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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / going rate for inspections/ qualification
- - By natecf (*) Date 09-24-2010 16:31
hi all,
i know this has been addressed here before, but i have exhausted my search options so i will ask again. what is a reasonable rate to charge a client for your basic d1.1 visual inspections, drafting basic paperwork/WPS's, administering  welder qualification tests,bending the coupons and drawing up the cert papers?
I perform these duties for my current employer, but have recently been asked to be an IC for a small fab shop that needs to get their welding dept updated with new certs and also has a job requiring a cwi.
any insight would be greatly appreciated
Parent - By Duke (***) Date 09-25-2010 02:31
your current employer is probably getting 60-85 an hour for your services, so go with that.
Parent - By raptor34 (**) Date 09-25-2010 03:44
I charge 80 an hour for my CWIs.
- - By natecf (*) Date 09-27-2010 01:59
thanks guys, as far as  test plates for a welder qual, what is the average you would charge to witness, prep/bend the coupons, and supply the cert paperwork?
again, thank you for any advice
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 09-27-2010 14:16
D1.1 Unlimited: $265.00/position - Plate prep, filler metal, witness, bend, and paperwork.
Parent - By natecf (*) Date 09-27-2010 16:04
awsome! thanks !
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / going rate for inspections/ qualification

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