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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Steel pipe cased in fiberglass
- - By crahner (**) Date 12-23-2010 02:53
Is anyone familar with steel fuel line being cased in fiberglass, and the secondary (fiberglass) has to pass a pneumatic test?  The big problem in my mind is getting it all in the hole without breaking the fiberglass.
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 12-28-2010 17:59
As English is not my mother language, let me check if I've understood exactly what your problem is.
You've got a steel piping that will carry some kind of fuel and that should be stuck within a fiberglass piping. I'd guess that the reason is because the piping will be buried. Right?
You're asking whether or not the fiberglass piping should be submitted to a pneumatic test after the steel piping is within it. Am I right?
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-29-2010 01:46 Edited 12-29-2010 01:52
I use to build very large fuel tanks that were cased in spray on fiberglass.....think about a 20,000 gal or larger tank being put in the hole and buried.  You might chip the coating but breaking it clean open will take some special effort.  The structure it is sprayed on acts as a terrific reinforcement.   It is a cheap, fast and easy way to get dual containment and it works pretty well.   As far as a pneumatic test of the secondary .....I am not sure that it does not stick to the primary so good that it would be impossible.  I do not remember seeing pressure testing of the secondary.....but maybe so.
- - By crahner (**) Date 12-29-2010 03:41
The fiberglass is for secondary containment and must pass pneumantic test.  I  just can not get a good idea on how to get the joints of fiberglass on the steel and get it all in the hole.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-29-2010 03:50
What is the diameter and wall thickness of the fiberglass? It gets pretty strong when it is thick enough.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Steel pipe cased in fiberglass

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