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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Older welder Busted 6G test :)
- - By 63 Max (***) Date 10-13-2010 21:00
Just thought I would let some of the younger welders out there that even the older welders are human. I've taken the 6G 12" test more times then I can count and today I busted on my face bends. The inspector told me that and I was like your joking but he wasnt.  I guess I just wasnt paying attention. lol
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-13-2010 21:12
Hi 63 max!

If you didn't bust a test at all in your career, I would know that you're full of it, BUT since you did admit that you have and posted it on this forum, you have my respect for being so honest and humble enough to do so! I commend you for that!!! ;)

If anyone posts that they have never busted a test in their career, then they haven't YET, or they're just plain full of it - PERIOD!
ANYWHO, Thank you for admitting that you're human and you learned from the experience. ;)
I know that I have learned more about welding from my mistakes and busted tests than I ever did by just passing tests! ;)

Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 10-13-2010 23:18
Well Mr. Brearley welcome to the club. I agree with Henry 100%. I have had my share of learning experiences dished out by Humble Pie!
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 10-14-2010 02:24
Been there. Done that. I must have looked so forlorn in the parking lot of Exxon Baytown that some old welder walked by and admonished "Don't care!" He said it twice and really meant it. That was thirty three years ago. I've popped 7018 face bends and almost had to be picked up off the ground. This may be an indictment of my 'welder vanity'.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-14-2010 15:10
The ones I have busted I was able to retake just a few days later and passed.  But, humility is a very good thing.  Makes all of us try harder and keeps us on our toes.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 10-14-2010 18:38
I can remember taking an overhead groove test at age 19 or 20. I had done it plenty of times before but for some reason I blew this about as bad as you possibly could. I knew it was going to be x-rayed and had no chance of passing but I just wanted to fill it up and get out of dodge before the inspector looked me out just to leave with a little dignity. Fast forward 25 years and now as a CWI, I can see how I wasn't fooling him. Ah yes, how the times they change
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 10-23-2010 22:19
I think it is nice to see a QC let a green welder keep testing out. Even though you know he wont make it but its expeirence under the belt. It takes test expierence to get to the real expierience.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-24-2010 11:08
I usually allow the welder to complete the test even if I've rejected it based on the root bead. The practice doesn't hurt and he's already paid for the test. Once the test is officially "over", it becomes a training session to improve any deficiencies in their skills.

When the welder is over 40ish, I usual throw out the question, "When did you have you last eye examination?"

It is amazing how many people don't have regular eye examinations and don't realize the degree of vision lost they have.

Best regards -Al
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-24-2010 15:13
Don't you know it Al!

I can't tell you how many welders I've helped have an "epiphany",,,, Just by ordering them to try on a set of cheaters.

they become instantly happy.. and rarely question my judgement again.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-24-2010 15:24
Careful there guys,  I RESEMBLE THAT REMARK!!!

When I hit 45, a short time back (LOL), I realized I was having trouble setting some of my layout tools.  Those little tiny marks were suddenly not so easily distinguished, especially to line them up and get the angle right.  Went to the eye doctor and discovered it was not only time for reading glasses, went with progressives right away so I wasn't always taking them on and off, but I also had an astigmatism.  Another reason to have the glasses on all the time.  Cleared up the distance viewing even though I could see fine at a distance.

Anyway, it is amazing how the view under the hood changed when I had the glasses on as well.  And I had just thought I was losing some hand/eye coordination.  NO, just losing the eyes.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ZCat (***) Date 10-27-2010 23:38
I hate a bend test with root and face bends, much rather have a side bend or an x ray.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Older welder Busted 6G test :)

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