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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pinholes
- - By f.cano44 Date 11-22-2010 19:21
I have two SA 200 welding machines; both are good machines. One welding machine I weld with leaves little pinholes and my other welding machine does not. I use the same rod, 7010 3/16, and the same heat with both machines. Has any one else ever have this problem? Do you know how I can fix it? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Louisiana Welder
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-22-2010 20:34
I have heard of dc power supplies causing porosity when something is "OFF/Wrong" but I have no clue what would cause it.   Can you tell any kind of difference on how it puddles or anything?  The only thing I can think of that would be a variable would be the voltage vs. current ratio changing during welding....if you have meters on the machine it might be a good idea to have someone watch them while your welding to see if they vary quite a bit, they will vary anyway but it should not be a lot.   I am sure one of the welder techs on here will have some good advice.
Parent - By Johnny Walker (***) Date 11-22-2010 22:22
Ask Tom Fowler he'll know
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 11-22-2010 23:54
Could it possibly be a difference in OCV'S from one machine to the other?
Parent - By lonestarwelder7 (**) Date 11-25-2010 03:23
are u useing the same welding cables on both?
Parent - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 11-30-2010 17:19
The one gettin pinholes is prob more watery causein slag to roll round sides I would think.     Every machine welds different  Ocvs change over time and have seen with elevation I'd check ur Ocvs rpms. And if rack is on punch mark
- - By rumley3060e (*) Date 11-25-2010 20:08
Try reversing the polarity on the pin hole machine.  Perhaps it changed and you just didn't know it.  I had a '63 that would do that on occassion.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 11-25-2010 20:58
I heard from a guy that had a problem with it slinging alot of beebee's but the problem was one bad aluminum shunt which he had them all replaced with copper not sure if it could be the same
- By roundydownie (**) Date 12-02-2010 07:02
check your ocvs if they are 163 engines then set them on 90 for small pipe and 93 on big pipe and i would change the brushes on the bad one...i just fixed on a couple months ago doing that.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pinholes

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