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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Took on some work FINALLY!!
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-03-2010 04:30 Edited 12-03-2010 04:33
Finally took a job today.  Feel like I am going back in is a regular old job shop and running a portable rig gig.   Guy just took over the business not long ago and he feels like he needs more experienced hand in there ( do not know why he picked me).   Not much money but we come to (cough cough) an agreement.   Time to knock the rust off my stinger hand, put my bucket back together and all that.   Thank GOD!!!!!! ....I have been so sick of sitting here at home with a phone stuck on my ear.   Might even work off some of this beer keg I seem to have ate in my sleep.

A much bigger company has people trying to create a position just to hire me right now.....they basically know I won't come in under their apprenticeship program and they are trying to find a solution that is fair to the apprentices (seniority ladder) and enough to get me in the door.....that's a whole nother story though.  Bird in the bush kinda thing.

BTW if anyone wants a heavy tig job around Springdale AR,   Pratt and Whitney is definitely looking......I have been dancing with them for 3 months and just could not come to terms.  Not a bad place or a bad job  I just needed more $$.

Just happy to get back to work that's all

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-06-2010 03:01
Good to hear You found something, hope it all works out to your advantage.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 12-06-2010 18:22
glad to hear you found work, i've wondered why i hadn't heard from ya.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-07-2010 03:32
THX Dave  meee too man.

Chris I assume you have been as busy as me really.   I just started the job today but, I have been rearranging the shop, doing a lot of auto repairs for myself and others.  I actually spent a few hours running 7018 vert and overhead to make sure I still could the other nite.  I am glad I was not as rusty as I should be.  I am probably going to be running all the after hours calls for this shop, so depending, I might be hard to pin down.  I expected to be a lot more sore today then I am...well maybe I best shut up and see how it goes in the morning!  These folks seem pretty laid back so it should be an enjoyable gig overall.   Well I am going to look round here a bit and get ready to crash.  Feels weird getting up in the morning after ten years of working nights.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 12-07-2010 10:58
I'm still at the same ole **** hole figure I'll ride this train till it stops and boy is it ruff one. Seems like jobs though are starting to pick up around here so i just hope I can land something better either the same distance or little closer to home.
I'm back on nights again for the month but good news is I'll get about 10 days off for Christmas so that will be nice
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-08-2010 03:51
Back on nights huh?   well that kinda least ur single and all.  Hope you and ur Dad winterized that boat good, looks like we may actually have some winter coming this year!   I will get a few paid days off but probably will have to do a few special jobs to carry a week in Christmas.  Not to sound aloof or coincided or something but the way the situation is I am basically a brain surgeon working in a room full of plumbers....that has it's good and bad points....but at least the owner has a successful biz in a extremely competitive field so he is sharp on what counts ....the numbers.   We have a great re pore so far and I think we are developing a good understanding between there is potential..SO FAR.

It is just amazing to me how good it feels just to get out and work really.  Especially since I was so worried about going back to field/job shop work at my age.   I made about 1k today (kinda slow day) by myself and told him we broke even today on me.  The other guys were out on a piddle handrail job.  I did the front and back of a very abused 25 foot covered trailer, 5-6 high end AL rims, and in the in between gave the technical bid on a couple of bigger jobs,  drew out another and diagnosed a syncrowave maintenance problem with the switchgear.  A full day but, lots of laughs and a fun day.  I feel lucky to have a job right now.  Thank God for providing the right things at just the right time, I very seriously cannot say that enough!  I walked thru my front door looking like a coal miner the last two days BUT I did it with a grin on my face.

Best I have felt in a long time.

Thanks for letting me ramble guys
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Took on some work FINALLY!!

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