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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / UA-21 test
- By abrahamx (*) Date 10-19-2010 15:07
I am looking for any info on the UA 21 plumber weld test.  Not sure what it is with the AWS.  I am a sheet metal worker who has an oppturnity to work for the plumbers for awhile but need to pass a ua21 test.  Its  2" sch 80 pipe in 6g position.  6010 root and 7018 cap.  I have a 6" tig root 7018 fill that I passed with two days practice.  I also have a 1.1 for flux and stick, and my sheet metal 9.1  I dont have anyone im my local that has taken the test to talk to and I cant just call the plumbers and talk with them all day.  I am looking for info on what size rod is used, tack size and prep if any, weld technique, how many passes, amprage, and any other info one may have.  Thanks for any help.
- - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-19-2010 17:27
its an asme section 1X test . 3/32/landing 3/32 gap 1/8 5p+ root pass and hot pass
3/32 0r 1/8 7018 fill and cap
Parent - By abrahamx (*) Date 10-19-2010 19:31
Maybe its just job specific but I was told 1/8 rod for root with 1/8 gap and 1/8 land.  Just the little info I did get.  I was curious as to the procedure, such as tacking(what size and are they ground to taper at the ends)  What amprage is used.  whip or stringer technique, etc... wall thickness.   A few of us are up at our school but you cant really practice when you dont know the procedure.  We only have some roughly 1/4 inch thick 2" pipe to practice on and it is beveled to a 45 on the ends, which I know is no good.  Just looking for some one who has taken it to walk me through the procedure.  We are trying to get a ba to come up to our school who has the cert but he did not show today or yesterday.  They are the ones asking for welders, we are just trying to oblige, but we need to know what the test is before we start practicing.
- - By abrahamx (*) Date 10-19-2010 19:33
Its for the Marothon plant in Detroit local 98 if it matters.  They are upgrading their refinery.
Parent - By joe pirie (***) Date 10-19-2010 20:07
the coupon is sch 160 xx heavy will take alot more heat than sch 40 2"
its about 3/4" thick the 3/32 opening and 3/32 landing is how i weld it.
no offense but if you have to ask weather or not to feather your tacks
you have no business trying to weld pipe at a refinery. this is also an
xray test and even if you do make the test the chances of you staying on the job
are not very good just my opinion
- By abrahamx (*) Date 10-19-2010 22:20 Edited 10-19-2010 23:09
maybe so.  I'm just trying to get some work.  I know its outside my trade but if I can handle it I will.  Thanks though
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / UA-21 test

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