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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / LoL Ever Been Looked Out or busted a test?
- - By stanantonio Date 10-14-2010 03:37 Edited 10-15-2010 04:35
Hey Guys Just wanting to hear some funny stories on being looked out or busting a test.  I just got my first this week and I've been welding ten years with about half of it in the pipeline industry.... So anyways I went to test for Conoco's Pipeline division here in Ponca City Oklahoma for Jacobs engineering and I got a busted weld test on the visual no less. I didn't even make it to NDT or destructive testing LMAO.  I have heard horror stories before about inspectors favoring welders and not so favoring other welders but I have never expierienced it first hand. So I was hired by this company on split check which you pipeline welders know that on split check the company supplies consumbles on companys dime. (unless they supply a consumables pay) Well bless this engineering companys heart since they are green to pipeline they forgott to tell me that I was supposed to supply rod. So I show up unprepared first hand because I usually only carry rod that I need and just coming off a larger main line job I didnt have any 3/32 7018 which is what my test was.  A sleeve test on 8inch with two  1/16ths of an inch wide butter caps to the carrier pipe and then you tie your sleeve to that (No big deal). So I pull out my pancake and the inspector looks at me real funny and says "you cant wear that" and I look at him funny and confused and ask him "say what... Are you serious" Right then I knew I was in trouble. So I find a hood laying around the test shop thats connected to a hard hat with a gold lens about the size of a big screen tv and stripped out screws on the end and it wont stay up and keeps routinely falling down and jabbing me in the throat.  So I scrounge up what old 7018 3/32 I have beer soaked underneath the drivers seat and go to town.. well he was inspecting each pass with a fine tooth comb and knit picking with every pass. He would say "Well your about a 32nd outta code on your WPS."  Well I was able to finnish it at least and he looks at my long seam and he says "you have under cut along the whole horitzontal seam and you have a missed start and stop on your vertical tie inn cap."  I kinda wanted to tell him off but I bitt my tounge.  I know better and I really wanted to call B>S.   What  sucks about it is that job is 2 miles from the house @ the same time though I left that same day to do high pressure tie inns for center point energy in Tyler TX. So do you guys have any horror stories???  Well if you guys want Call ricardo at jacobs I'm sure he's looking for a welder in a bad way since I was his supposed to be his guy.  Just to for warn you that your messing with a very green pipeline group but good luck.
Parent - - By L51174 (**) Date 10-14-2010 13:10
"Well your about a 32nd outta code on your WPS." 

I'm trying to figure out what the hell that means.....
Parent - By stanantonio Date 10-15-2010 04:17 Edited 10-15-2010 04:28
What I think he really was thinking and meant to say is... I was fresh outta tulsa welding school and I might have been a structural flux core welder in a fab shop for  8.75 an hr and I took a day off from work to take a test here.  Oh and I know you got your 80k truck and tools from your uncle or by selling crack and there is no way we are letting you even touch a welding rod on this job site.
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 10-15-2010 04:25 Edited 10-15-2010 04:31
He was implying that I was a 32nd over the width requirements on my weld proceedure sheet.  First two passes to your carrier pipe must only be a sixteenth wide.
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 10-15-2010 16:00
" a sixteenth wide " ????  thats a skinny friken weld  lol
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 10-15-2010 23:12
1/16" wide pass with 3/32" 7018 and you were only 1/32" over on your first two passes... Thats amazing!!! Ive been welding for 25+ years and I am still not able to lay a weld down with 3/32 7018 that is the same width as the rod... you are the man??? What exactly are you saying here?
Parent - By Iron Head 49 (***) Date 10-15-2010 23:59
I'm glad you guys are lost too, I read this earlier, just couldn't figure it out.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-16-2010 04:30
Wade you gotta bust off the flux and use a TIG torch
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 10-16-2010 14:56
Ahhh I see now! I think it would be a PITA to sand all the flux down to bare metal though...=)
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 10-16-2010 16:06
I think he just for some reason had it out for me.  Maybe it was the rebel flag welding cap I was wearing or maybe my shirt wasn't starched enough. Maybe its cause I didn't have a flatbed on my rig truck. I dunno.... I did'nt have undercut either in my long seam either. Well Tuesday I gotta go test for Oneoak for  that inspector that's been looking out welders left and right. So my hopes aren't real high for that one either. They say bad things come in
Parent - By nevadanick (**) Date 10-16-2010 16:18
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 10-28-2010 20:59 Edited 10-29-2010 11:42
I realy don't understand how you can put a 1/16" cap on anything even in the flat position with 3/32". Must be a typo. The other point I would bring up is that it sounds like you were not prepaired to take a welding test. Back in the day when the Nuke work was flowing like milk and honey, when you entered a test booth you were always wrong and the guy giving the test was always right. Case in point. When I was taking a test at Satsop power plant back in 81 or 82 the test was a 8"sch 80 C.S on a Arkansas bell-hole, two passes TIG and LH70 A1 out. I was fresh out of school and thought I was a surgeon. I was taught to run the hard side left handed so I was doing that, when I heard the curtain open to the test booth, so I dried the puddle up and picked my hood up. There stood the tester with this stern look on his face. He says to me " you right handed?" Yes sir I said. He says back to me "then you run that side right handed" and closed the curtain. I was scared to death because that project had a 70% break out. So guess what I did? I ran that side right handed. I'm sure the guy was just messing with me and most likely had a real good chuckle about it. I made the test but I thought the guy was going to look me out. The morale of the story is ... guy giving test is always right even when he is wrong. :)

- - By awspartb (***) Date 10-18-2010 23:15 Edited 10-18-2010 23:22
It's nice to see inspectors cracking down on the "burn 'er in HOT and DEEP" crowd.  Could it have anything to do with all the pipeline explosions these days??  Hmmm??

Some guy shows up with a big pile of chaw in his mouth, no safety training, no real welding training, nothing.  Pulls some wet beer soaked rod from under his pickup truck seat and "burns 'er in HOT & DEEP" with a borrowed hood.....and wonders why the company busted him out.  Have you seen the news down in Hillbilly land recently?  Oil rigs exploding?  Pipelines exploding?  Obama targeting the oil and gas industry?  Here's a suggestion.  Take the Rebel Flag off the piperliner rig, get some OSHA safety training, dress like a pro, get your TEETH fixed and speak proper English.  Capeche?

You guys are bringing this upon yourselves and I LOVE IT!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 10-18-2010 23:47 Edited 10-18-2010 23:50
Look Loudmouth. I wish you would show up down here in Hillbilly land. I have a test that I will bet LOTS of money you cant pass !  Idiot ! If the Rebel Flag offends you then TO F*^&%$G BAD. You need to understand somthing Idiot. Us Red Necks were born with it ! We are Proud of it ! Its our Heritage ! We dont make fun of you when you are at work washing dishes ! So F&*$off. And another thing. Why don't you grow a pair and list your info and quit hiding your profile behind a screen name. And before you shoot your mouth off, all the info you will ever need is on my profile !
Parent - - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 10-18-2010 23:57 Edited 10-19-2010 00:22
I'm glad I'm not the only one (THOSE STATMENTS) pissed off!! I'm a hillbilly, and...!!!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 10-19-2010 00:27
Truth is that he is probably a Janitor at Tulsa Welding School !
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 10-19-2010 00:38
I doubt he's that far up on the food chain!!
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 10-19-2010 03:46
To start with, I am not being a smart a$$ here. If they let you guys bow hunt down South while packin iron for backup shots, count me in!!
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 10-19-2010 06:16
I was going coyote hunting that afternoon and just making room for my 22-250.We had been shooting bows that morning.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-19-2010 04:38
Y'all are too funny cyber fighting !! You know if it wernt for us rednecks the heart and soul of the best welders around there would be no welders at all I'm on a job in Utah right now with 40 good welders and u know only one is from the north the rest are from Texas,Louisiana,and bout 30 from Arkansas so do the math partb i think u are out numbered in this fight plus u prolly just found out pipe has a hole in it and u eat booggers and I hope u test me and look me out for a bs reason u might just be pullin a T300 out of your teeth!
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 10-19-2010 18:21 Edited 10-19-2010 19:22
Laughing my arse off here!!!  Thanks guys for chimeing in here. I bet Aws Part B didn't know that welders stick together. No pun intended.  If aws part b ever got out of his corner office and out to the field I might let his ignorant arse be my helper.  Its stupid jack arses like this that is ruining this industry. (Gotta college degree and still wet behind ears and thinks he knows everything and this welding business owes him something). Being redneck has nothing to do with stupid cause aws part b sounds like a real dumb arse in this forum. I bet his baby powdered arse has never put on a pair of work boots.  So aws part b or d or whatever you call your little punk arse. If you only knew what a pancake was and you would know that they are actually safer to use than a tradintal hood and welding is all about carying the heat. "If u can't get it... You can't stay" I like to pull out bigger diameter rods than your pecker. So when your ready to get old schooled.  Come on down to my redneck of the woods and I will teach you a thing about put up or SHUT UP!!
Parent - - By stanantonio Date 10-19-2010 18:53 Edited 10-19-2010 19:15
Ohh I forgot osha ten and osha fourty NCCER OQ and Pipefitter. North Dakota DOT H2s and fours years of college with two AA degrees one in NDT and the other in welding . "Come on wid it"
Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 10-19-2010 22:54
Well if some of these comments don't change the public perception of the redneck I just don't know what will!!
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 10-20-2010 00:53
Uh he prolly thinks a pancake is just something u eat !! LoL turn me up five aws partbs!!no heat no feet!!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-20-2010 05:36
I don't know why any of us even pays anymore attention to this idiot unless like myself, to find some humor in some of his really stupid comments...
I did however, notice a change in the way he now copies the use of my own phrase which really only means "understand?" in English...

The best thing to do with this person is to try your best to ignore him by not replying to his posts anymore... In time, everyone will understand just how ignorant he is just by following his posts without having to reply to them because if you do, he seems to get a kick out of it... So please everyone, don't let this clown bait you into an argument with him in here... You'll end up having the entire thread moved to the OTB&G and if there's some good info within the thread, people who aren't enrolled in the OTB&G will no longer have access to it... So please ignore this fool. ;)

Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 10-20-2010 13:41
Best Idea I've heard yet.  I think him and HELLTACO should go open a hotdog stand somewhere and get lost. They both sound about as smart as a box of Rocks..!    I do think they pop off just to stir the pot..!    But seriously next time you take out a pancake to test with bring out a bottle of syrup so the guy knows you are for real.. LOL... I find that Jackson has a nice #10 syrup and Lincoln makes one thats not to bad ether..!
Parent - By HELLTACO (*) Date 10-20-2010 16:30
for later edit, aint got time now
Parent - By stanantonio Date 10-21-2010 00:56
I hear ya rc welding.  So today I took a test for this Oneoak inspector that's notorius for looking out welders here in Tulsa. Well.... I was the only one that passed. 12 on 12 branch and a 12 inch bell hole and the branch had to be run all the way out and just not capped on the ears and throat. I made sure to pull out my pankacke and had some syrup... Oh and lots of heat and big rods and I burned her in hot and heavy. Yee haa I'm back in the saddle again. Is that to redneck? I even hit fourth gear and a 100.
Parent - - By rondar (*) Date 10-28-2010 17:23
Sounds like old awspartb didn't make it as a welder......there's always McDonalds...
Parent - By L51174 (**) Date 10-28-2010 19:52
Sounds like maybe a hillbilly stole his wife or something.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / LoL Ever Been Looked Out or busted a test?

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