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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.3 and I-car
- - By dschlotz (***) Date 10-17-2010 00:07
Recently I was asked to give a test and provide qualification docs for welders in an auto body shop. They were previously trained and tested by I-car.
They don't want I-car qualification--they to want D1.3 qualification. Is there any reason that I can not do this inspection job? Do any of you have an electronic copy of a D1.3 welder cert and PQR, and WPS for this same code that you will share with me. It takes me a long time to build a blank doc that I can fill in on my computer. I plan to do the job if I don't get any bad feedback. 

Thanks ahead of time Dennis
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-17-2010 22:21
Do you have a copy of D1.3?

Parent - - By dschlotz (***) Date 10-17-2010 23:01
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-18-2010 06:56
Here's a tip...

Take the standard forms from your hard copy and scan it, then use the OCR software that came with the scanner in order to transfer what you scanned into a workable MSN Word .doc.

In case you don't know what "OCR" means here's a relatively simple explanation:

"Optical character recognition (OCR) is a system of converting scanned printed/handwritten image files into its machine readable text format. OCR software works by analyzing a document and comparing it with fonts stored in its database and/or by noting features typical to characters. Some OCR software also puts it through a spell checker to “guess” unrecognized words. 100% accuracy is difficult to achieve, but close approximation is what most software strive for."

In fact, here's a link to a website which explains the process in depth and even suggests 5 different free versions of this OCR software and how they work.

If you don't have any OCR software loaded into your computer, you can easily download it from or use any of the ones listed in the link above.

Hope this helps! ;)

Parent - - By dschlotz (***) Date 10-20-2010 01:43
Henry, I tried to download some of the free apps only to find it almost impossible to get to the download page. I finally got freeocr to load and tried it. It does not retain the document layout at all.
you get all of the words, but they are garbled.

Thanks Dennis
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-20-2010 05:09
Hi Dennis!

Did you spend any time reading how this application works? It doesn't do all of the work for you... You have to do some of the work also with the use of the tools provided in the app. ;)
You also need to use MSN Word (preferably the latest version) or a similar word processing application that has a form building tool incorporated with the app...

Once you have transferred (Copying and pasting the words & layout) what is in the original document on to a blank MSN Word or similar form you can then begin to customize the form and tailor it to your own preferences... I know that when I write it out to you, it sounds really simple but in actual practice, it does require some amount of work and patience in order to complete the task yet it is after all, a wonderful feeling of having the capability and patience to accomplish the completion of such a project that it is well worth the effort! ;) Good luck with your new project and remember this... Never Give Up on Yourself and what you're capable of! ;)

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / D1.3 and I-car

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