications from your employer that will be accepted by the nuc plant and you could go to work?
When i got my ASNT level III's I of course had the option to go the route of ACCP Professional, but after talking to several prospective employers, found out that it wasnt of that much value, since the requirement to demonstrate that I could write a relevant procedure would have to be performed anyway.
I should have not called the ACCP program a sham, it's a good program, like every thing trying to grow there is some pains in all growth. I was just in a very very large whats going on nervous breakdown. I should never put thoses thoughts in writeing.
Shouda hada cold beer first?