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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 2007 300D
- - By CK Welding (**) Date 11-09-2010 22:44
I am selling my 2007 300D.  The machine has just under 3000 hours on it right now but it is still on my truck being used every day.  I would imagine it having right around 3000 hours by the time it sells.  I can't post pictures untill I get home on thanksgiving break, but I can tell you it looks just like new olther than a fwe light scatches and normal use.  Right now it is in Tooelle Utah just outside Salt Lake City.  After the 24th of november it will be in Kaycee WY Just noth of Casper. It is all stock I have never done anything except service it every 200 too 300 hours and I run synthetic rotella oil in it. This machine has the perkins motor and will start right up in any weather. I am firmly asking $6,500 and can't take less because I feel this is a good bargin and if I can't get that out of it I would just rather keep it.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-10-2010 05:21
Are u gonna quit weldin or just gonna buy another machine I'm in Utah too weldin on the Ruby pipeline if u are interasted in a vantage 300 holler I got a extra one
Parent - - By CK Welding (**) Date 11-10-2010 18:43
just bought a 200D gonna switch over to that one when this one sells!  You couldn't give me that vantage.  Sorry just my persnal prefrance.  we are all intitled to our own opinions.
Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-11-2010 03:41
Opinions are like *******s everybody has one no offense
Parent - By CK Welding (**) Date 11-12-2010 01:27
none taken
Parent - - By Austin-T (*) Date 11-25-2010 16:56
Just curious-why are you going from 300D to a 200D?
Parent - - By CK Welding (**) Date 11-29-2010 22:05
Just like the way this 200 welds better it has had some work done on it.
Parent - By CK Welding (**) Date 12-14-2010 00:15
Still have it. Its in wyoming now if anyone is interisted I can sent pics.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / 2007 300D

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