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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Advice on a hose reel
- - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 11-14-2010 20:00 Edited 11-15-2010 01:28
A buddy gave me a hose reel that had been at his dads shop for about 15yrs.It seems to be in pretty good shape. I was wondering if it would be worth fixing up or would I be better off getting a more up to date reel.  I have a buddy in nashville that does body work so he could do the sandblasting an paint. I'm slowly collecting to build my rig times are tuff right now and it was free, just wanted to see what you ol boys thought. 

Parent - - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-14-2010 21:46
Looks good !! Paint won't make it work better ! I'd use it them things are high dollar!
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 11-15-2010 00:30
Thats a nice reel! I would be happy to have one like that. I made my own that utilizes quick disconnects.
Parent - By Sberry (***) Date 11-15-2010 18:32
Yup, that thing doesn't even need sandblast, a little sandpaper and scotchbrite and its good to go.
Parent - By FixaLinc (****) Date 11-15-2010 18:48
Sand will get into the spring & swivel joints.  Clean it and use it as is but check for leaks first might need o rings.  The outdoor hammered paints don't need primer just clean and put it on there.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-16-2010 12:16
Nice find Ronnie!!! I'd break it down and hit it with a wire wheel, sandpaper and then prime with some self etching primer(Advance) and then paint the color of my choice. "Times is hard" guys like us have to start somewhere and blowing wads of cash to "pretty" up a truck which will have no useful affect on our welds is money wasted. If you need parts check Quality welder repair off 4th in Nashville.

- - By yojimbo (***) Date 11-15-2010 19:10
My God Man, you're not really thinking of putting that rusted looking banged up piee of trash on a new welding rig are you?????!!!!  What kind of work do you plan to show up for totin that decrepit, worn out, squeaky wobbling junk with?  Waste Management trash receptacle repair?  Lookee here, let me save you some heartache and embarrassment.  You just PM me and I'll send you a valid mailing address where you can ship that old clunker where it can be looked after properly.  Really, Ronnie Taylor, if you plan to break out as a rig welder, you're gonna be expected to do better than that, so you just send that on over to my place- shipping shouldn't cost you that much- and I promise not to tell anyone wat you were planning to do.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-15-2010 19:31
Chrome and Shiney paint ain't never made a x-Ray or passed a test or made u more money !! You can't judge a welder by his rig unless he's running a kickstart welder out of a Mazda but for real if it works use it ! I've ran a rig for 12 years never been embarresed bout a little rust or a dent ! A new rig new bed new welder don't mean Jack except u got a lot of payments lol!! I see slick brand new rigs daily yep I'd like to have one but mine makes the same money!
- - By yojimbo (***) Date 11-16-2010 15:18
Never ran a welding rig that wasn't built on a truck at least 10 years old.  Anybody asks me why I tell them the difference between your new truck and my old truck is tht mine is making me money and yours is costing you money.  My reply to Ronnie Taylor's post was meant tongue in cheek- thought that was obvious.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-16-2010 17:12
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 11-16-2010 17:30
I took it that way.  Thought it was funny.

Actually that reel doesn't look bad at all.   Old doesn't mean no good.
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 11-16-2010 21:19
I wouldn't know how to act if I wasn't getten goosed alittle :) I think I'll use it, just thought I'd clean it up a bit "neat and squared away" as my dad would say or was it... "Boy!! you need to get your head and your arse wired together" Thanks to all for taking time to post.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Advice on a hose reel

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